Formation initiale en 2 ans
Anglais, Français
Nombre de crédits ECTS
- Stage en M1(mobilité internationale)
- Stage de fin d’étude en M2
- Projet scientifique en M2
Ce programme de Master s’appuie sur le Master Physique Appliquée et Ingénierie Physique, électronique-optique IXEO, avec une coloration spécifique selon les souhaits de chacun. Les étudiants seront formés dans les domaines de l’électronique et de la photonique haute fréquence à travers une approche orientée recherche avec des projets et des stages en laboratoire, à XLIM ou à l’étranger.
Insertion professionnelle
Métiers : Ingénieur R&D, ingénieur de projet, enseignant-chercheur Secteurs : Groupes industriels, start-up et PME : applications spatiales, civiles, de défense, composants haute fréquence et technologies pour les sciences de la communication, technologies photoniques (laser, imagerie, …)
Master 1
Semestre 1
Credits: 9
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (42h)
Tutorials (24h)
Practicals (24h)
- Linear analogue circuits, Resistive and reactive circuits- energy -dissipated power
- Transient and steady-state conditions
- Low pass – high pass –band pass filters – transfer functions –Bode diagram
- Voltage and current sources – Thevenin – Norton
- Bipolar and field effect transistors – small signal equivalent models
- Input-output impedances
- Voltage-current and power gains. Static and dynamic load lines
To provide students with an understanding of nonlinear electronics and design of active power circuits, oscillators and mixers at microwave frequencies.
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
- Understand the basics of nonlinear modelling of microwave transistors
- Know the main figures of merit of transistor technologies
- Understand the nonlinear analysis applied to active microwave circuits
- Explain and discuss the main architectures for high-efficiency power amplifiers, oscillators and mixers
- Use the vector network analyser and suitable test benches for the characterisation of non-linear microwave components
- Knowledge of methodologies for the study of non-linear circuits and ADS software
- Design linear and nonlinear circuits of RF front end with suitable criteria for power, efficiency and linearity specifications.
Indicative contents:
- MMIC technologies for non-linear active circuits ( Si –GaAs –GaN –InP)
- Non-linear modelling techniques of microwave transistors
- Architectures of wideband resistive and distributed power amplifiers
- Architectures of high-frequency mixers
- Architectures of non-linear active circuits controlled by cold HEMTs
- Non-linear function analysis applied to controlled current source in transistors
- High-efficiency operating classes – Current-voltage waveforms and load-lines
- Architectures of high-efficiency narrow-band power amplifiers
- Architectures of high-frequency oscillators
- Non-linear distortions of modulated signals in power amplifiers.
Methods of assessment:
Written test, oral
Suggested bibliography:
- Albert Malvino, David Bates, Electronic principles – Mac Graw Hill ISBN 978-0-07-337388-1
- Pierre Muret, Fundamentals of electronics Electronic components and elementary functions – Wiley ISBN 978 -1-119-45340-6
- John J Shynk, Mathematical Foundations of linear circuits and systems in engineering – Wiley ISBN 978-1-119-07347-S
- Steve Cripps, RF Power amplifiers for wireless communications –Artech House ISBN 0-89006-989-1
- Andrei Grebennikov, RF and microwave power amplifier design –Mac Graw Hill ISBN 0-07-144493-9
- P Colantonio, F Giannini, E Limiti , High efficiency RF and microwave solid state power amplifiers – Wiley ISBN 978-0-470-51300-2
- Stephen A Mass, Non linear microwave and RF circuits – Artech House ISBN 1-58053-484-8
Credits: 9
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (42h)
Tutorials (24h)
Practicals (24h)
in progress
in progress
Learning outcomes:
in progress
Indicative contents:
- Propagation: Maxwell equations, wave equation, dispersion relation, TE and TM waves in metallic rectangular waveguide, TEM wave, telegrapher’s equations, coaxial waveguides
- Transmission lines: S parameters, Smith chart, passive components (L, C, R, LC) distributed and lumped elements, design methods for circuits, coupled lines theory
- Antennas: Basics of electromagnetic field theory, solutions for Maxwell equations, idealized electric dipole, characteristics of antennas (radiation patterns, gain, directivity, wire antennas…)
- Labs (24h): ADS Momentum HFSS software, low-pass filter at microwave frequencies, modeling of antennas
Methods of assessment:
Written test, oral
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Credits: 4
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (17h)
Tutorials (6h)
Practicals (32h)
in progress
in progress
Learning outcomes:
in progress
Indicative contents:
in progress
Methods of assessment:
Written test, oral
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Credits: 8
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (27h)
