- BSc From Sharif University of Technology , Tehran, Iran (1989)
- MSc From Sharif University of Technology , Tehran, Iran (1992)
- PhD From University of Limoges , Limoges, France (1998)
Current Position
Researcher at XLIM laboratory UMR CNRS N° 7252
- Research Axis SRI (Système et réseau intlligents) "smart system and networks"
- Research team: RUBIH (Réseaux ubiquitaires adaptatif hauts débits) "High speed adaptive ubiquitous networks"
- 123, avenue Albert Thomas - 87060 LIMOGES CEDEX - France
Professor at ENSIL-ENSCI (University of Limoges)
- 16 rue Atlantis, 87068 Limoges, France
- Tel:
- Email: vahid.meghdadi-neyshabouri@unilim fr