Observatory of Institutional and Legal Changes (OMIJ)
Perrot Xavier – Director
(0033) 555 34 97 11
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Adress : FDSE – 5 Rue Felix Eboué – BP 3127 87031 LIMOGES CEDEX 1
Administrative Supervision : Université de Limoges
Parent Institute : SHS
Doctoral School : ED 88 – Pierre Couvrat Droit et Science Politique
Associated Research Master : – M2 Droit public et administration – Master M2 Droit de l’environnement, de l’aménagement et de l’urbanisme – Master M2 Histoire du Droit : Institutions coutumières et gestion des conflits
Professors : 47
Other researchers : 3
Accreditated to direct research (HDR) : 22
Doctoral Students : 84
Engineers, Technicians : 1
Peer reviewed journal : 400
Books : 40
Book chapters : 100
Thesis defended : 34
Conference presentations : 160
Other : 130
Projects : 9
National conferences, seminars organized : 16
International conferences, seminars organized : 10
The Laboratory is strong of around 40 professors/researchers and hosts 2 thematic teams : the CRIDEAU (Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Environmental, Urban Planning and Development Law) and the CDES (Centre for the Law and Economics of Sport). The lab wished to group the activities of the teams together around a joint work programme : “Justice and protection of fundamental rights” and focuses on four specific scientific programmes :
• changes in French law as a result of the influence of human rights (ECHR, limits of traditional judicial responses)
• the administration of legal systems in Europe (administration of justice and assessment of legal systems in Europe) • Justice, activities of general interest and protection of social rights
• justice, risks, health, well-being. This research programme has been assessed by the AERES (French Evaluation Agency for Research and Higher Education, A+) and approved by the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research.
Research themes
Justice and fundamental Rights ; Administration and Quality of Justice ; International Criminal Law, Transitional Justice, conflict management ; European Law of Human Rights, protection of social rights ; Legal anthropology ; Environmental Law ; Sports Law and Economics of Sport
Justice ; Fundamental Rights ; Social rights ; Conflict management ; Sport ; Environment
1 Junior member of the IUF (2005-2010)
Equipment / Technical resources
Specialized documentary collection ; Law history Library (IAJ – OMIJ) ; Environmental Law Library (CRIDEAU) ; Documentary database on international criminal justice (Excellence Chair on conflict and post-conflict management)
Active National University Partnerships : Active partnerships with the Universities of Poitiers and Paris I within the framework of the ANR MAJICE project
Current International University Partnerships : Development of the EUROPA network with the cooperation of 17 European states ; Partnership with European universities within the framework of the Excellence Chair on conflict and post-conflict management ; Environmental (CRIDEAU) : Partnership with the National University of Santa Fe (Universidad del litoral, Argentina) within the “ECOS” programme framework (research on non-regression in environmental law, with the creation of a global observatory with other South American, Asian and European partners), and delocalization of a Master 2 ; Sport (CDES): Partnership with South American universities (Paraguay and Uruguay) on a training component (delocalization of a Master 2 in Law and Economics of Sport) and on a research component (comparative analysis of the organization of sports) ; Private Law: AOI (International Call for Tenders) Judex
Partnerships with National Organizations and Institutions : Partnership with various sports bodies within the framework of research in the sports field (French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF), national sports federations and sports leagues
Partnerships with National Organizations and Institutions : Participation to the activities of the International Association of Sports Economists