
Formation initiale en 2 ans






Anglais, Français  

Nombre de crédits ECTS



  • Stage en M1(mobilité internationale)
  • Stage de fin d’étude en M2
  • Projet scientifique en M2


La formation s’appuie principalement sur des cours fondamentaux et thématiques couvrant de façon transversale les aspects physiques et chimiques des matériaux céramiques fonctionnels et leurs procédés d’élaboration, de mise en forme, de traitements de surface et de contrôle.

L’objectif est de former des spécialistes de haut niveau dans le domaine des matériaux et procédés céramiques en vue d’une insertion professionnelle dans l’industrie (niveau ingénieur) ou dans la recherche (R&D, académique,…).

Insertion professionnelle

Métiers : Ingénieur R&D, éco consultant, chef d’entreprise, chef de projet, enseignant-chercheur

Secteurs : Production, contrôle, conseil et expertise, R&D de matériaux et procédés de production avancés pour des applications dans : l’énergie, la santé, les TIC, l’aéronautique, l’aérospatial, l’automobile, l’armement, les micro et nanotechnologies, la métallurgie, la catalyse…


Master 1

Semestre 1

Credits: 4


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (18h)
Tutorials (6h)
Practicals (12h)


in progress


in progress

Learning outcomes:

in progress

Indicative contents:

in progress

Methods of assessment:

Written test, report

Suggested bibliography:

in progress

Credits: 1.5


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (12h)

Tutorials (6h)


in progress


This module aims to introduce students to the problems of converting radiant energy into electrical energy, and vice versa. Emphasis is particularly placed on the materials and processes used in the context of the technologies mentioned.

Learning outcomes:

Assimilate concepts on the major current energy issues. Learning the main principles of converting radiant energy into electrical energy and vice versa.

Indicative contents:

General introduction to the concepts of energy conversion and energy storage

Chapter I – Conversion of solar energy into electrical energy

  • Fundamental notions in semiconductor physics
  • Abrupt PN junction
  • Conduction and diffusion currents within semiconductors
  • Generation, Recombination, Lifetime of carriers o Optoelectronic devices: photoconductive cells, photodiodes, solar cells
  • Materials and Processes used in the manufacturing of solar cells

Chapter II – Conversion of electrical energy into light energy

  • Light-emitting diodes: operation, manufacturing, inorganic and organic diodes, chromatic coordinates, white diodes
  • Concepts on laser diodes

Methods of assessment:

Written test, multiple-choice quiz

Suggested bibliography:

  • Physique des semi-conducteurs et des composants électroniques, H. Mathieu, Ed. Dunod.
  • Publications :
  1. HyunSuk Jung, Nam-GyuPark, Perovskite Solar Cells: From Materials to Devices, Small, 11 (2015) 10.
  2. Nam-GyuPark, Perovskite solar cells: an emerging photovoltaic technology, Materials Today, 18 (2015) 66.
  • J. Livage’s course, « Luminescence des semiconducteurs », Rubrique « Cours du Collège de France »
  • Diodes électroluminescentes pour l’éclairage, G. Zissis, Techniques de l’Ingénieur
  • R. Houdré’s course, « Dispositifs Electroniques et Optiques à Semiconducteurs »
Credits: 3.5


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (30h)
Tutorials (6h)


in progress


This teaching unit constitutes an introduction to plasma physics, necessary for understanding the elementary processes involved in plasma and laser processes for developing materials. It deals with the main intrinsic properties of plasma media and their characterization. Theoretical approaches to plasma physics are addressed through analytical case studies. Finally, plasma processes dedicated to the development of materials (thin films, coatings and surface treatments) are described.

Learning outcomes:

in progress

Indicative contents:

Part 1 – Intrinsic properties of the plasma medium

  • Ionized gas and plasma
  • Study of cross sections (collision, reaction, Rutherford, etc.)
  • Elastic and inelastic collisions

Part 2 – Plasma processes

  • Arc plasma
  • Radiofrequency plasma by induction
  • Laser plasma

Part 3 – Plasma physics – introduction to the description of the fundamentals

  • Particle approach: charged particles in electric and magnetic fields
  • Statistical approach: kinetic theory of plasmas (Boltzmann distribution, Saha’s law, etc.)
  • Fluid and magnetohydrodynamic approach

Part 4 – Diagnostics and Measurements in plasma environments: case of electric arc

Methods of assessment:

Written test

Suggested bibliography:

  • L’Arc électrique de Serge Vasquié
  • Physique des plasmas Jean Marcel Rax
  • Plasmas froids : Systèmes et procédés Thierry Belmonte, André Bouchoule , et al.
  • Plasmas froids : Cinétiques, transports et transferts Agnès Granier, M-C Bordage et al.
  • Plasmas froids : Génération, caractérisation et technologies Françoise Massines, Collectif et al.
  • Physique des plasmas, volumes 1 et 2, J.-L. Delcroix et A. Bers
  • Thermal Plasmas: Fundamentals and Applications M.I. Boulos, P. Fauchais, et al.
Credits: 3


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (7.5h)
Tutorials (4.5h)
Practicals (16h)


Basics in general chemistry.


This module aims to study the different pathways for synthesizing oxide ceramic powders. Theoretical (mechanisms) and experimental aspects will be covered for each method.

Learning outcomes:

Find and compile bibliographic data. Define experimental parameters for processes for developing powder materials. Use the scientific approach. Write an experimental report. Interpret experimental results by cross-referencing analyzes and cross-checking with data from the bibliography.

Indicative contents:

This course exclusively addresses the synthesis routes of oxide ceramics.

Chapter I – Identification of raw materials

  • Raw materials of natural origin
  • Synthetic raw materials

Chapter II – Solid synthesis

  • Decomposition of solid
  • Solid-solid reaction: Study of reaction mechanisms (thermodynamic approach)
  • Application: study of the synthesis of BaTiO3 by solid phase reaction

Chapter III – Synthesis by precipitation

  • Principles
  • Germination (determination of the radius of the critical germ)
  • Growth (crystalline and by agglomeration)
  • Example of BaTiO3

Chapter IV – Synthesis by Sol-gel route

  • Definition
  • Chemistry of the sol-gel process: Hydrolysis and condensation: reactions in metal salt solutions/reactions of metal alkoxide solutions
  • Catalysis
  • Maturation

Chapter V – Hydrothermal Synthesis

  • Synthesis conditions
  • Synthesis reactions: case of the synthesis of BaTiO3

Methods of assessment:

Written test, report

Suggested bibliography:

  • Chimie moléculaire, sol-gel et nanomatériaux, R. Corriu, Palaiseau Ed. Ecole Polytechnique, 2008
  • Introduction aux procédés Sol-Gel, Pierre Alain, Paris Ed. Septima, 1992
  • De la poudre au matériau massif, Colloque, Albi, 2003
  • Ceramic Powder Science IV, Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Ceramic powder processing Science, Am. Ceram. Soc., 1991
  • Matériaux et processus céramiques, P. Boch, Hermès, 2000
Credits: 3


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (21h)
Tutorials (9h)


Master students must have basic notions in Solid State Physics and Chemistry, Quantum Mechanics and Maths.


The aim of this course is to teach Master students about essential notions in Statistical Physics and Quantum Chemistry. As for Statistical Physics, starting from basic notions of statistical mechanics the three main statistical ensembles will be introduced with a particular focus on the link between the statistical description of the matter and the macroscopic measurable quantities such as pressure and temperature. This formalism will be later applied to the description of paramagnetic systems with either classical or quantum dipoles. Finally, general aspects about phase transitions will be introduced throughout various examples encompassing solid-liquid, liquid-gas and paramagnetic-ferromagnetic transitions.

Regarding Quantum Chemistry, a strong emphasis will be given on the description of the electronic structure of molecules and crystalline solids.

Learning outcomes:

in progress

Indicative contents:

Part 1 : Statistical Physics (18h)
Essential notions of Statistical Physics (microcanonical and canonical distributions, entropy, free energy), order of the transition and order parameter, Magnetism, (Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism, Ferromagnetism.

Part 2 : Quantum Chemistry (12h)
Construction of molecular orbital diagrams of diatomic and polyatomic molecules, use of symmetry (point groups, character table…) to determine symmetry adapted linear combination of atomic orbitals, Walsh diagrams, extension to the case of crystalline solids and crystalline orbitals.

Methods of assessment:

Written test

Suggested bibliography:

in progress

Credits: 2


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (15h)
Tutorials (7.5h)


in progress


This teaching unit is devoted to understanding and determining the degradation mechanisms of materials immersed in aggressive gaseous atmospheres. To do this, students will be introduced to the different thermodynamic representations of solid/gas systems in order to determine the stability of the different phases. The concepts of heterogeneous kinetics will be addressed to determine the speeds of the elementary steps in the case of pure interface or diffusion kinetic regimes.