Tutorials (19h)
Practicals (34h)
in progress
in progress
Learning outcomes:
in progress
Indicative contents:
- Guided wave propagation: Plane waveguides (propagation modes, power coupling, propagation constant Dispersion relation Field distribution Dispersion), optical fibres (Linearly polarized modes, Gaussian approximation for the fundamental mode, Propagation in presence of dispersion), power transfer (loss at joints, Overlap integrals, coupled mode theory, Parallel waveguides, Bragg grating, Tapers, adiabaticity criterion)
- Free space propagation: spatial frequency, signal processing – time vs space (spatial Fourier transform, spectrum, plane wave expansion, convolution, transfer function), transfer function (plane wave, transfer function), application to the Gaussian beam (spectrum, finite distance propagation, analytic field for a Gaussian beam, examples), Fourier optics (analogy between space and time signal processing, linear system with translation invariance, characterization, finite distance diffraction, application of Fourier optics)
- Labs (24h): Fusion-splicing machine and power budget, EDFA, numerical transmission, YAG laser, sub-ps laser, strioscopy – filtering of spatial frequencies
Methods of assessment:
Written test, oral
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Semestre 2
Credits: 3
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Tutorials (30h)
B1 level required.
To bring students towards the European B2/C1 level. The operational and evaluable objectives of this training are:
- Understand most situations that might be encountered at work or while traveling in a region where English is spoken for example
- Develop oral and written language skills
- International English communication
Learning outcomes:
Acquisition of English language skills (objective B2/C1). International, specialty and professional English (CV, cover letters, etc.)
Indicative contents:
- Written and oral comprehension/production work on authentic specialist or general English documents
- Interactive debates on general themes
- Language lab work (pronunciation, listening, repetition, etc.)
- Professional English (writing cover letters, CV, professional interview) academic (summary of documents, emails, sum-ups, etc.)
- Work on specialization and general English vocabulary.
- Presentation of a specialty presentation
Methods of assessment:
Written test, oral
Credits: 3
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Tutorials (39h)
Part 1 Communication : This module is designed to help students apply for internships. It equips them with methodological tools and enables them to understand the challenges and stages of recruitment. In addition, students reinforce their oral fluency through a number of exercises: a 180-second Elevator pitch; a critical analysis of a socio-technical controversy in its polemical and media dimensions, combined with a presentation of the players involved and the arguments associated with the different positions. The aim is to develop convincing and adaptable skills. Team-building exercises are designed to get students to work together and put them in a collective interview situation. – Pay attention to posture and body language – Express yourself with ease – Synthesize – Analyze documents and identify arguments – Present a project, justifying the choices made
Part 2 Management : This module aims to make students think about the issues facing a company, how the right strategy is determined, using methodological tools, and to identify interested parties and their performance management.
Learning outcomes:
- Develop your human and relational qualities
- Communicate in writing, orally, in several languages
- Work as a team, self-assess (strengths and weaknesses)
- Develop your abilities to enter professional life
- Demonstrate cultural openness, be curious, have a critical mind
- Work on your dynamism, be capable of commitment, leadership
- Know how to integrate business and societal issues in an international context
- Know and understand the business world
- Manage projects
Indicative contents:
Part 1 Communication : Job interview simulations (individual and collective) are offered as well as the creation of the key elements of a file, namely the CV, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, online applications, etc. A current review (scientific and technical news) is produced at each tutorial as well as a final presentation on a subject related to the professional world. This requires documentary research and preparation of the speech as well as the visual support used for the defense. Work on argumentation and the rhetorical aspects of speech is presented. Students approach a socio-technical controversy by identifying the various positions and issues at stake in the debate, particularly in its media dimension. They report on their documentary research and the choices they have made to address the controversy in an oral presentation.
