Laboratoire d'Arithmétique,
de Calcul Formel et d'Optimisation
Université de Limoges
Michel Théra
Academic Information
Ph.D. 1978, Mathematics, Université de Pau et
des Pays de l'Adour
Doctorat d'Etat 1988, Mathematics, Université
Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne
Academic position
2004- Professor Classe Exceptionnelle, Université de
- 1995-2004 Professor class 1, Université de
1989--1995 Professor class 2, Université
de Limoges
1997 (1/4-30/4) Professore visitatore,
Università di Pisa
1992 (1/4-30/4) Professore
visitatore, Università di Milano
1990 (1/4-30/6) Visiting
professor, University of California Davis
1987 (1/7-30/7) Visiting
professor class 2, University of California Santa Barbara
1987 (1/7-30/9) Visiting
Associate professor, California State University Los Angeles
Fields of
Convex and nonsmooth analysis, optimization
Variational inequalities and problems of unilateral mechanics
Variational analysis and generalized sums of operators
Selected publications
On the topics of variational inequalities and problems
of unilateral mechanics:
- E. Ernst, M. Théra, C. Zalinescu, Constrained
optimization and strict convex separation, Slice-continuous sets in
reflexive Banach spaces: convex constrained optimization and strict
convex separation, Journal of Functional Analysis, Vol 223/1 pp 179-203 (2005).
- S. Adly, E. Ernst, M. Théra Well-positioned closed convex sets and well-positioned closed convex functions, J. Global Optim. 29 (2004), no. 4, 337--351.
- S. Adly, E. Ernst, M. Théra,
the closedness of the algebraic difference of closed convex sets, J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 82 (2003), no. 9, 1219--1249.
- S. Adly, E. Ernst, M. Théra,
of Non-coercive Variational Inequalities,
in Contemporary, Mathematics, Vol 4, 1, 145--160, 2002
- S. Adly, E. Ernst, M. Théra,
Characterization of Convex Semicoercive Functionals .Journal
of Convex Analysis, Vol. 8, 1, 127-148, 2001
- S. Adly, G. Buttazo, M.
Critical Points for Nonsmooth
Energy Functions and Applications, Nonlinear Anal. 32 (1998), no. 6, 711--718.
- S. Adly, D. Goeleven, M.
Recession mappings and noncoercive
variational inequalities, Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, Theory
Methods and Applications, (1996), Vol
26, N° 9,
On the topics of variational analysis and generalized
sums of operators:
- T. Pennanen, R. T. Rockafellar, M. M. Théra,
convergence of monotone operators, Proceedings
of the AMS, 130, 2261--2269, 2002
- T. Pennanen, J. Revalski,
Théra, Graph-distance
convergence and uniform local boundedness of monotone mappings. Proc.
Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003), no. 12, 3721--3729 (electronic)
- T. Pennanen, J. Revalski,
Théra,Variational composition of
a monotone operator with a linear mapping , J. Funct. Anal. 198 (2003), no. 1, 84--105
- J. Revalski, M. Théra,
and sums of Monotones Operators Nonlinear
Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 48, 505-519, 2002
- H. Attouch, J. B. Baillon, M.
Théra, Sum of maximal monotone
operators revisited. The variational sum, (1994), Journal of Convex
Analysis, (1), 1, 1-29
- G.
Beer, M. Théra, Attouch-Wets
convergence and the Borwein variational principle, (1994) Proc.
of the AAMS (122), 3, 851-858
On the topics of convex and nonsmooth analysis,
- V.
Ngai, M. Théra,
On necessary
conditions for nonlipschitz optimization problems Siam J. on Optimization,
12, 3, 656-668 2002
- V.
Ngai, M. Théra, Error
bounds and implicit multifunction theorem in smooth Banach spaces and
applications to optimization.} Set-Valued Anal. 12 (2004), no. 1-2,
- H. Attouch, M.
Théra, A duality principle for
the sum of two operators, (1996) Journal of Convex Analysis, 3,
1, 1-24
- A. Moudafi M. Théra,
the zero of a sum of two maximal monotone operators, Journal
of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol 94, 2, 425-448, 1997
Editorial activities
Graduate students
Habilitations à diriger des recherches
Samir Adly (2005), Presently: Maître
de Conférences à Limoges
Joël Benoist (2005), Presently: Maître
de Conférences à Marseille
Emil Ernst (2002), Presently: Maître
de Conférences à Marseille
Daniel Goeleven (1997), Presently: Professor,
de la Réunion
James-Louis Ndoutoume (1995), Presently: Professor, Institut Africain
d'Informatique, Libreville
Jean Guillerme (1993), Presently: Professor,
University of Limoges
PhD Thesis
Goeleven (1993), Presently: Professeur, Université
de la Réunion
Popovici (1995), Presently: Assistant, Université
de Cluj (Roumania)
Adly (1995), Presently: Maître de Conférennces,
Université de Limoges
Maria Nisipeanu (1997), Presently:
de lycée
Christophe Durousseau, Presently:
in an ingeneering school
Stamate (cotutelle with Th. Precupanu IASI), Assistant IASI
Van Ngai (co-tutelle with Dinh The Luc) ) Presently:
Assistant Professor Pedagogical University of Quynon, Vietnam
Post doctoral fellows & associates
Relevant professional
2001- Present Vice-President, University of Limoges, UNILIM
2001- Present Vice-President of the French Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SMAI
2001-2004 President of the French Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
2001- Present Member of the Scientific Council, university of Limoges
1997-Present Elected member of the Administration Council of the SMAI
Member of the Administration Council of the CIMPA
2001-2004 Member of the Administration Council of the CIRM
Member of the Administration Council of the CNFM
1999-2003 Elected member of the Conseil National
des Univesrités
Conferences or summer courses organization
2006 CIMPA School on Optimization and Control,
Centro Internacional de encuento Matematicos, Castro Urdiales (Cantabria, Spain), august 28 -
september 8, 2006.
2003 IX
Workshop on Well-Posedness in Optimization, CIRM, Marseille-Luminy,
september 8-12 , 2003
Constructive, Experimental and Nonlinear
Analysis in honour of J. Borwein, Limoges, september 1999
1998 Co-organizor
with R. Correa, R. Cominetti, J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty
et A. Jofré, Second European School in Optimisation, et Fifth French-Cliean
Conference on Optimization, Santiago de Chile, December, 10-19,
1998 Co-organizor, with
R. Tichatschke, Workshop on ll-Posed Variational
Problems and Regularization Techniques, University of Trier, september
4-5, 1998
1996 Co-organizor,
journées du groupe MODE, Limoges, march 21-23, 1996
1992 Co-organizor,
with H. Attouch, Workshop on Convergences
in Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization, CIRM, Marseille-Luminy,
june, 22-26, 1992
1989 Co-organizor,
with J.-B. Baillon, Workshop on Fixed Point Theory
and Applications, CIRM, Marseille-Luminy, june, 2-9, 1989
Dr.Théra's research area belongs to the class
of variational methods methods in nonlinear analysis. Within that class,
his special focus is on generalized sums of operators and also on optimization.
He works both on developing the underlying theory of these methods and
on finding better numerical methods for solving applied problems.
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