Learning outcomes:

in progress

Indicative contents:

  • Chapter I – Thermodynamic representation of heterogeneous equilibria
  • Chapters II – Elementary mechanisms of solid – gas reactions
  • Chapter III – Overall speeds and experimental aspects of solid-gas reactions
  • Tutorials: Two tutorials will be carried out to apply the concepts learnt in the course
  1. Tutorial 1: Phase balance in the Ni-S-O system at 900K
  2. Tutorial 2: Mechanism of oxidation of titanium by oxygen

Methods of assessment:

Written test, oral

Suggested bibliography:

  • Cinétique des réactions du solide à températures élevées – Partie 1 : Notions de base et processus élémentaires – Techniques de l’Ingénieur, P. Lefort, S. Valette – Janvier 2009, AF3688.
  • Cinétique des réactions du solide à températures élevées – Partie 2 : Modèles et applications – Techniques de l’Ingénieur, P. Lefort, S. Valette, Juillet 2009, AF3689.
  • S. Ménecier, S. Valette, P. Denoirjean, P. Lefort – Invar® oxidation in CO2 – Kinetics and mechanism of formation of a wüstite layer – Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 107, 2012, Pages 607-616
  • I. Barin, G. Platzki, Thermochemical data of pure substances, VCH, second edition 1995.
  • Les mécanismes de la corrosion sèche. Une approche cinétique, Jacques Fouletier, Alain Galerie, Pierre Sarrazin, EDP Sciences, 2000.
Credits: 2


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (26h)
Tutorials (5.5h)
Practicals (13h)


Master students must have basic notions in crystallography, in particular space groups.


This course is divided into two parts. The first part give an introduction to solid state chemistry. It deals with the cohesion of ideal iono-covalent solids (i.e. without defects) and the rules of stability of complex ionic structures in connection with fundamental chemical quantities such as ionic radii, electronegativity, bond valence, polarizability of ions…

The second part presents the X-ray powder diffraction technique and its applications, in particular the determination of crystal structures. An important place is given to practical work.

Learning outcomes:

in progress

Indicative contents:

Part 1:

The different chapters of the course cover the following concepts:

  • the cohesion of ionic solids within the framework of the Born model, the Madelung energy, the lattice energy and its experimental determination, the interatomic potential well and its connections with the vibrational, mechanical and thermal properties of solids, the determination interatomic potentials from experimental quantities (structural parameters, isothermal compressibility, etc.), the demonstration of “covalent effects”, the importance of polarizability and the polarizing power of ions.
  • ionic radii and their determination (the different scales)
  • the case of oxides, in particular containing transition elements: stability of the oxide ion, stabilization energy of the crystal field, ionic radii in HS and LS configuration, Jahn-Teller effect
  • the rules of stability of complex ionic structures (Pauling rules), bond valence, structural diagrams, the importance of electronegativity and ionicity.
  • applications to simple structures (AX, AX2 compounds), perovskites and spinels.

Part 2:

The course covers the following points :

  • X-ray diffraction within the framework of kinematic theory: position and intensity of the diffraction lines, Bragg’s law, structure factor
  • powder diffractometers: measurement principle and components (tube, optics, monochromator, detector, sample, geometry, etc.)
  • application to the determination of simple structures: indexing of the diagram, study of systematic extinctions, use of space groups and structure factors to determine atomic positions, notion of structure refinement
  • presentation of the principles of phase identification, quantitative and microstructural analysis (line width, size and micro-deformation effects), points covered in more detail in practical work.

Methods of assessment:

Written test, oral on practical work

Suggested bibliography:

  • J. F. Marucco, La chimie des solides, EDP Sciences, 2004
  • L. Smart et E. Moore, Introduction à la chimie du solide, Elsevier Masson, 1997
  • Kittel C., Introduction to Solid State Physics, John Wiley and Sons, Ed. 8, 2005
  • Warren B.E., X-ray diffraction, Dover Publications, New York,1990
Credits: 4


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (24h)
Tutorials (6h)
Practicals (4h)




The aim of the solid state physics unit is to provide the fundamentals of condensed matter physics necessary to understand the electrical and thermal properties of solids at the macroscopic scale, using models at the microscopic scale. This approach will address the physical functions of materials used in today’s components and systems.

Learning outcomes:

It is essential to understand the main models used to describe the structure of solids, calculate phonon dispersion curves and connect them to thermal properties. Furthermore, it is crucial to understand the physics of semiconductors and apply this to simple devices.

Indicative contents:

Part 1 – Model approaches to solid state physics

  • Chapter 1 : Drude’s theory of metals. Free electron gas model. Collisions, speed, electrical conductivity, Ohm’s Law, Hall Effect.
  • Chapter 2 : Sommerfeld’s model of metals: Model of the free quantum electron in a potential well. State density. Energy distribution. Fermi energy. Electrical and thermal conductivities. Electronic emission mechanisms (thermoelectronic emission, Schottky effect, field emission).
  • Chapter 3 : Band theory: Model of the electron in a periodic potential well: Kronig-Penney model, Band structure, Fermi surface, notion of effective mass, notion of hole. Classification of solids (metals, semiconductors and insulators).

Part 2 – Crystal lattice vibrations (phonons)

  • Chapter 1 : Basic notions: Bravais lattice and crystal structure, Harmonic approximation
  • Chapter 2 : Classical treatment of vibrations: Vibration of monatomic lattices. Determination of spring constants from experience. Vibration of lattices having two atoms per unit cell. Quantification of lattice vibrations. Inelastic scattering of neutrons by phonons. Density of modes (link between micro and macro phenomena). One- and three-dimensional density of modes.
  • Chapter 3 : Thermal properties of solids: Specific heat of the lattice. Internal vibration energy of the lattice. Einstein and Debye models.

Practical works :

  • focus on modelling the thermal behavior of materials. During this practical work, measurements of specific heat as a function of temperature will be analyzed using two theoretical models: Einstein’s model and Debye’s model.

Methods of assessment:

Written test, report

Suggested bibliography:

  • Physique de l’état solide cours et problèmes, C. Kittel, Ed. Dunod.
  • Solid state physics, N. W. Ashcroft and N. D. Mermin, Holt-Saunders Intern. Eds, 1976
  • D Strauch and B Dorner Phonon dispersion in GaAs. J. Phys. Condensed Matter 2 (1990)
Credits: 2


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (18h)
Tutorials (6h)
Practicals (12h)


Notions of crystallography, in particular space groups.


This course presents the X-ray powder diffraction technique and its applications, in particular the determination of crystal structures. An important place is given to practical work.

Learning outcomes:

in progress

Indicative contents:

The course covers the following points :

  • X-ray diffraction within the framework of kinematic theory: position and intensity of the diffraction lines, Bragg’s law, structure factor
  • powder diffractometers: measurement principle and components (tube, optics, monochromator, detector, sample, geometry, etc.)
  • application to the determination of simple structures: indexing of the diagram, study of systematic extinctions, use of space groups and structure factors to determine atomic positions, notion of structure refinement
  • presentation of the principles of phase identification, quantitative and microstructural analysis (line width, size and micro-deformation effects), points covered in more detail in practical work.

Methods of assessment:

Written test, oral

Suggested bibliography:

Warren B.E., X-ray diffraction, Dover Publications, New York,1990

Credits: 6


Course mode:





Consolidation of the experience acquired during training within a research laboratory.

Indicative contents:

Depending on the topic of the laboratory work.

Learning outcomes:

  • Integrate into and within a work team
  • Show initiative
  • Test your curiosity
  • Structure your ideas and the stages of their implementation
  • Demonstrate scientific rigor
  • Learn to meet deadlines
  • Know the safety rules in force within the structure

Methods of assessment:

Report, evaluation sheet (lab behavior), oral presentation

Suggested bibliography:

Depending on the topic of the laboratory work.



Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Tutorials (39h)




Part 1 Communication : This module is designed to help students apply for internships. It equips them with methodological tools and enables them to understand the challenges and stages of recruitment. In addition, students reinforce their oral fluency through a number of exercises: a 180-second Elevator pitch; a critical analysis of a socio-technical controversy in its polemical and media dimensions, combined with a presentation of the players involved and the arguments associated with the different positions. The aim is to develop convincing and adaptable skills. Team-building exercises are designed to get students to work together and put them in a collective interview situation. – Pay attention to posture and body language – Express yourself with ease – Synthesize – Analyze documents and identify arguments – Present a project, justifying the choices made

Part 2 Management : This module aims to make students think about the issues facing a company, how the right strategy is determined, using methodological tools, and to identify interested parties and their performance management.

Learning outcomes:

  • Develop your human and relational qualities
  • Communicate in writing, orally, in several languages
  • Work as a team, self-assess (strengths and weaknesses)
  • Develop your abilities to enter professional life
  • Demonstrate cultural openness, be curious, have a critical mind
  • Work on your dynamism, be capable of commitment, leadership
  • Know how to integrate business and societal issues in an international context
  • Know and understand the business world
  • Manage projects

Indicative contents:

Part 1 Communication : Job interview simulations (individual and collective) are offered as well as the creation of the key elements of a file, namely the CV, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, online applications, etc. A current review (scientific and technical news) is produced at each tutorial as well as a final presentation on a subject related to the professional world. This requires documentary research and preparation of the speech as well as the visual support used for the defense. Work on argumentation and the rhetorical aspects of speech is presented. Students approach a socio-technical controversy by identifying the various positions and issues at stake in the debate, particularly in its media dimension. They report on their documentary research and the choices they have made to address the controversy in an oral presentation.

Part 2 Management :

Chap 1. The company and its environment

  • The company
  • Analysis of its environment, its market
  • The choice of a strategy thanks to a good diagnosis
  • React to changes in the environment

Chap 2. The company and its strategic choices

  • Notions – strategy, organizational policy, competitive advantage, the different levels of strategy
  • The 3 strategies resulting from Porter methods
  • Growth strategies * Innovation * Entrepreneurial and managerial logic
  • The purpose of a company

Chap 3. Company performance.