Part 2 Management :
Chap 1. The company and its environment
- The company
- Analysis of its environment, its market
- The choice of a strategy thanks to a good diagnosis
- React to changes in the environment
Chap 2. The company and its strategic choices
- Notions – strategy, organizational policy, competitive advantage, the different levels of strategy
- The 3 strategies resulting from Porter methods
- Growth strategies * Innovation * Entrepreneurial and managerial logic
- The purpose of a company
Chap 3. Company performance.
- Company management and performance
- Identify stakeholders and their objectives
- Concept- governance, management, performance, decision-makers
Methods of assessment:
Written test, oral, presentation
Suggested bibliography:
- Perez D., CV, lettre de motivation, entretien d’embauche, L’Étudiant, Ed. Paris, 2014, 416 pages.
- Engrand S., Projet professionnel gagnant ! Une méthode innovante pour cibler stages et premier emploi, Dunod, Ed. Paris, 2014, 180 pages.
- Davidenkoff E., Le guide des entreprises qui recrutent : hors-série 2015 : faire la différence en entretien, négocier son premier salaire, débuter à l’étranger, L’Étudiant, Ed. Paris, 2015
- Charline Licette, Savoir parler en public, Studyrama Pro, 2018
- Fabrice Carlier, Réussir ma première prise de parole en public, StudyramaPro, 2018
- Cyril Gely, Savoir improviser : l’art de s’exprimer sans préparation, Groupe Studyrama-Vocatis, 2010
- Lelli A., 2003, Les écrits professionnels : la méthode des 7C – Soyez correct, clair, concis, courtois, convivial, convaincant, compétent, Dunod, Ed. Paris, 2003, 168 pages.
Credits: 6
Course mode:
Consolidation of the experience acquired during training within a research laboratory.
Indicative contents:
Depending on the topic of the laboratory work.
Learning outcomes:
- Integrate into and within a work team
- Show initiative
- Test your curiosity
- Structure your ideas and the stages of their implementation
- Demonstrate scientific rigor
- Learn to meet deadlines
- Know the safety rules in force within the structure
Methods of assessment:
Report, evaluation sheet (lab behavior), oral presentation
Suggested bibliography:
Depending on the topic of the laboratory work.
Credits: 3
Course mode:
On-site (internship)
Discover the world of business or international research work.
Learning outcomes:
Compare the skills acquired during training with the demands of the socio-professional world.
Indicative contents:
At least two months spent within the company (or in an international research laboratory) as an intern.
Methods of assessment:
Report, evaluation sheet, oral presentation
Au choix (1 parcours sur 3)
Credits: 3
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (9h)
Practicals (21h)
in progress
This module addresses the relationships of the microstructure and properties of materials with their microwave properties, implementing advanced physico-chemical analyses and dedicated EM characterizations from microwaves to millimeter waves.
Depending on their respective track (“Advanced of High Frequency Electronics and Photonics” or “High Frequency Electronics and Photonics”), Master Students will have to follow 3h of specific courses:
- For a master student following the “Advanced Ceramics” track, the bridging course content will correspond to introduce the EM propagation and EM properties of materials for microwave applications and Scattering parameters.
- For a master student following the “High Frequency Electronics and Photonics” track, the bridging course content will give a basic overview of the structural and microstructural descriptions of materials and their specificities for massive (3D), surface (2D) and homogeneous nucleation (1D) materials.
