Parution : Francophone Literature as World Literature
Parution sous les directions de Christian Moraru de l’University North Carolina Greensboro, Nicole Simek de Whitman College, dans l’Etat de Washington Bertrand Westphal, université de Limoges, Francophone Literature as World Literature
Résumé :
Francophone Literature as World Literature examines French-language works from a range of global traditions and shows how these literary practices draw individuals, communities, and their cultures and idioms into a planetary web of tension and cross-fertilization.
The Francophone corpus under scrutiny here comes about in the evolving, markedly relational context provided by these processes and their developments during and after the French empire. The 15 chapters of this collection delve into key aspects, moments, and sites of the literature flourishing throughout the francosphere after World War II and especially since the 1980s, from the French Hexagon to the Caribbean and India, and from Québec to the Maghreb and Romania. Understood and practiced as World Literature, Francophone literature claims–with particular force in the wake of the littérature-monde debate–its place in a more democratic world republic of letters, where writers, critics, publishers, and audiences are no longer beholden to traditional centers of cultural authority
Book DOI : 10.5040/9781501347177
Collections : Literary Studies 2020,
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