  • Company management and performance
  • Identify stakeholders and their objectives
  • Concept- governance, management, performance, decision-makers

Methods of assessment:

Written test, oral, presentation

Suggested bibliography:

  • Perez D., CV, lettre de motivation, entretien d’embauche, L’Étudiant, Ed. Paris, 2014, 416 pages.
  • Engrand S., Projet professionnel gagnant ! Une méthode innovante pour cibler stages et premier emploi, Dunod, Ed. Paris, 2014, 180 pages.
  • Davidenkoff E., Le guide des entreprises qui recrutent : hors-série 2015 : faire la différence en entretien, négocier son premier salaire, débuter à l’étranger, L’Étudiant, Ed. Paris, 2015
  • Charline Licette, Savoir parler en public, Studyrama Pro, 2018
  • Fabrice Carlier, Réussir ma première prise de parole en public, StudyramaPro, 2018
  • Cyril Gely, Savoir improviser : l’art de s’exprimer sans préparation, Groupe Studyrama-Vocatis, 2010
  • Lelli A., 2003, Les écrits professionnels : la méthode des 7C – Soyez correct, clair, concis, courtois, convivial, convaincant, compétent, Dunod, Ed. Paris, 2003, 168 pages.

Semestre 2

Credits: 3


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (15h)
Tutorials (7.5h)


Cohesion of ionic solids, mechanical and dielectric properties, crystallographic description of solids, point defects (Kröger-Vink notation).


This course aims to introduce students to simulation methods at the atomic scale so that they understand the contribution of these methods to understanding and predicting the properties of solids. The methods covered are classical ones (i.e. non-ab-initio). The course also deals with the modeling of interactions between atoms, i.e. the determination of interatomic potentials, an essential preliminary step for simulation. Most of the teaching is direct practice, with students working on computers and directly applying the concepts covered in class.

Learning outcomes:

in progress

Indicative contents:

After a general introduction to the main classes of simulation methods, their fields of application and the scales covered, the course focuses on classical lattice statics and molecular dynamics methods. The solids studied are mainly oxides, modeled within the framework of the Born ionic model. The different types of interatomic potentials and the principle of their determination are approached using concrete examples of increasing complexity (NaCl, MgO, spinels, etc.). Ions are modeled with both the rigid ion model (RIM) and the core-shell model (CS). Various elastic constants, dielectric constants and point defect energies are calculated.

The teaching ends with a mini project for which students work, alone or in pairs, on a recent scientific publication and use all of the concepts covered to reproduce the authors’ results.

Methods of assessment:

Written test, report

Suggested bibliography:

Kittel C., Introduction to Solid State Physics, John Wiley and Sons, Ed. 8, 2005

Credits: 3


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (18h)

Tutorials (6h)

Practices (16h)




Define the mechanical behavior of materials and the associated characteristic quantities in elastic fracture mechanics. Specify the influence of microstructure on the mechanical properties of materials.

Learning outcomes:

Know how to define the characteristic mechanical quantities of a material. Know the experimental methods for determining these quantities. Know the main microstructural parameters influencing the mechanical properties of polycrystalline materials.

Indicative contents:

  • Rupture of solids: theoretical breaking strength (cleavage, shear), experimental behavior.
  • Mechanical behavior and defects of solids: dislocation and plasticity, microcracks and elastic rupture.
  • Mechanics of elastic rupture: energy analysis, concept of toughness, modes of propagation. Experimental approaches for determining toughness Kc.
  • Statistical analysis of breaking strength: Weibull statistics, applications.
  • Mechanical fatigue and lifespan of materials.
  • Microstructure/mechanical properties relationships of materials: general aspects, monocrystalline and polycrystalline solids, role of grain size, porosity and glassy intergranular phases in polycrystalline materials. Influence of temperature, creep. Introduction to mechanical reinforcement mechanisms: composite systems.

Methods of assessment:

Written test, report

Suggested bibliography:

  • « Essais mécaniques et lois de comportement », D. François, Hermes sciences, Paris, 2001.
  • « Comportement mécanique des matériaux », D. François, A. Pineau, A. Zaoui, Hermes, Paris, 1993.
Credits: 3


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Tutorials (30h)


B1 level required.


To bring students towards the European B2/C1 level. The operational and evaluable objectives of this training are:

  • Understand most situations that might be encountered at work or while traveling in a region where English is spoken for example
  • Develop oral and written language skills
  • International English communication

Learning outcomes:

Acquisition of English language skills (objective B2/C1). International, specialty and professional English (CV, cover letters, etc.)

Indicative contents:

  • Written and oral comprehension/production work on authentic specialist or general English documents
  • Interactive debates on general themes
  • Language lab work (pronunciation, listening, repetition, etc.)
  • Professional English (writing cover letters, CV, professional interview) academic (summary of documents, emails, sum-ups, etc.)
  • Work on specialization and general English vocabulary.
  • Presentation of a specialty presentation

Methods of assessment:

Written test, oral

Credits: 6


Course mode:





Consolidation of the experience acquired during training within a research laboratory.

Indicative contents:

Depending on the topic of the laboratory work.

Learning outcomes:

  • Integrate into and within a work team
  • Show initiative
  • Test your curiosity
  • Structure your ideas and the stages of their implementation
  • Demonstrate scientific rigor
  • Learn to meet deadlines
  • Know the safety rules in force within the structure

Methods of assessment:

Report, evaluation sheet (lab behavior), oral presentation

Suggested bibliography:

Depending on the topic of the laboratory work.



Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Tutorials (39h)




Part 1 Communication : This module is designed to help students apply for internships. It equips them with methodological tools and enables them to understand the challenges and stages of recruitment. In addition, students reinforce their oral fluency through a number of exercises: a 180-second Elevator pitch; a critical analysis of a socio-technical controversy in its polemical and media dimensions, combined with a presentation of the players involved and the arguments associated with the different positions. The aim is to develop convincing and adaptable skills. Team-building exercises are designed to get students to work together and put them in a collective interview situation. – Pay attention to posture and body language – Express yourself with ease – Synthesize – Analyze documents and identify arguments – Present a project, justifying the choices made

Part 2 Management : This module aims to make students think about the issues facing a company, how the right strategy is determined, using methodological tools, and to identify interested parties and their performance management.

Learning outcomes:

  • Develop your human and relational qualities
  • Communicate in writing, orally, in several languages
  • Work as a team, self-assess (strengths and weaknesses)
  • Develop your abilities to enter professional life
  • Demonstrate cultural openness, be curious, have a critical mind
  • Work on your dynamism, be capable of commitment, leadership
  • Know how to integrate business and societal issues in an international context
  • Know and understand the business world
  • Manage projects

Indicative contents:

Part 1 Communication : Job interview simulations (individual and collective) are offered as well as the creation of the key elements of a file, namely the CV, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, online applications, etc. A current review (scientific and technical news) is produced at each tutorial as well as a final presentation on a subject related to the professional world. This requires documentary research and preparation of the speech as well as the visual support used for the defense. Work on argumentation and the rhetorical aspects of speech is presented. Students approach a socio-technical controversy by identifying the various positions and issues at stake in the debate, particularly in its media dimension. They report on their documentary research and the choices they have made to address the controversy in an oral presentation.

Part 2 Management :

Chap 1. The company and its environment

  • The company
  • Analysis of its environment, its market
  • The choice of a strategy thanks to a good diagnosis
  • React to changes in the environment

Chap 2. The company and its strategic choices

  • Notions – strategy, organizational policy, competitive advantage, the different levels of strategy
  • The 3 strategies resulting from Porter methods
  • Growth strategies * Innovation * Entrepreneurial and managerial logic
  • The purpose of a company

Chap 3. Company performance.

  • Company management and performance
  • Identify stakeholders and their objectives
  • Concept- governance, management, performance, decision-makers

Methods of assessment:

Written test, oral, presentation

Suggested bibliography:

  • Perez D., CV, lettre de motivation, entretien d’embauche, L’Étudiant, Ed. Paris, 2014, 416 pages.
  • Engrand S., Projet professionnel gagnant ! Une méthode innovante pour cibler stages et premier emploi, Dunod, Ed. Paris, 2014, 180 pages.
  • Davidenkoff E., Le guide des entreprises qui recrutent : hors-série 2015 : faire la différence en entretien, négocier son premier salaire, débuter à l’étranger, L’Étudiant, Ed. Paris, 2015
  • Charline Licette, Savoir parler en public, Studyrama Pro, 2018
  • Fabrice Carlier, Réussir ma première prise de parole en public, StudyramaPro, 2018
  • Cyril Gely, Savoir improviser : l’art de s’exprimer sans préparation, Groupe Studyrama-Vocatis, 2010
  • Lelli A., 2003, Les écrits professionnels : la méthode des 7C – Soyez correct, clair, concis, courtois, convivial, convaincant, compétent, Dunod, Ed. Paris, 2003, 168 pages.

Credits: 3


Course mode:

On-site (internship)




Discover the world of business or international research work.

Learning outcomes:

Compare the skills acquired during training with the demands of the socio-professional world.

Indicative contents:

At least two months spent within the company (or in an international research laboratory) as an intern.