Learning outcomes:
- Apprehend the role of structure/microstructure, the correlations with physicochemical properties,
- Assimilate some material fabrication processes with optimized architectures,
- Learn some notions about the advanced materials properties
- Understand the electromagnetic properties and their interest in microwave applications
- Learn characterization methods on permittivity, permeability, electrical conductivity and other relevant properties for RF: thermal expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity, density: key parameters for RF devices
- Know the techniques for elaborating advanced materials and the methods to characterize them in a physico-chemical and microwave domains
Indicative contents:
9h of lectures + 20 h of Lab activities
- Synthesis of materials and controlled architectures for electronic applications (4h30)
A short overview of specific fabrication methods of metallic and oxide thin films for electronic applications will be given (industrial and research approach). Principal characterizations and analyses for morphological, structural, microstructural (AFM, XRD, SEM…) and physical (4 point-probe, Hall effect, …) properties will be described. Correlations between process, mechanisms of growth and properties will be discussed.
- EM Characterization, permittivity, permeability, electrical conductivity (4h30)
Understanding the need for knowledge of these parameters (CAD, measurements , …), the principles of characterization, a large overview of the characterization methods (and the commercial ones) and their area of validity (frequency, shape, specific properties …) and advantages and disadvantages.
These courses will be supplied by practical activities aiming the fabrication and characterization of a (model) device.
- Fabrication Lab activities (10h):
Practical work including thin films deposition of metal and ceramics thin films (pulsed laser deposition, sputtering, spin coating, …), characterizations (crystalline structure, physical properties), introduction to photolithography techniques for the realization of a component with a microwave function.
- Microwave Lab activities (10h):
Practical work on material microwave characterization: resonant method and reflexion/transmission method around 20 GHz on a component developed during ceramic laboratory activities. The substrate used for ceramic elaboration will be initially characterized by other nondestructive method such as Split Cylinder Resonator (10 to 20 GHz) …
Methods of assessment:
Written test, practical exam
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Credits: 6
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (21h)
Tutorials (15h)
Practicals (24h)
in progress
in progress
Learning outcomes:
in progress
Indicative contents:
- MMIC technology for active circuits: Si, GaAs, GaN, InP technologies, electrical models for passive MMIC for CAD, example of an MMIC run, wafer cartography
- Linear specification for HF quadripoles in CAD: input and output impedances, S parameters, power gain in linear quadripoles, stability of linear quadripoles, adaptation, synthesis
- Introduction to non linear CAD
- Characterization and modeling of non linear active components: principles, toolbox, example of Schottky diode and HEMT transistor, HBT transistor, varactors
- Principle and method for electrothermic modeling
- Applications and examples of non linear MMIC circuits (reverse engineering): ultra wide band DC-40GHz receiver, distributed power amplifier
- Labs (24h): CMOS technological process, MOS transistor with N or P canal, design methodology for basic logical gates (INV, NAND, NOR), Cadence software
Methods of assessment:
Written test, practical exam
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Credits: 5
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (18h)
Tutorials (8h)
Practicals (24h)
in progress
in progress
Learning outcomes:
in progress
Indicative contents:
Passive microwave components (power in rectangular waveguides, loss, S paraemters, resonators, metallic cavity, resonance frequencies, Q-factor, RLC model, in and out coupling)
Antennas: links between antennas (Lorents reciprocity theorem, effective area, gain, Friis formula), networks (linear network, directivity, radiating aperture antennas (Huygues principle)
Labs (24h) Implementation of a scalar network analysis bench, characterization of plane waves – Antennas, Characterization techniques for waveguides, Characterization of resonant cavity with network analyzer, Characterization of a multipole resonator, Characterization of printed antennas
Methods of assessment:
Written test, oral
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Credits: 3
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (20h)
Tutorials (10h)
in progress
in progress
Learning outcomes:
in progress
Indicative contents:
- Rare earth doped fibre amplifiers: Principles (mechanisms for light-matter interaction, rate equations, power equations for 3 level model, spectral behaviour, impact of the fibre geometry, fabrication of rare earth doped fibres), Erbium-doped fiber amplifier for telecoms (system parameters: gain, noise figure, limitations (e.g. excited state absorption), towards power amplification, Other rare earths (ytterbium, thulium, holmium, neodymium, high-power lasers at 1 and 2 μm, applications: welding, micromachining)
- Lasers: Principles (Laser gain for 3 and 4 energy levels systems, small signal gain (2-level model), gain saturation, laser oscillator: principle, loss, operating point, characteristics of laser emission: power conversion efficiency, longitudinal modes, transverse modes, laser resonators for single transverse mode operation: Gaussian beam, stability condition, regimes: continuous wave, Q-switched, mode-locked), Examples of all-solid lasers (bulk crystal lasers and fibre lasers) and their applications.
