Stéphane Mérillou

Professeur en Informatique
Directeur Adjoint - XLIM (UMR CNRS 7252)
Université de Limoges

Précédemment :
Directeur Adjoint de l'IUT du Limousin (2012 / 2020)
Responsable de l'Axe Synthèse et Analyse d'Images (ASALI) de XLIM (2016 / 2019)
Responsable Adjoint du Département Mathématiques-Informatique de XLIM (2012 / 2016)
Chef du Département Informatique de l'IUT du Limousin (2009 / 2012)

Publications :

Efficient GPU computation of large protein Solvent-Excluded Surface. C. Plateau-Holleville, M. Maria, S. Mérillou, M. Montes. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, in press, 2024

Viewpoint selection for molecular visualization: analysis and applications. V. Larrroque, M. Maria, S. Merillou, M. Montes. 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Rome, Italy. pp.58-69, Feb 2024

PREFAB-GEN : AD HOC Image Generation for Pre-Manufacturing of Tires Using Image-To-Image Translation. G. Déau, P. Bourdon, P. Carré, S. Mérillou, A. Dervillé, F. Mourougaya. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2023

UDock2: interactive real-time multi-body protein-protein docking software. C. Plateau-Holleville, S. Guionnière , B. Boyer, B. Jiménez-Garcia, G. Levieux, S. Mérillou, M. Maria, M. Montes. Bioinformatics, 39(10), 2023

Automatic Molecular Tour Creation: a Study. V. Larroque, M. Maria, S. Mérillou, M. Montes. Eurographics Poster, pp.7-8, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2023

Depth Completion for Close-Range Specular Objects. S. Pourmand, N. Merillou, S. Merillou. Proceedings of WSCG 2022

CovCopCan: An efficient tool to detect Copy Number Variation from amplicon sequencing data in inherited diseases and cancer. P. Derouault, J. Chauzeix, D. Rizzo, F. Miressi, C. Magdelaine, S. Bourthoumieu, K. Durand, H. Dzugan, J. Feuillard, F. Sturtz, S. Mérillou, A.S. Lia. PLOS Computational Biology, février 2020

Glint Rendering Based on a Multiple-Scattering Patch BRDF. X. Chermain, F. Claux, S. Merillou. Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of EGSR), 2019

A Microfacet based BRDF for the accurate and efficient rendering of high definition specular normal maps. X. Chermain, F. Claux, S. Merillou. The Visual Computer, 2018

Urban weathering: Interactive Rendering of Polluted Cities. I. Muñoz-Pandiella, C. Bosch, N. Mérillou, S. Mérillou, G. Patow, X. Pueyo. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics - 2018.

Calibrating Low-cost Structured-light 3D Sensors. R. Chakib, N. Mérillou, P.-J. Vincent, S. Mérillou. Full Paper WSCG. Plenz, 2018 pp. 30-38

Realtime solar exposure simulation in complex cities. I. Muñoz-Pandiella, C. Bosch, N. Mérillou, S. Mérillou, X. Pueyo. Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 36, pp:554-566, 2017.

COV'COP allows to detect CNVs responsible for inherited diseases among amplicons sequencing data. P. Derouault, B. Parfait, R. Moulinas, C.-C. Barrot, F. Sturtz, S. Merillou, A.-S. Lia. Bioinformatics 2017.

Weathering of Urban Scenes: challenges and possible solutions - I. Muñoz-Pandiella, C. Bosch, N. Mérillou, X. Pueyo, S. Mérillou, G. Patow - Eurographics Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling, 2016, Dublin, Ireland. EG Digital Library

Environmental Objects for Authoring Procedural Scenes - F. Grosbellet, A. Peytavie, E. Guerin, E. Galin, S. Merillou, B. Benes - Computer Graphics Forum, 2016

Interactive solar irradiance estimation in urban scenes - I. Muñoz-Pandiella, C. Bosch, N. Mérillou, S. Mérillou, X. Pueyo - CEIG 2015

Changements d'apparences au cours des saisons - F. Grosbellet, A. Peytavie, E. Guérin, E. Galin, S. Mérillou, B. Benes. - AFIG 2013

Simulating How Salt Decay Ages Buildings - N. Merillou, S. Merillou, E. Galin, D. Ghazanfarpour. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 32(2), pp 44-54, 2012

A wave propagation model based on Monte-Carlo particle-tracing - G. Viennot, D. Carsenat, S. Merillou, C. Decroze, P. Vaudon, T. Monediere - Journal of Physical Science and Applications, 2012

Generating large-scale details: altering soil surface and structure with tracks - A. Peyrat, O. Terraz, S. Merillou, E. Galin, D. Ghazanfarpour - 8th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation (VRIPHYS), Lyon, 2011