Methods of assessment:

Report, evaluation sheet, oral presentation

Au choix (1 sur 2)

Credits: 3


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (9h)

Tutorials (0h)

Practicals (21h)


Introduction to photonic materials in the form of films, powders or bulk materials


This module aims at exploring original materials and devices for light emission by focusing on both coherent and non-coherent sources. The minimum theoretical background on the optical properties of materials for light emission applications will be provided through general courses and tutorials, but the main aspects will be illustrated from the experimental point of view during practical sessions in laboratories. Students will get the opportunity to process and characterize several types of materials (optical fibers, crystals, thin films) and to build optical sources (lasers, light-emitting diodes) and assess their optoelectronic performance. The module is divided into 3 complementary parts, completed by occasional seminars or conference on specific topic of interest.

Learning outcomes:

in progress

Indicative contents:

1. Bulk materials for active optics (JR. Duclère, R. Boulesteix)

3h Courses (CM): Preparation of labworks. Essential notions: Introduction to photonic

materials in the form of films, powders or bulk materials (phosphors by sol-gel, laser amplifier

media by single-crystal growth or ceramic processing, glasses and glass-ceramics for ONL, etc.).

2*4h of laboratory demonstration (TP):

  • Characterization of non-linear optical properties of materials
  • Characterization of luminescent transparent (poly)crystalline materials (light scattering, transmittance, absorbance, photoluminescence)

2. Fiber lasers (S. Février, R, Jamier)

1,5h Courses (CM): Introduction to fiber lasers: basic concepts and preparation of labworks.

11,5h of laboratory demonstration (TP):

  • Fiber drawing, building of various fiber-based lights sources (incoherent ASE source and coherent source based on laser emission), characterization of laser sources, measurement of fluorescence lifetime.

3. “New generation of printable light emitting diodes” – J. Bouclé

3h Courses (CM): Introduction to halide perovskites and their optoelectronic properties,

Application to light-emitting devices (device architecture and principle of operation)

3h of laboratory demonstration (TP):

  • Emission quantum yield and exciton lifetime probed by PL and TRPL on a solution-processed semiconductor (includes deposition of thin films and full optical characterization by PL).
  • Fabrication and characterization of a perovskite LED. Explanation given on device architecture, processing steps (in front of the equipment).
  • Characterization of a pre-fabricated LED on instrumentation equipment.

4. Workshop / Seminar

Seminar (invited): Seminar focused on a topic « materials for photonics ».


  • Lasers in materials processing (sintering, welding, cutting, etc.).
  • Magneto-optical and/or electro-optical materials
  • Single-crystals growth and uses
  • Quantum optics…

Methods of assessment:

Submission of a short report

Suggested bibliography:

in progress

Credits: 3


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (9h)
Practicals (21h)


in progress


This module addresses the relationships of the microstructure and properties of materials with their microwave properties, implementing advanced physico-chemical analyses and dedicated EM characterizations from microwaves to millimeter waves.

Depending on their respective track (“Advanced of High Frequency Electronics and Photonics” or “High Frequency Electronics and Photonics”), Master Students will have to follow 3h of specific courses:

  • For a master student following the “Advanced Ceramics” track, the bridging course content will correspond to introduce the EM propagation and EM properties of materials for microwave applications and Scattering parameters.
  • For a master student following the “High Frequency Electronics and Photonics” track, the bridging course content will give a basic overview of the structural and microstructural descriptions of materials and their specificities for massive (3D), surface (2D) and homogeneous nucleation (1D) materials.

Learning outcomes:

  • Apprehend the role of structure/microstructure, the correlations with physicochemical properties,
  • Assimilate some material fabrication processes with optimized architectures,
  • Learn some notions about the advanced materials properties
  • Understand the electromagnetic properties and their interest in microwave applications
  • Learn characterization methods on permittivity, permeability, electrical conductivity and other relevant properties for RF: thermal expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity, density: key parameters for RF devices
  • Know the techniques for elaborating advanced materials and the methods to characterize them in a physico-chemical and microwave domains

Indicative contents:

9h of lectures + 20 h of Lab activities

  • Synthesis of materials and controlled architectures for electronic applications (4h30)

A short overview of specific fabrication methods of metallic and oxide thin films for electronic applications will be given (industrial and research approach). Principal characterizations and analyses for morphological, structural, microstructural (AFM, XRD, SEM…) and physical (4 point-probe, Hall effect, …) properties will be described. Correlations between process, mechanisms of growth and properties will be discussed.

  • EM Characterization, permittivity, permeability, electrical conductivity (4h30)

Understanding the need for knowledge of these parameters (CAD, measurements , …), the principles of characterization, a large overview of the characterization methods (and the commercial ones) and their area of validity (frequency, shape, specific properties …) and advantages and disadvantages.

These courses will be supplied by practical activities aiming the fabrication and characterization of a (model) device.

  • Fabrication Lab activities (10h):

Practical work including thin films deposition of metal and ceramics thin films (pulsed laser deposition, sputtering, spin coating, …), characterizations (crystalline structure, physical properties), introduction to photolithography techniques for the realization of a component with a microwave function.

  • Microwave Lab activities (10h):

Practical work on material microwave characterization: resonant method and reflexion/transmission method around 20 GHz on a component developed during ceramic laboratory activities. The substrate used for ceramic elaboration will be initially characterized by other nondestructive method such as Split Cylinder Resonator (10 to 20 GHz) …

Methods of assessment:

Written test, practical exam

Suggested bibliography:

in progress

Master 2

Semestre 3

Credits: 15/12 (Course unit : Fundamental Resarch Courses)


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (8h)
Tutorials (4h)




This course aims to present a state of the art of the different additive manufacturing techniques, highlighting the specificities of each of them, namely the principle, the corresponding physico-chemical mechanisms, the formulation of the « inks » or associated ceramic « pastes », the definition of the parts obtained, the manufacturing speed, etc. by illustrating each of the techniques with examples of parts produced for different applications. Furthermore, this review will be supplemented by focuses on techniques present at the IRCER laboratory with the various associated developments.

Learning outcomes:

in progress

Indicative contents:

  • The great industrial revolutions (Industry 4.0)
  • The different types of manufacturing processes (standard, additive, subtractive)
  • The principle of additive processes
  1. Computer-aided design
  2. Detail of the digital chain for additive manufacturing
  • Main advantages of additive manufacturing
  • The different additive manufacturing techniques
  • Materials used by additive manufacturing
  • The main sectors concerned – examples of applications
  • Focus on the digital chain for producing ceramic parts by additive manufacturing
  • Focus on additive manufacturing techniques applied to ceramics
  1. the main processes
  2. Focus on the robocasting technique
  3. Focus on the stereolithography technique
  4. Focus on the inkjet printing technique
  • Conclusions – perspectives

Methods of assessment:

Written test

Suggested bibliography:

in progress

Credits: 15/12 (Course unit : Fundamental Resarch Courses)


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (8h)
Tutorials (4h)




Acquire knowledge on:

  • the ceramic materials used in medical applications (implantable medical devices)
  • the biological behaviour of these ceramic biomaterials,
  • the production processes, from the synthesis of powders to the implantable ceramic parts.
  • the current trends and researches in the field of ceramics for bone tissue engineering

Learning outcomes:

  • Know how to justify the choice of a biomaterial in relation to the targeted application in the health field.
  • Know how to define the parameters allowing the processing of bioceramics parts for bone graft substitution.
  • To know the main specific methods of physic-chemical and biological characterization of biomaterials.

Indicative contents:

  • The biomaterials and their uses in the medical field

Specific criteria and standards for biological applications, main families of biomaterials and their applications (metals, polymers and ceramics)

  • An Introduction to the biological behaviour of implantable materials

Bone mineralization, interactions between materials and the living tissues

  • Elaboration processes and properties of ceramic biomaterials

Inert (alumina, alumina-zirconia composites), active and resorbable (calcium phosphates) bioceramics:

  1. synthesis of specific powders,
  2. shaping of porous parts, 3D scaffolds and personalized devices using additive manufacturing technologies,
  3. sintering of ceramic parts or scaffolds,
  4. mechanical and biological properties of bioceramics (influence of the architectural and chemical designs)
  • Tutorials

Illustrative exercises propose some case studies on the elaboration and characterization of calcium phosphate bioceramics (determination of the chemical composition, sintering parameters..)

Methods of assessment:

Written test

Suggested bibliography:

“Advances in Ceramic Biomaterials: Materials, Devices and Challenges”, Woodhead publishing series in Biomaterials, Editors P. Palmero, F. Cambier, E. De Barra. Elsevier ltd, 2017. ISBN: 978-0-08-100881-2 (print); ISBN: 978-0-08-100882-9 (online).