Methods of assessment:
Written test
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Credits: 4
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (26h)
Tutorials (14h)
in progress
in progress
Learning outcomes:
in progress
Indicative contents:
- Introduction to nonlinear optics: Fundamentals of light-matter interaction (polarizability, susceptibility), Second order nonlinear optics (electro-optical effect, Pockels effect, phase and intensity modulation, frequency doubling, phase-matching condition), third-order nonlinear optics (Kerr effect, self-phase modulation, self-focusing, soliton)
- Study of nonlinear optical processes: Wave equation in nonlinear regime (nonlinear propagation equation, Maxwell’s equations with nonliner susceptibilities, slowly varying enveloppe approximation, simplified equations for wave mixing), frequency doubling (low conversion regime, frequency doubling and optical rectification, second harmonic power evolution without phase matching, coherence length, quasi phasematching condition, high conversion regime), three-wave mixing (wave-particle duality, coupled equations, Manley-Rowe equations, sum frequency generation, difference frequency generation, parametric amplification), frequency tripling, self-phase and cross-phase modulation, Four-wave mixing (phasematching condition, coupled equations with phase matching), nonlinear scatterings (spontaneous and stimulated scatterings, Brillouin scattering and Raman scattering, complex nonlinear susceptibility, simplified power equations)
Methods of assessment:
Written test
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Credits: 3
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (9h)
Tutorials (0h)
Practicals (21h)
Introduction to photonic materials in the form of films, powders or bulk materials
This module aims at exploring original materials and devices for light emission by focusing on both coherent and non-coherent sources. The minimum theoretical background on the optical properties of materials for light emission applications will be provided through general courses and tutorials, but the main aspects will be illustrated from the experimental point of view during practical sessions in laboratories. Students will get the opportunity to process and characterize several types of materials (optical fibers, crystals, thin films) and to build optical sources (lasers, light-emitting diodes) and assess their optoelectronic performance. The module is divided into 3 complementary parts, completed by occasional seminars or conference on specific topic of interest.
Learning outcomes:
in progress
Indicative contents:
1. Bulk materials for active optics (JR. Duclère, R. Boulesteix)
3h Courses (CM): Preparation of labworks. Essential notions: Introduction to photonic
materials in the form of films, powders or bulk materials (phosphors by sol-gel, laser amplifier
media by single-crystal growth or ceramic processing, glasses and glass-ceramics for ONL, etc.).
2*4h of laboratory demonstration (TP):
- Characterization of non-linear optical properties of materials
- Characterization of luminescent transparent (poly)crystalline materials (light scattering, transmittance, absorbance, photoluminescence)
2. Fiber lasers (S. Février, R, Jamier)
1,5h Courses (CM): Introduction to fiber lasers: basic concepts and preparation of labworks.
11,5h of laboratory demonstration (TP):
- Fiber drawing, building of various fiber-based lights sources (incoherent ASE source and coherent source based on laser emission), characterization of laser sources, measurement of fluorescence lifetime.
3. “New generation of printable light emitting diodes” – J. Bouclé
3h Courses (CM): Introduction to halide perovskites and their optoelectronic properties,
Application to light-emitting devices (device architecture and principle of operation)
3h of laboratory demonstration (TP):
- Emission quantum yield and exciton lifetime probed by PL and TRPL on a solution-processed semiconductor (includes deposition of thin films and full optical characterization by PL).
- Fabrication and characterization of a perovskite LED. Explanation given on device architecture, processing steps (in front of the equipment).
- Characterization of a pre-fabricated LED on instrumentation equipment.
4. Workshop / Seminar
Seminar (invited): Seminar focused on a topic « materials for photonics ».
- Examples:
- Lasers in materials processing (sintering, welding, cutting, etc.).
