Master’s 1 – Foreign Languages Applied to Multicultural Management


Initial course and ongoing training throughout life


five years of post-secondary education




The Master’s lasts 2 years
There are 2 semesters of 12 weeks of lessons per year
Average volume of lessons, according to the options chosen:
Master’s 1: 26 hours per week in the first semester
Master’s 2: 26 hours per week in the first semester
The second semester each year is devoted to a work placement and/or international mobility 

Course venue

Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines
39E, rue Camille-Guérin 
87036 Limoges cedex

Contact details

Master’s supervisor
Anne Gabaud
(0033) 555 43 56 00
(0033) 555 43 56 03

Master’s supervisor
Bertrand Westphal


Multidisciplinary approach to the issue of internationalisation of companies: 
This approach is developed through basic lessons taught by teachers belonging to research teams and lessons provided by professionals. The multidisciplinary nature is visible through the different experiences and scientific origins of stakeholders and a scientific orientation particularly mindful of a collective dynamic targeting the issue of multiculturalism.  

High level of proficiency in two foreign languages (English, German or Spanish): 
The teaching focuses on the in-depth learning of two foreign languages (English, German or Spanish) at the same level and their implementation in the areas of internationalisation of companies. 

Acquisition of a multicultural professional experience abroad: 
Every student following this Professional Master’s must complete a semester of study or a work placement abroad. Semester 4 is reserved exclusively for a course validated by the defence of a thesis. 


Graduates are able: 

  • To analyse the problems of internationalisation in areas such as marketing, the commercial policy of the company, the accounting community, social law in Europe and geopolitics, 
  • To set up and complete international projects 
  • To manage cultural differences, detect codes specific to each culture and solve problems encountered, 
  • To assist people with international mobility, 
  • To work in a heterogeneous environment in France or abroad.

Number of ECTS credits: 60

Registration fee

The student is liable for the university registration fees, set annually by ministerial order.
Student social security can be added to these fees.

Campus France

The University of Limoges belongs to the agency Campus France and the facility CEF (Centre pour les Études en France). International students who live abroad (outside the EU, excluding BGE/BGF [holders of scholarships awarded by the French government and foreign countries, respectively]), wishing to pursue their studies in Limoges, must file their applications with the agency Campus France. A Centre pour les Études en France exists in the following countries: Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Comores, Gabon, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Japan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Peru, Republic of Congo, Russia, Senegal, South Korea, Syria (suspended), Taiwan, Tunisia, United States, Vietnam. The procedure is dematerialised: for more information, please click on the link below.

Campus France website

Organisation of the curriculum

Semester 1 : 30 ECTS, 312 hours of instruction

  • Languages and Cultures – two modules 
  • Anglophone language and culture: 72 hours, 10 ECTS 
  • Hispanic language and culture/Germanic language and culture: 72 hours, 10 ECTS 
  • Application and professionalisation: 168 hours, 10 ECTS 

Semester 2 : 30 ECTS

  • Work placement at a company abroad or in France or 
  • Semester of studies at a partner university 


Semester 1 –  (English/German course) 

TU1 – English language and English-speaking culture credits : 10

Civilisation of the English-speaking world
Oral communication and consecutive interpretation (English)
Translation and reporting in a foreign language (English)

TU2 – Germanic language and culture credits : 10

Oral communication and consecutive interpretation (German)
Political institutions & historical developments of Germany
Translation and reporting in a foreign language (German)

TU3 – Application of professionalisation credits : 10

Intercultural communication
French labour law
International marketing
Setting up of European projects
International legal issues
Human resources
ICT & written & oral communication

Semester 2 – (English/German course)

TU4 – A single elective unit (professional experience)credits : 20
TU 4 (Professional experience abroad) credits : 20

Work placement abroad

TU 4 (Professional experience in France) credits : 20

Work placement in France

TU4 – University experience credits : 20

Course in a foreign university

TU5 – Multiculturalism credits : 10

Discovery report


Semester 1 – (English/Spanish course)

TU1 – English language and English-speaking culture credits : 10

Civilisation of the English-speaking world
Oral communication and consecutive interpretation (English)
Translation and reporting in a foreign language (English)

TU2 – Hispanic language and culture credits : 10

Oral communication and consecutive interpretation (Spanish)
Powers & policies in the modern and contemporary Hispanic world
Translation and reporting in a foreign language (Spanish)

TU3 – Application of professionalisation credits : 10

Intercultural communication
French labour law
International marketing
Setting up of European projects
International legal issues
Human resources
ICT & written & oral communication

Semester 2 – (English/Spanish course)

TU4 – A single elective unit (professional experience) credits : 20
TU 4 (Professional experience abroad) credits : 20

Work placement abroad

TU 4 (Professional experience in France) credits : 20

Work placement in France

TU4 – University experience credits : 20

Course in a foreign university

TU5 – Multiculturalism credits : 10

Discovery report

Professional integration

Companies located in France or abroad; organisations coordinating youth mobility, social or humanitarian organisations, tourism organisations, local authorities or French and foreign universities. 
Careers relating to multicultural management: International sales manager, manager of international transfers of personnel, European project promoter, international events organiser, youth advisor, multicultural mediator.