Credits: 15/12 (Course unit : Fundamental Resarch Courses)


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (8h)
Tutorials (4h)




At the nanometric scale, the physical properties, whether electronic, optical, magnetic or mechanical, are modified compared to those of the infinite crystal. We speak of “nanostructures” and these are the basis of many active devices constituting the connected objects that make up our daily lives and of certain microstructures observed in ceramic materials. The purpose of this module is to make students aware of current research work in materials science in this area.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the notion of nanostructure and the societal impact of nanotechnologies
  • Understand the influence of size on physical properties
  • From thermodynamics, understand the self-organization process
  • Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the solution synthesis process
  • Distinguish the chemical nature of cation-solvent interactions
  • Evaluate the reactivity of chemical species using a physico-chemical model
  • Understand the factors influencing the different sol-gel condensation reactions
  • Analyze a scientific article in order to extract relevant and synthetic information

Indicative contents:

Introduction (RG): nanostructures and nanostructured materials

  • Nanotechnology, nanotubes and nanoclusters, “Strain engineering”
  • Influence of size on physical properties

Chapter I (RG): self-organization

  • Some basic considerations
  • Spinodal decomposition
  • Free energy of a non-uniform system
  • Spinodal instability, influence of deformations
  • Kinetics of the decomposition process
  • The experimental point of view
  • Self-organization of vicinal surfaces
  • Vicinal surfaces and self-organized nanostructures

Chapter II (FR): synthesis of nanoparticles

  • Condensation of cations in solution
  • Solvation and charge transfer
  • Reactivity (nucleophilicity, electrophilicity)
  • Partial load model
  • Crystal formation
  • Nucleation-growth
  • Reactivity (nucleophilic addition/substitution)
  • Sol-gel reactions in aqueous and non-aqueous media

Methods of assessment:

Written test

Suggested bibliography:

  • N.M. Ghoniem, D.D. Walgraef “Instabilities and self-organization in materials, Vol. 1 Fundamentals of nanoscience” Oxford university press, 2008.
  • E.R. Leite, C. Ribeiro “Crystallization and growth of colloidal nanocrystals” Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London, 2012.
  • M. Niederberger, N.Pinna “Metal oxide nanoparticles in organic solvents: synthesis, formation, assembly and application” Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2009.
  • J. Livage, M. Henry, C. Sanchez “Sol-gel chemistry of transition metal oxides” Prog. Solid St. Chem, 18, 259-341, 1988.
Credits: 15/12 (Course unit : Fundamental Resarch Courses)


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (8h)
Tutorials (4h)




Ecomaterials and waste recovery are current concepts. Beyond technical feasibility, economic and regulatory questions arise. This course aims to raise students’ awareness of these different aspects. Using a few examples, scientific and technical solutions currently being developed will be presented.

Learning outcomes:

in progress

Indicative contents:

Introduction (YEH)

  • Presentation of the principles of industrial ecology
  • Definition of an eco-material, recycling, recovery
  • Concept of life cycle
  • Regulatory and economic contexts: is this a barrier or an opportunity for the development of the sector?

Examples of ecomaterials in the field of construction (YEH)

  • Recycling and recovery in the cement industry: case of dam sediments
  • Application to strip casting
  • Manufacturing of plasterboards which improve the acoustic comfort of users

Geopolymers (SR/AG)

  • Definition and raw materials used
  1. Silicates and aluminosilicates and their structure
  2. Alkaline silicate solutions: role of their composition (Si/M, water, manufacturing)
  • The reaction mechanisms of formation and the resulting structures
  1. Geopolymerization reactions (NMR, Raman, IRTF)
  2. Control of porosity rate and microstructure
  • Fields of application and recycling

Methods of assessment:


Suggested bibliography:

Scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Applied Clay Science, Cement and Concrete Research, Construction and Building Materials, monographs such as Les Techniques de l’Ingénieur and specialized technical journals.

Credits: 2


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (11h)
Practices (11h)




The objective of this unit is to establish general notions relating to the processes for developing materials, both in layers and in bulk. These general notions will be focused in particular in the context of layered materials on the properties of the flow making it possible to treat particles in flight and on the physical mechanisms of nucleation/growth of materials in flight and in layers from a vapor phase. . And in the context of massive materials, the case of shaping massive ceramic parts and the different sintering processes will be presented.

Learning outcomes:

in progress

Indicative contents:

The course is made up of 2 parts, the processes for producing thick layers (thermal spraying processes) and thin layers (vapour deposition processes) and the processes for producing masses (shaping of parts and sintering). ).

The processes for developing LAYERS:

  • Thermal spraying processes (9h)

Concepts necessary to understand the physical origin of the flow properties obtained in the different processes, in particular the concepts of combustion, plasma, arc, explosion, fluid mechanics. In this module each of the thermal spraying processes will be presented with particular attention to the source of the flow (temperature and speed of the flow) and the layer formation methods. The following processes will be studied: Flame (powder, wire and rod), Detonation cannon, HVOF – HVAF, Plasma, Arc Wire, Cold Spray. Then the arc plasma torches for thermal projection will be detailed (operating principle and main operating parameters, electrical conversion into thermal and kinetic energy: absorbed electrical power and energy dissipation mechanisms, influence of plasma gases: chemical composition plasma and transport coefficients, diagnostics on plasma arc torches).

  • Vapor phase processes (4.5h)

Example of vapor phase processes, definition of thin films and nano/micrometric objects, presentation of heterogeneous growth processes of a thin layer: Frank-van der Merwe (in layers), Volmer-Weber (in islands), Stranski-Krastanov (mixed)

Nucleation mechanisms: homogeneous nucleation in the gas phase: thermodynamic approach – kinetic approach – magnification by accretion of monomers / by nanoparticle aggregation, collision model: application to the generation of nanoparticles by gas.

The production processes of MASSIFS:

  • Processes for shaping massive parts (4.5h)

Presentation of the different methods of shaping massive ceramics: plastic method, liquid method, solid method. Implementation of powders: formulation of suspensions and ceramic pastes, granulation processes. Focus on shaping processes by pressing, pressure casting, strip casting and casting-gelling. Tools for monitoring microstructural characteristics from the raw part to the sintered part. Influence of the shaping process on the usage properties after sintering.

  • Sintering processes (4.5h)

Reminders on the driving forces of natural sintering.

Presentation on the one hand, of the key technological parameters of natural solid phase sintering of massive ceramics and, on the other hand, of simple associated characterization methods.

Approach to sintering methods assisted by: i) uniaxial loading (hot pressing); an isostatic gas pressure (Gas Pressure Sintering, Hot Isostatic Pressing).

Focus on the combination of several sintering processes for the control of microstructures and the densification rate of high-tech ceramics (e.g.: natural sintering and HIP post-treatment).

Methods of assessment:

Written test

Suggested bibliography:

  • P.L. Fauchais, J.V.R. Heberlein, M.I. Boulos, Thermal Spray Fundamentals, Springer US, Boston, MA, 2014. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-68991-3.
  • L. Pawlowski, The Science and Engineering of Thermal Spray Coatings: Second Edition, 2008
  • Didier Bernache-Assollant, Chimie physique du frittage, Edition Hermes Science, Collection Forceram, 1993
  • Philippe Boch, Matériaux et processus céramiques, Edition Hermes Science, 2001
Credits: 15/12 (Course unit : Fundamental Resarch Courses)


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (8h)
Tutorials (4h)


Basics of atomic physics


This course is part of an initiation to research approach. It aims to provide a state of the art on laser processes for ‘working’ materials at the micro and nanometric scale by defining the essential notions of the source (the laser and its fundamental principles), interaction mechanisms laser-matter. Finally, the processes for producing thin films and nanoparticles based on the use of lasers are presented.

Learning outcomes:

The student acquires general knowledge in the physics of atomic and molecular environments and knows how to describe processes between energy levels, as well as the basic building blocks of the operating principle of laser systems. This course provides the fundamental elements governing laser-matter interaction. The student acquires knowledge of laser processes.

Indicative contents:

Part A: Lasers

  • Fundamental physical principles (mechanisms – active medium – pumping / population inversion / resonator)
  • Brief description of some continuous, nano-picofemto-second lasers. Focus on the specificities of lasers used for the production of thin films (excimer laser, YAG, etc.)

Part B: Laser-matter interaction: thermal and matter transfers

  • Photothermal interaction (at low fluence)
  • Photochemical interaction – PLD application
  1. Knudsen layer
  2. 1D one-dimensional expansion
  3. Three-dimensional expansion under vacuum / controlled atmosphere

Part C: Associated processes for the synthesis of thin films and nanoparticles, structuring

  • Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD), Laser Induced Forward Transfer (LIFT), Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation (MAPLE)
  • Analytical Studies, Matrix-assisted Laser Deposition Ionization (MALDI), Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
  • Laser structuring, Crystallization/Amorphization, Thermo-magnetic patterning (TMP), LIPPS and ripples

Methods of assessment:

Written test

Suggested bibliography:

  • Physique atomique – 1 Atomes et rayonnement, Bernard Cagnac, Lydia Tchang-Brillet, Jean-Claude Pebay-Peyroula, 2005
  • Processus d’interaction entre photons et atomes, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Jacques Dupont-Roc, Gilbert Grynberg, 2000
  • Pulsed laser deposition of thin films: applications-led growth of functional materials, edited by Robert Eason,  »A Wiley-Interscience publication », 2007
Credits: 15/12 (Course unit : Fundamental Resarch Courses)


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (8h)
Tutorials (4h)




The objective of this unit is to provide scientific knowledge and technological knowledge on sintering and in particular on “flash” or unconventional sintering processes (e.g. Spark Plasma Sintering). Indeed, these sintering methods are known to promote densification and, consequently, limit granular growth. This unit is focused on a multi-scale approach to the “flash” sintering process (from the scale of the atom to that of the part) and therefore couples kinetic aspects (e.g. material transport phenomena) and thermo-physical aspects (e.g. distribution of temperature fields, stresses, current density). This unit will demonstrate the benefit of combining analytical and numerical approaches to better understand the sintering mechanisms and better control the “flash” process.

