Tristan Vaccon's home page
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Tristan Vaccon's home page

About me

I am maître de conférences of the Université de Limoges. I am a member of the XLIM lab, in the Computer Algebra Team. I have completed a Ph.D. in Mathematics (and applications) in July 2015. I was a student at the IRMAR, in the algebraic geometry team, supervised by Xavier Caruso. I used to teach at the ENS Rennes. I was a JSPS Post-Doc Fellow at Rikkyo University, hosted by Yokoyama Kazuhiro.



Welcome to my page.

You can find here how to contact me, how to find me, and some documents I have written. There are also some links to more personal pages and to the pages of some friends of mine.

Duties, Conferences

PC member of ISSAC 2022 .

Organizing Committee 2021 and 2022 of JNCF .

Jury member (2019-2021) of Gilles Kahn prize from the SIF .

I organized the Journée spéciale Non-Archimédienne à Limoges (Dec. 7th, 2022).

I co-organize (2016-2022) the Limoges Computer Algebra seminar.

I organized the 2017-2018 Limoges weekly workshop on p-adic differential equations.

I am among the organizers of the conference for young researchers : Rencontres Doctorales Lebesgue 2014 , October 13 - 15, 2014, Rennes.


You may meet or have met me during one of the following conferences

Selected Talks