3D Arrow: a Virtual Pointer for Immersive Sculpting - J. Grosjean, J. Simonin, E. Galin, S. Merillou - IEEE Virtual Reality 2011 , poster, March 2011

Heat Transfer Simulation for Modeling Realistic Winter Sceneries - N. Maréchal, E. Guérin, E Galin, S. Mérillou, N. Mérillou - Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics), 2010, 29(2)

Détails et Vieillissement en Synthèse d'Images - S. Mérillou, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches - Université de Limoges - 2009

Simulating Atmospheric Pollution Weathering on Buildings - N. Mérillou, S. Mérillou, D. Ghazanfarpour, J.M. Dischler, E. Galin - Full paper WSCG, 2010

Procedural Generation of Rock Piles Using Aperiodic Tiling - A. Peytavie, E. Galin, S. Merillou, J. Grosjean - Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2009), 28(7), 1801-1809

Arches: a Framework for Modeling Complex Terrains - A. Peytavie, E. Galin, S. Merillou, J. Grosjean - Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics), 28(2), 457-467, 2009.

A Resolution Independent Approach for the Accurate Rendering of Grooved Surfaces - C. Bosch, X. Pueyo, S. Merillou, D. Ghazanfarpour - Computer Graphics Forum, 27 (7), 2008 (Pacific Graphics 2008)

3Gmaps L-systems: An Application to the Modeling of Wood - O. Terraz, G. Guimberteau, S. Merillou, D. Plemenos, D. Ghazanfarpour - The Visual Computer, vol.25 (2), pp 165-180, 2009

A survey of aging and weathering phenomena in computer graphics - S. Merillou, D. Ghazanfarpour. Computers and Graphics vol. 32 (2), pp 159-174, 2008

Generating Vast Varieties of Realistic Leaves with Parametric 2Gmaps L-Systems - A. Peyrat, O. Terraz, S. Merillou, E. Galin - The Visual Computer (Proceedings of Computer Graphics International), 24(7-9), 807-816, 2008

Modélisation de terrains complexes 3D - A. Peytavie, E. Galin, S. Merillou, J. Grosjean - AFIG 2008, Toulouse.

Modeling and Rendering of Heterogeneous Granular Materials - R. Soulie, S. Merillou, O. Terraz, D. Ghazanfarpour - Computer Graphics Forum - vol.6 issue 1, march 2007

Modélisation volumique de bois par simulation de croissance - G. Guimberteau, O. Terraz, S. Merillou - Revue TSI, vol. 25/6 - 2006

Real-time wetting of porous media - K. Hnat, D. Porquet, S. Mérillou, D. Ghazanfarpour - ICCVG 2006, Varsovie, Pologne

Phenomenological Simulation of Efflorescence in Brick Constructions - S. Shahidi, S. Merillou, D. Ghazanfarpour - Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena 2005, Dublin - Irlande

Rendu en temps réel du changement d'aspect de matériaux poreux - K. Hnat, D.Porquet, S. Merillou, D. Ghazanfarpour - Actes des journées AFIG novembre 2005, Strasbourg, France

A Physically-Based Model for Rendering Realistic Scratches - C. Bosch, S. Merillou, X. Pueyo, D. Ghazanfarpour - Computer Graphics Forum, 23-3, Eurographics 2004

Simulation de la croissance interne de bois basée sur des subdivisions de volume - G. Guimberteau, O. Terraz, S. Merillou - Actes des journées AFIG, Poitiers, novembre 2004

Modélisation et Rendu de Matériaux Granuleux Hétérogènes - R. Soulié, S. Merillou - Journées du Groupe de Travail Rendu et Visualisation (GDR/ALP), Poitiers, avril 2004

Surface Scratches : Measuring, Modeling and Rendering - S. Merillou, J.-M. Dischler, D. Ghazanfarpour - The Visual Computer - vol.17 issue 1, pp 30-45, 2001

Rendu Réaliste de Défauts de Surface en Synthèse d'Images S. Mérillou, Thèse - Université de Limoges - 2000

Corrosion : Simulating and Rendering - S. Merillou, J.-M. Dischler, D. Ghazanfarpour - Proceedings of Graphics Interface, Ottawa, Canada, Juin 2001

A BRDF Post-Process to Integrate Porosity on Rendered Surfaces - S. Merillou, J.-M. Dischler, D. Ghazanfarpour - IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol.6(4), october-december 2000.

Un survol des méthodes d'évaluation des interactions lumière/matière au niveau local - S. Merillou, J.-M. Dischler, D. Ghazanfarpour - Revue Internationale de CFAO et d'Infographie, vol. 14 issue 2, 1999

Introduction de nouveaux défauts de surfaces dans la microgéométrie des BRDFs - S. Merillou, J.-M. Dischler, D. Ghazanfarpour - Actes des journées AFIG, Dunkerque, décembre 1998, pp. 133-142