Learning outcomes:

in progress

Indicative contents:

  • Basics in physico-chemistry of natural sintering: driving forces, energy balance, kinetic laws, granular enlargement phenomena, role of experimental parameters;
  • Mechanisms and analytical laws of sintering assisted by mechanical stress, current and/or electric field;
  • Experimental determination (instrumentation, specific metrology) of temperature fields, current density distributions and mechanical constraints in an unconventional sintering chamber, demonstration of thermal gradients;
  • Correlations with numerical simulation (potentialities and limits), description of the fundamental laws used;
  • Case study, applications to ceramic or even metallic systems and to the optimization of a “flash” sintering cycle.

Methods of assessment:

Written test

Suggested bibliography:

in progress

Credits: 15/12 (Course unit : Fundamental Resarch Courses)


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (8h)
Tutorials (4h)




Suspensions and pastes are often used in shaping processes for ceramic materials. This requires controlling their performance, both structural and rheological. This course aims to provide basic knowledge in the subject, as well as knowledge from recent IRCER research work.

Learning outcomes:

  • Define the parameters of a rheology measurement
  • Analyze rheological behavior
  • Evaluate and adapt the stability of the suspensions
  • Control aggregate structures in suspension

Indicative contents:

1st part: Rheology, M. BIENIA, 6h

  • Generalities and behavioral laws for suspensions (viscosity and visco-elasticity)
  • Case study of application of a rheological approach
  • Rheometry: procedures (flow, creep, oscillation) and geometries (rotary, capillaries)

2nd part: Suspensions: stability/aggregation, A. VIDECOQ, 6h

  • Review of basic knowledge on colloidal suspensions (charges and surface potential, double layer theory, interactions between colloids)
  • Stability of suspensions: generalities and cases of particle mixtures; contribution of digital simulation
  • Aggregation and structure of suspensions: the parameters which influence the shape and structure of the aggregates

Methods of assessment:

Written test

Suggested bibliography:

in progress

Credits: 2


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (11h)
Tutorials (11h)




This teaching unit provides basic training in the field of digital simulation of materials. The latter is increasingly used in the field of scientific research as well as in engineering. The different simulation techniques have established themselves as real experiments allowing the study of: the structure of matter, its various properties, the performance of materials under extreme conditions, etc. The objective of this course is to introduce students to some simulation techniques at different scales.

Learning outcomes:

in progress

Indicative contents:

  • Part 1: This part is devoted to simulations at the atomic or molecular scale (molecular dynamics). These simulations make it possible to predict the structure of matter, based on the elements that compose it, and certain resulting properties.
  • Part 2: The second part is dedicated to an introduction to calculations at the subatomic scale (ab initio calculations). The formalism used is based on the principles of quantum chemistry, particularly in the context of density functional theory (DFT). These calculations, with an increasingly predictive vocation, make it possible, among other things, to support characterization techniques by providing additional information (local information, properties in extreme conditions, etc.) both on solids but also on smaller objects such as nanomaterials.
  • Part 3: This part addresses discrete element modeling to describe the mechanical behavior of granular media such as powders.

Methods of assessment:


Suggested bibliography:

Part 1 :

  • Allen, M. P.; et Tildesley, D. J. Computer Simulation of Liquids; Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1987.
  • D.C. Rapaport, The art of Molecular Dynamics simulation, second edition, Cambridge Univeristy press, 2004

Part 2 :

  • P. Hohenberg and W. Kohn. Inhomogeneous Electron Gas. Phys. Rev. 136, B864, 1964.
  • W. Kohn and L. J. Sham. Self-Consistent Equations Including Exchange and Correlation Effects. Phys. Rev. 140, A1133, 1965.
Credits: 2


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (12h)
Tutorials (6h)


Notions of crystallography of the direct lattice and the reciprocal lattice and basic knowledge of diffraction and matter radiation interaction.


This teaching unit has two components which correspond on the one hand to an in-depth teaching of Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) in the first year of the master’s degree and on the other hand to an introduction to vibrational spectrometry (IR and Raman ).

  • TEM part: understand how to approach the study of phase transitions by electron diffraction through in-situ temperature studies at the TEM and thus show the relationship between structure and electrical properties within perovskite type compounds + Understand the contribution high-resolution TEM for structural studies of long-lived perovskite-type phases.
  • Vibrational spectrometry part: understand how to relate the main characteristics of vibrational spectra to structural elements at the local scale for crystallized or amorphous materials + understand the evolution of amorphous materials as a function of temperature and composition.
  • This course aims to provide the necessary tools to approach international scientific literature.

Learning outcomes:

  • Gain scientific autonomy on the approach to structural studies as part of a research project
  • Ability to organize and prioritize structural investigation techniques based on a problem posed.
  • Ability to adapt and update one’s knowledge by reading the bibliography of structural studies

Indicative contents:

MET PART (16.5 h): GT: the course is composed of an introduction and four chapters.

Chapter 1 – Brief state of the art on the properties of perovskite materials and their areas of application

Chapter 2 – Structural description of perovskites.

  • The ideal perovskite
  • Description of compact structures in terms of polyhedral stacking.
  • The perovskite structure derives from a face-centered cubic assembly.
  • Description of the real perovskite (Goldsmith factor, deformed structures).
  • Crystallography of octahedron tilting systems and associated macroscopic properties.
  • Consequence of tilting systems on the stability of heterophase interfaces.
  • Structural study of tilting systems by electron diffraction.

Chapter 3 – The case study of the ferroelectric compound Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (NBT) by TEM

  • Structural descriptions and properties of the different NBT polymorphs at temperature
  • Dielectric characterization of structural forms and phase transitions.
  • TEM study of the low temperature phase.
  • In situ temperature study by TEM by imaging and electron diffraction.
  • Towards a reconciliation of physical and structural properties.

Chapter 4 – Contribution of high-resolution TEM to the study of long-period perovskites

  • Reminders on the ‘image / diffraction’ duality and notions of Fourier Transform.
  • Formation of high resolution images, phase contrast and instrumental parameters
  • Simulation and interpretation of high resolution images.
  • Examples of application in long-lived perovskite-type compounds deficient in B cations.

VIBRATIONAL SPECTROMETRY PART (7.5 h): ON: The course is composed of an introduction, 3 chapters and a conclusion.


  • Rapid presentation of the theoretical and experimental demonstration of vibrational spectrometries.
  • Reminders on radiation-matter interaction.

Chapter 1

  • Presentation of the theoretical elements common to Raman and IR spectrometry and their differences.
  • Reminders on normal vibration modes and selection rules.

Chapter 2

  • Description of the instrumental devices used to obtain a Raman spectrum and their usefulness.

Chapter 3

  • The levels of interpretation of a vibrational spectrum.
  • Links between a vibration and an element of local structure.
  • Modeling and simulation of Raman spectra.


  • Balancing the advantages and disadvantages of vibrational spectrometry.
  • Choice of the most suitable characterization technique.

Methods of assessment:


Suggested bibliography:

in progress

Credits: 15/12 (Course unit : Fundamental Resarch Courses)


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (8h)
Tutorials (4h)


Basics in general chemistry and ceramics


The main objectives of this teaching unit are to understand original synthesis methods for ceramic nanopowders, to present the approach to controlling the chemistry and the shape of the reagents on the chemical composition, structure and morphology of the materials. The application of these materials will be illustrated by different shaping processes.

Learning outcomes:

in progress

Indicative contents:

Synthesis of oxide nanopowders from emulsions

  • Formulation and formation of emulsions
  • Dispersion of emulsions, adsorption at interfaces
  • Pickering emulsions
  • Synthesis of hybrid particles, development of porous materials

Synthesis of non-oxide nanopowders from organometallic precursors

  • Chemistry of precursors
  • Synthesis of nanopowders by spray pyrolysis
  • Modulation of powder quality by control of synthesis parameters

Methods of assessment:

Written test

Suggested bibliography:

  • Emulsion Formation and Stability, edited by T.F. Tadros, WILEY-VCH
  • Liquides Solutions, dispersion, émulsions, gels, B. Cabane, S. Hénon, Belin
  • Influence of the electrostatic interactions in a Pickering emulsion polymerization for the synthesis of silica–polystyrene hybrid nanoparticles, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 448, 15 June 2015, 306-314
  • Processing alumina spheres by a colloidal route using silica-polystyrene hybrid nanoparticles, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 37, 16, 2017, 5149-5156
  • P. Colombo, G. Mera, R. Riedel, and G. D. Sorarù, “Polymer‐Derived Ceramics: 40 Years of Research and Innovation in Advanced Ceramics,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, vol. 93, no. 7, pp. 1805–1837, Jul. 2010.
  • V. Salles, S. Foucaud, P. Goursat, and E. Champion, “Synthesis under NH3 and thermal behaviour of SiCNAlO polymer-derived nanopowders,” J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 1259–1266, 2008.
Credits: 15/12 (Course unit : Fundamental Resarch Courses)


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (8h)
Tutorials (4h)




The aim of this module is to focus on the flight and substrate performance of particles during thermal projection of solid (powders) and liquid (suspension and solutions) raw materials. An analysis of the projection process and the particularities of the deposits obtained (microstructure) will also be discussed.

