Excellence scholarships
The University of Limoges offers for the acacdemic year 2018/2019 an annual program of funding, destined to Master’s degree levels, called « Excellence scholarships » and launched in partnership with Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region.
Rules of excellence scholarships 2018
- The selection criteria are based on the Excellence of the application.
- Admission of the candidate in a Master’s degree at the University of Limoges is a must
- the Will to pursue in a doctoral programme at the University of Limoges is a pre-requisite
- 2 types of scholarships: 2.500€ or 5.000€ are possible – The amount of the grant will be decided by the head of the Master’s programme in line with the pedagogical criteria.
How to apply
- Get in touch with Campus France to get registered (if your country is listed among those under the process « Etudes en France »).
- Fill in the application form before April 7th 2018 and download the required documents. Be careful ! Any uncomplete application would not be considered for the selection process (blank fields, missing documents).
- The list of the successful candidates will be published on our website during June 2018. Selected candidates will receive a nominative notice.
- Once receiving the notice, the candidates are invited to confirm their registration in the programme within 15 days. Confirmation process, including final registration in the programme and accpetance of the grant, is to follow directely with the head of the Master’s degree programme.
Choose your Master!
- M2 Création Contemporaine et Industries Culturelles
- M2 Histoire du droit : Institutions coutumières et gestion des conflits
- M2 Banking and Finance
- M2 CRYPTIS « Sécurité informatique et cryptologie » – Informatique
- M2 CRYPTIS « Sécurité informatique et cryptologie » – Mathématiques
- M2 ISICG « Informatique, Synthèse d’Images et Conception Graphique »
- M2 ACSYON « Algorithmique, Calcul Symbolique et Optimisation Numérique »
- M2 Sciences et Génie des Matériaux : Céramiques Hautes Performances
- M2 Neuroépidémiologie et Parasitologie Tropicales
- M2 Zoonoses et Environnement
- M2 Chimie : Ingénierie et Gestion de l’Eau et de l’Environnement