• Since 2018: PhD student at the University of Limoges (Faculty of Medicine) Limoges (France)
  • 2017-2018: Master 2 Genetics & Physiology at the University of Limoges (Faculty of Sciences and Techniques) Limoges (France) and University of Clermont Auvergne (UFR of Biology) Clermont-Ferrand (France)
  • 2016-2017: Master 1 Biology – Health at the University of Limoges (Faculty of Sciences and Techniques) Limoges (France)
  • 2013-2016: Licence in Cellular Biology and Physiology at University of Limoges (Faculty of Sciences and Techniques) Limoges (France)

Since 2018:

  • Thesis at UMR 1248 INSERM/University of Limoges and EA4245 University of Tours

    “Study of the effects of hypoxia/reoxygenation on the expression and activity of renal tubular transporters ABC and SLC”


  • Internship at UMR 1248 INSERM/University of Limoges and EA4245 University of Tours

    « Study of the effects of hypoxia/reoxygenation on the expression and activity of renal tubular transporters MRP2/4 and OAT1/3 « 


  • Internship at UMR 1248 INSERM/University of Limoges

    « Differential effects of calcineurin inhibitors on the cofiline-actin-MRTF/SRF axis of proximal tubular cells »