Learning outcomes:

en cours

Indicative contents:

Part 1: The precursors in thermal spraying

  • Powders (preparation techniques, characterizations, powder dispensers);
  • Suspensions (formulation, characterization, distributors);
  • Solution (formulation, characterization, distributors).
  • Injection of the raw material into a plasma or a flame – theoretical analysis and practical aspects (geometries, types of injectors)
  • Interaction phenomena between plasma or flame and the raw material:
  1. Physics and in particular hydrodynamics and thermal
  2. Chemical (in the case of projection of solutions)
  • Formation of deposits from molten particles and their microstructures

Part 2 : Phenomenon during the impact of particles on the substrate

  • Solid particles (critical speed and plastic deformation)
  • Liquid particles (solidification, influence of the substrate material and its surface, temperature, wettability, etc.)
  • Presentation of diagnostic techniques (in-flight pyrometry, velocimetry, fragmentation study)

Methods of assessment:

Written test

Suggested bibliography:

  • Thermal Plasmas: Fundamentals and Applications M.I. Boulos, P. Fauchais, et al.
  • Thermal Spraying, American Welding Society, Miami, FL, 1985, p. 181.
  • P.J. Meyer and D. Hawley: in Thermal Spray Coatings: Properties, Processes and Applications, T. F. Bernecki, ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1991, pp. 29–38.
  • C. Moreau: in Thermal Spray: Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century, C. Coddet, ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1998, pp. 1681–93.
  • J. Wigren, M.O. Hansson, P. Gougeon, and C. Moreau: in Thermal Spray: Practical Solutions for Engineering Problems, C.C. Berndt, ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1996, pp. 675–81.
  • J.A. Brogan, C.C. Berndt, A. Claudon, and C. Coddet: in Thermal Spray: Practical Solutions for Engineering Problems, C.C. Berndt, ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1996, pp. 221–26.
  • M.L. Allan, C.C. Berndt, J.A. Brogan, and D. Otterson: in Thermal Spray: Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century, C. Coddet, ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1998, pp. 13–18.
  • X. Zhou and J.V. Heberlein: Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 1994, vol. 3, pp. 564–74.
  • M. Ushio, K. Tanaka, and M. Tanaka: in Heat and Mass Transfer under Plasma Conditions, P. Fauchais, ed., Begell House, New York, NY, 1995, pp. 265–72.
  • M.P. Planche: Ph.D. Thesis, University of Limoges, Limoges, 1995, 37–1995.
  • J.M. Leger, P. Fauchais, A. Grimaud, M. Vardelle, A. Vardelle, and B. Pateyron: in Thermal Spray: International Advances in Coating Technology, C.C. Berndt, ed., ASM International, Materials Park,
  • M.I. Boulos, P. Fauchais, A. Vardelle, and E. Pfender: in Plasma Spraying: Theory and Applications, R. Suryanarayanan, ed., World Scientific, Singapore, 1993, pp. 3–60.
  • C. Moreau, P. Gougeon, M. Lamontagne, V. Lacasse, G. Vaudreuil, and P. Cielo: in Thermal Spray Industrial Applications, C.C. Berndt and S. Sampath, eds., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1994, pp. 431–36.
  • F. Monerie-Moulin, F. Gitzhofer, P. Fauchais, M.I. Boulos, and A. Vardelle: J. High Temp. Chem. Processes, 1992, vol. 1 (3), pp. 249–57.
  • J. Madjeski: Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 1983, vol. 26, pp. 1095–98.
  • M. Pasandideh-Fard, Y.M. Qiav, S. Chandra, and J. Mosthagimi: Phys. Fluids, 1996, vol. 8, pp. 650–59.
  • G Bidron et al 2019 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 52 165201
  • S Goutier, M Vardelle, J-C Labbé, P Fauchais. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, ASM International/Springer, 2010, 19, pp.49-55
  • Joulia, A. et al. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 24 (2014): 24-29.
  • Duarte, William et al. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 23 (2014): 1425-1435.
Credits: 15/12 (Course unit : Fundamental Resarch Courses)


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (8h)
Tutorials (4h)




This course aims to present the relationships between structure, microstructure and optical properties of functional glass-ceramic and crystalline materials (monocrystals and polycrystalline ceramics). Then, the influence of defects that can alter the linear optical properties of materials through light diffusion or absorption phenomena will be detailed. The functional properties of different materials for optics will finally be discussed through examples (transparent silicate, germanate and tellurite glass ceramics dedicated for light emission and nonlinear optics (ONL), transparent ceramics for laser applications, shielding, lenses, etc.).

Learning outcomes:

  • Know how to interpret and use a typical DSC curve for a glass, Know the “classic” process for producing a glass-ceramic, Understand different experimental strategies leading to the production of a highly transparent glass-ceramic
  • Define specifications relating to the choice of powders and process parameters for the production of transparent ceramics, Determine the correlations between processes and (optical) properties, Characterize the optical properties (transparency, diffusion) of a material transparent

Indicative contents:

Vitroceramics for light emission and ONL

  • Transparent glass ceramics by controlled crystallization of a glass (nucleation/growth, demixing, etc.), optical transparency, structure/property relationships.
  • Complete crystallization of glass to obtain transparent ceramics.   

Transparent polycrystalline ceramics

  • Presentation of the different types of transparent ceramics, concept of optical transparency of polycrystalline ceramics, microstructure-property relationships, properties in conditions of use. Specificities of the processes for producing transparent ceramics: choice of powders, unconventional sintering, role of dopants, process-property relationships.
  • Focus on YAG ceramics with Laser applications.

Methods of assessment:

Written test

Suggested bibliography:

in progress

Credits: 3


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Tutorials (30h)


B1 level required.


To bring students towards the European B2/C1 level. The operational and evaluable objectives of this training are:

  • Understand most situations that might be encountered at work or while traveling in a region where English is spoken for example
  • Develop oral and written language skills
  • International English communication

Learning outcomes:

Acquisition of English language skills (objective B2/C1). International, specialty and professional English (CV, cover letters, etc.)

Indicative contents:

  • Written and oral comprehension/production work on authentic specialist or general English documents
  • Interactive debates on general themes
  • Language lab work (pronunciation, listening, repetition, etc.)
  • Professional English (writing cover letters, CV, professional interview) academic (summary of documents, emails, sum-ups, etc.)
  • Work on specialization and general English vocabulary.
  • Presentation of a specialty presentation

Methods of assessment:

Written test, oral

Au choix (1 sur 3)

Credits: 1.5


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (12h)
Tutorials (3h)


Knowledge acquired during the bachelor level mainly based on the simple structure of metals:

  • the basic stacking sequences (hexagonal and cubic closed packed assemblages … etc),
  • the interstitial sites of these basic assemblages,
  • a good knowledge of the basic structures of NaCl, NiAs, CdI2, ZnS (wurtzite and blende), CsCl, …. Etc., the different kinds of bonds existing in solids.


This course presents the fundamentals of the crystal chemistry applied to the ionocovalent structures and consequently to ceramic materials.

Starting from the very basic structural models, this course aims at giving tools to describe the complexes structures and in particular, to show how the most complexes ones derived from them. The relationship existing between the fine structure of the matter and its functional properties is emphasized. This approach will be carried out based on illustrations extracted from the literature.

Learning outcomes:

  • Describe the structures based on compact packing of spheres and on the stacking of polyhedra.
  • Getting acquainted with the main structural families and with the link of structural filiation existing between compounds.
  • Understand complex structures of ceramic material from the specialized literature: Mixt compact-layers compounds (perovskites) and long range ordered structures (Polytypoid series, commensurate and incommensurate structures).
  • Have in-deepen knowledge of the structural approach of phase transitions

Indicative contents:

Topics addressed:

  • Influence of cationic ordering on the structural dimensionality of crystals.
  • Structural mechanisms leading to sub-stoichiometry and over-stoichiometry of cations and anions in solids.
  • Short and long ranges ordering of defects in structures towards complex commensurate and incommensurate structures (Vernier phase, polytypism, complex intergrowth, etc…).

Methods of assessment:

Written test

Suggested bibliography:

in progress

Credits: 1.5


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (11h)
Practicals (4h)


in progress


AFM: This teaching provides the basic theoretical and practical knowledge to use the different acquisition modes of an AFM. In addition, one of the objectives is to enable students to understand the results and their interpretation, which they will encounter in the international scientific literature.

RAMAN: This teaching provides the basic theoretical and practical knowledge to extract structural information from Raman spectrum or Raman map.

Indicative contents:

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) (6 h) – E. Thune

The fabrication and processing of nanoparticles or nanoscale structures require instruments able of nanoscale resolution with the simplest possible sample preparation. Near-field microscopes such as AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) meet these requirements and make it possible to characterize nanostructures deposited on a solid surface. This course will be focused on:

  • introduction to solid surfaces,
  • history of near-field microscopy,
  • instrumentation,
  • different imaging modes,
  • applications: Images obtained in different environments will demonstrate AFM’s ability to explore nanoscale objects or arrangements of objects. One of the strengths of AFM, acquiring simultaneously several types of maps corresponding to different physical and even local physical and chemical properties of the surface, will be illustrated through several examples, most of them resulting from research carried out at IrCer.

Raman Spectroscopy (5 h) – M. Colas

The Raman technique is a technique in perpetual evolution, which is more and more use in both academic and industrial laboratories due to its great versatility. This vibrational spectroscopy is based on the light-matter interaction and lead to structural information on materials regardless of their nature, solid, liquid, gas or their state (crystallized or amorphous). This course will be focused on:

  • Recall on light matter interactions
  • History of the technic
  • Instrumentation
  • Applications (many examples based on research carried out of IRCER, in many different configurations, different spectrometers, different kind of samples)

4 h Labs

  • AFM (1.5 h) – E. Thune: How to handle an AFM in tapping mode.
  • Raman (2.5 h) – M. Colas, J. Cornette: experiments on both conventional and mapping devoted spectrometers

Methods of assessment:

Written test

Suggested bibliography:

in progress

Credits: 1.5


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (6h)

Tutorials (3h)

Practices (6h)


Mathematical knowledge acquired during the bachelor level.


