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About me

Over the years 1997 to 2003, I conducted university studies at Bordeaux.

Then, I became high school teacher in mechanical engineering field during 5 years. During these years, I also learned the C++ programming techniques and I developed the free software openmeca that models multi-body mechanical systems.

I was interested to specialize myself in programming techniques applied to mechanical problems. I came back to university to make a PhD. I defended my PhD in 2012 and I followed the PhD by a post-doctoral position during two years. Actually, I am associate professor at the Ensil-Ensci engineering school. I conduct my research in the Ircer laboratory.

Since my PhD, I develop Discrete Element Models for continuous materials. My research activities conducts me to co-develop the GranOO software, that I am still coding ! I wrote two books about the discrete element models and the numerical tool. These books are edited by Wiley and ISTE.

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