Title: Exergaming – An Attractive and Effective Training Approach for Body and Brain. [Présentation en anglais/Presentation in English]
Abstract: New technologies are making their way into many aspects of daily life, including sports, fitness, and rehabilitation, where exergames are becoming increasingly popular. This innovative training approach combines physical activity with digital gaming technologies. Full-body movements are captured by sensors and used to control a game. Depending on the hardware and software, various physical (e.g., balance), mental (e.g., self-efficacy), and cognitive functions (e.g., attention) can be trained, allowing individuals to reach personalized training goals. Additionally, the engaging nature of exergames provides a welcome change of pace, which can enhance motivation to train. However, an interdisciplinary and user-centered approach to design and development, as well as systematic research and feedback into exergame design, are crucial to ensure the effectiveness and attractiveness of game-based training. This presentation will illustrate this iterative process with various examples from research and development projects on exergames for a wide range of target groups and applications.