This course presents the fundamentals of the fluid dynamics applied.

Starting from the base of fluid dynamic, the course aims is to give to student the fundamental in order to understand the fluid flow at the macroscale and able to go to the physics of microfluidics.

The specific physics of microfluidics is a part of fluid dynamics in which we consider fluids that are confined in structures of micrometer scales, i.e. structures that have at least one dimension (width, length or depth) lower than a millimeter. At microscales, the dominant forces are different from those we experience at the macroscale and flows typically exhibit properties that can be exploited in microfluidic devices.

Learning outcomes:

  • solve hydrostatic problems.
  • describe the physical properties of a fluid.
  • calculate the pressure distribution for incompressible fluids.
  • describe the motion of fluids.
  • describe the principles of motion for fluids.
  • describe the areas of velocity and acceleration.
  • formulate the motion of fluid element.
  • identify derivation of basic equations of fluid mechanics and apply
  • identify how to derive basic equations and know the related assumptions.
  • Apply scientific method strategies to fluid mechanics: analyse qualitatively and quantitatively the problem situation, propose hypotheses and solutions.
  • Use specific vocabulary and terminology and the appropriate means to effectively communicate knowledge, procedures, results, skills and aspects inherent to fluid mechanics.

Indicative contents:

  • Design and development of microfluidic systems (3h)

Simple channels are designed based on standard photolithography and soft lithography.

In the design of a micro-channel the students have to consider how many inlets and outlets will be needed and what is the volume of interest.

Once the dimensions and the design are defined, the channels are drawn with the aid of appropriate software and the resulting file printed on a plastic sheet, preferentially using a high-resolution printer. This sheet will be the “mask” used for photolithography.

A dry film photoresist will be used to create the molds for the micro-channels.

Liquid PDMS (from the Sylgard 184 Elastomer Kit) is poured onto the molds.

  • Microfluidic + magnetic micro-spheres and colorant inside the solution (3h)

Use of a microfluidic flow control system – device that allows the user to precisely control either the pressure or the flow rate on specific points of a microfluidic system

Velocity estimation, Reynolds number, Laminar vs Turbulent flow

Localized versus average sphere velocity

Capturing, positioning or sorting magnetic objects over a large surface on the bottom of the channel / point of care systems.

Methods of assessment:

Written test

Suggested bibliography:

in progress

Au choix (1 sur 3)

Credits: 3


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (9h)
Practicals (21h)


  • Basic notions of 3D drawing
  • Basic notions on mechanical manufacturing
  • Basics basic notions of microwave components (from TU MPC)
  • Mathematical methods for physics and engineering (e.g. …)


To teach students a basic understanding of the production processes based on additive manufacturing technologies (metal, ceramic and plastic) and on heterogeneous integration of RF sub-systems using such 3D printing technologies.

Learning outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this module, a student will be able to :

  • Understand the design rules related to each additive manufacturing technology
  • Understand the industrial issues related to the technology
  • Establish the positioning (advantages and disadvantages) of additive manufacturing compared to other manufacturing technologies
  • Establish the current and future RF components and subsystems in industrial production.

Indicative contents:

    Part I: Basics on microwave domain (Lectures: 3h)

  • Microwave domain and additive manufacturing in RF front-end
  • Theory of transmission line
  • S-parameters
  • Waveguide and 3D resonators
  • Microwave filtering

    Part II: Basics on additive manufacturing (Lectures: 3h)

  • Additive processes review
  • Digital chain for additive manufacturing
  • 3D printing hybridation for ceramic metal part dedicated to micro-electronic

    Part III: Additive manufacturing on RF components (Lectures: 3h)

  • Different benefit from different materials: polymers, metals, ceramics Applications: antennas, filters, signal routing, metasurfaces and metamaterials etc…
  • Different technologies: 3D printing and conformal printing for microwave devices
  • Advanced materials: low-loss polymers, temperature stable metals and ceramics etc…
  • Future trends: 4D printing, submicron printing

Methods of assessment:

Written test, report or poster presentation

Suggested bibliography:

  • Gibson, D. Rosen, B. Stucker, M. Khorasani, “Additive Manufacturing Technologies”, 3rd Edition, Spinger, 2021
  • Claude Barlier et Alain Bernard, “Fabrication Additive”, Collection Technique et ingénierie, Edition Dunod, novembre 2020
Credits: 3


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (18,5h)
Practicals (10h)
Tutorials (1,5h)


  • Basics notions of Electromagnetism
  • Basics on Lasers and interaction between laser and materials
  • Basics principles of Optical Fibers
  • Mathematical methods for physics and engineering (e.g. Electromagnetic waves)


To provide students with basic notions and understanding of biomaterials, bioimaging and bioelectromagnetism.

Learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this course, a student will be able to :

  • Know the basics of cell biology and physiology to understand the phenomena and interactions that occur between living/materials and living/electromagnetic waves;
  • Understand, from this knowledge, diagnostic and/or treatment technologies implementing ceramic biomaterials, biomedical imaging or electromagnetic waves.

Indicative contents:

Part I: Cell biology and physiology

  • Molecular basics: from DNA to proteins
  • Cell basics: cell structure (plasma membrane components and functions), organelles, compartmentalization
  • Cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix communication: how signaling pathways control cell behavior at the interface with biomaterials from environmental stimuli?
  • Cellular biomechanics and cytoskeleton

Part II: Biomaterials

  • Effect of chemical elements (dissolution products) on bone cells and the associated molecular mechanisms
  • Influence of the modification of parameters featuring biomaterial surface properties on cellular behavior
  • Interaction proteins/material surface

Part III: Bioimaging

  • From epifluorescence to confocal laser scanning microscopy
  • Multiphoton and vibrational microscopy
  • Label and label-free imaging of biological cells/tissues

Part IV: Bioelectromagnetism

  • General view of bioelectromagnetism
  • Health risk assessment, dosimetry, specific absorption rate
  • Pulse electric field, dielectrophoresis, microfluidics

Methods of assessment:

Written test, oral test

Suggested bibliography:

  • Nanostructured Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine,” Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials, 2020 (
  • “Biomaterials Science – An Introduction to Materials in Medicine,” Academic Press, 2020 (
  • “Bioimaging – Imaging by Light and Electromagnetics in Medicine and Biology,” CRC Press, 2020 (
Credits: 3


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Lectures (17h)
Practicals (3h)
Tutorials (10h)


  • General knowledge on Information and Communications technologies (ICT)
  • Basics on electronic devices and systems
  • Basics on semiconducting materials and devices
  • Mathematical methods for physics and engineering


To provide students with a basic understanding in the field of Energy Harvesting specifically applied to sustainable Internet of Things (IoT). The module aims at developing a general knowledge on various energy harvesting technologies that can be deployed to power autonomous sensors and/or objects in the field of IoT and industrial IoT. The module also aims at giving a general knowledge on ultra-low powerelectronics and energy management systems.

Learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this module a student will be able to :

  • Understand the context and challenges in the field of energy harvesting applied to IoT
  • Understand the main principles of operation of various energy conversion devices exploiting indoor light, thermal gradients, mechanical motions/vibrations, or ambient RF energy.
  • Understand the challenges associated with ultra-low power electronics and energy management in IoT systems
  • Establish a preliminary energy assessment of IoT systems in order to select the most suitable energy harvesting technology.

Indicative contents:

Part 1: Energy Harvesting, power management circuits and ultra-low power electronics for the autonomy of electronic devices
Part 2: Indoor photovoltaics for IoT
Part 3: Power transfer by wireless technologies
Part 4: Ultra low power harvester and Management IC
Part 5: Thermal energy harvesting for IoT

Methods of assessment:

Written test, report

Suggested bibliography:

  • M. Alhawari et al, “Energy Harvesting for Self-Powered Wearable Devices”, Springer 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-62577-5
  • Y. K. Tan, “Energy Harvesting Autonomous Sensor Systems”, CRC Press, 2017, ISBN 978-1-351- 83256-4

Semestre 4

Credits: 6


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

Scientific project (one day/week)




Carry a scientific or entrepreunarial project. 3 options:

  • continue their « research » project carried out in M1 within the framework of the Cordées de la recherche
  • carry out their project within the framework of the « Ateliers de l’innovation » offered by the IAE Limoges
  • carry out their project in conjunction with a company, a CRT, a LabCom, etc.

Methods of assessment:


Credits: 24


Course mode:


Methods of delivery:

6 months internship




6 months training period in a company or in a research laboratory

Methods of assessment:

Report, oral, evaluation sheet


  • Parcours sélectif (places limitées)
  • Pas de redoublement possible en parcours EUR
  • Bourse 6000€ (4000€ en M1, 2000€ en M2)
  • Aide à la mobilité entrante et sortante


Formations en physico-chimie des solides, en synthèse et élaboration des matériaux, en caractérisation structurale de la matière condensée, en propriétés physiques des matériaux ainsi que des connaissances sur les matériaux céramiques.


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MAJ : Janvier 2024