Laboratory of Economic Analysis and Forecasting (LAPE)
EA 1088
Amine TARAZI – Director
(0033) 555 14 92 36
Adress : FDSE – 5 Rue Félix Eboué – BP 3127 – 87031 LIMOGES CEDEX
Administrative Supervision : Université de Limoges
Parent Institute : SHS
Doctoral School : ED 526 “Sociétés et Organisations”
Associated Research Master : Master + in Banking and Finance
Professors : 14
Other researchers : 8
Accreditated to direct research (HDR) : 6
Doctoral Students : 15
Administratif staff : 1
Peer reviewed journal : 45 Book chapters : 1 Thesis defended : 11 Conference presentations : 94 Others :2 work editing & 5 general public presebtations
Current national project : 1 Europlace Institute of Finance (Louis Bachelier)
Number of industrial or research agreements with major organizations : 2
National conferences, seminars organized : 1
International conferences, seminars organized : 8
The scientific activity is carried out through a single programme, “Banking structures, risk and performance : lessons for prudential systems”, that focuses on two themes : “Capital structures, banking strategies and risk: challenges for supervision” and “balance sheet constraints and banking risk: lessons for regulation”.
These two themes must play a role in the development of methods and tools used by banking and monetary authorities to help prevent bankruptcies and crises; as such, they contribute to the security and stability of the financial system and also raise the issue of the impact exerted by new prudential rules on the performance of economies.
Research themes
Bank Risk and Prudential Regulation ; Financial Institutions ; Banking Regulation ; Economic Stability, Vulnerability of Financial Systems ; Growth and Economic Policy ; Financial Development and Economic Growth
Banking ; Bank Risk ; Prudential Regulation ; Financial Markets ; Local Economic Development
Best papers award :
- Distinguin I., Roulet C., and Tarazi A., “Bank Capital Buffer and Liquidity: Evidence from US and European publicly traded Banks”, 2011 IFABS Best PhD Student Paper Award, International Finance and Banking Society Conference, 30 June-2 July 2011, Roma (Italy)
- Crampes C., Haritchabalet C., Jullien B., “Advertising, Competition and Entry in Media Industries”, Prix du “Meilleur article publié en 2009 dans The Journal of Industrial Economics”, (décerné en 2011) – Distinguin I., Roulet C., and Tarazi A., “Bank Capital Buffer and Liquidity: Evidence from US and European publicly traded Banks”, Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference Best Paper award, 13-14 February, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
- Lepetit L., Tarazi A., Zedek N., “Ultimate Ownership Structure and Bank Regulatory Capital Adjustment: Evidence from European Commercial Banks”, Best paper in “Banking” award, 3rd APBRC, 25-26 February, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
- Tarazi A., Zedek N. “Excess Control Rights, Financial Crisis and Bank Profitability and Risk”, BankScope Prize for the best paper in Banking, 26th AFBC, Sydney, 17-19 December 2013
- Tarazi A., Zedek N., “Excess Control Rights, Financial Crisis and Bank Profitability and Risk”, Best paper in Finance Award, 25th IBRC, 14-15 January 2014, Cape Town (South Africa)
- Tarazi A., Zedek N., “Excess Control Rights, Financial Crisis and Bank Profitability and Risk”, Best Paper in Risk Management, Banking, and Financial Services, The 21st Global Finance Conference, GFC, March 31 – April 2, 2014, Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
Equipment / Technical resources
Specialized documentary collection ; Databases
Active National University Partnerships : University of Poitiers, University of Strasbourg, University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, University of Bordeaux IV-Montesquieu
Current International University Partnerships : University of Birmingham (United Kingdom), Bangor University (United Kingdom), Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), University of Southern California (USA), New York University (USA), Rensselaer, New York (USA), Fordham University (USA), University of Colorado (USA); University of Kansas (USA),Chapman University (USA), University of the Philippines (Philippines), National Chengchi University (Taiwan) , Nanhua University (Taiwan), Sebelas Maret University (Indonésie) et Guadja Mada University (Indonésie), Réseau FINEST (Financial Intermediation Network of European Studies)
National Industrial Partnerships : “Banking vulnerability: liquidity creation, capitalization and balance sheet structure”, research agreement with JPLC Credit Risk, November 2008/ November 2010. ”Modelling the performance of assets and optimizing risks in times of stress”, research agreement with JPLC Credit Risk, January 2011/December 2013. ”Modelling the performance of assets and optimizing risks in times of stress”, research agreement with JPLC Credit Risk, January 2012/December 2014.
Partnerships with National Organizations and Institutions : The European Money and Finance Forum (SUERF).