- Magneto-optical and/or electro-optical materials
- Single-crystals growth and uses
- Quantum optics…
Methods of assessment:
Submission of a short report
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Credits: 5
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (18h)
Tutorials (8h)
Practicals (24h)
in progress
in progress
Learning outcomes:
in progress
Indicative contents:
Passive microwave components (power in rectangular waveguides, loss, S paraemters, resonators, metallic cavity, resonance frequencies, Q-factor, RLC model, in and out coupling)
Antennas: links between antennas (Lorents reciprocity theorem, effective area, gain, Friis formula), networks (linear network, directivity, radiating aperture antennas (Huygues principle)
Labs (24h) Implementation of a scalar network analysis bench, characterization of plane waves – Antennas, Characterization techniques for waveguides, Characterization of resonant cavity with network analyzer, Characterization of a multipole resonator, Characterization of printed antennas
Methods of assessment:
Written test, oral
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Credits: 6
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (21h)
Tutorials (15h)
Practicals (24h)
in progress
in progress
Learning outcomes:
in progress
Indicative contents:
MMIC technology for active circuits: Si, GaAs, GaN, InP technologies, electrical models for passive MMIC for CAD, example of an MMIC run, wafer cartography
Linear specification for HF quadripoles in CAD: input and output impedances, S parameters, power gain in linear quadripoles, stability of linear quadripoles, adaptation, synthesis
Introduction to non linear CAD
Characterization and modeling of non linear active components: principles, toolbox, example of Schottky diode and HEMT transistor, HBT transistor, varactors
Principle and method for electrothermic modeling
Applications and examples of non linear MMIC circuits (reverse engineering): ultra wide band DC-40GHz receiver, distributed power amplifier
Labs (24h): CMOS technological process, MOS transistor with N or P canal, design methodology for basic logical gates (INV, NAND, NOR), Cadence software
Methods of assessment:
Written test, practical exam
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Credits: 3
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (18h)
Tutorials (22h)
in progress
in progress
Learning outcomes:
in progress
Indicative contents:
- Link budget, adaptive modulation, Quality of services, energy consumption constraint.
This course addresses the problem of optimizing the quality of service (QoS) required of a digital communication system when energy consumption is constrained. These are strategies related to adaptive modulations or the use of optical rather than electromagnetic communications … Quality of service can be define by transmission distance, bit error rate, bit rate and requires knowledge of the link budget.
- Emission-reception antennas for IoT, rectennas, sensors, harvesting and storage modules.
In this part, we define the constituent elements of an IOT …, all the elements « composing » their behaviour and in particular their consumption characteristics. We will also look at the physics of some components. The following chapters will be discussed: Sensors for IoT (temperature, gaz, light…), antennas for IoT, transmitters / receivers for IoT Materials and technologies for sensors, antennas, transceivers for IoT, harvesting and storage module. Materials and processes for each device will be described.
Methods of assessment:
Written test
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Credits: 6
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (31h)
Practicals (39h)
in progress
in progress
Learning outcomes:
in progress
Indicative contents:
- Elements of solid-state physics: direct and reciprocal lattices, energy band structure, intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductors
- Study of dielectrics: permittivity and absorption
- Charge transport in heterojunctions: example of Schottky diode
- PN function: thermodynamic equilibrium, out of equilibrium (direct and inverse currents)
- Metal-oxide semiconductor: equilibrium (band bending), out of equilibrium, I-V characteristics
- Technologies for fabrication of integrated circuits on Si (epitaxy, doping, oxidation, plasma vapor deposition and chemical vapor deposition processes, lithophotography, etching, realisation of passive integrated elements (R, L, C) and active integrated components (junction, BJT, NMOS, PMOS, HBT SiGe), Cadence software Passive RF elements for microelectronics (resistors, integrated capacitors and spiral inductors, equivalent circuits, Q factor, transmission lines on conductor substrates)
- Labs (12h) MOS technology with TCAD Silvaco, photoreceiver with TCAD Silvaco, fabrication and characterization of spiral inductors.
Methods of assessment:
Written test
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Master 2
Semestre 3
Credits: 3
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (28h)
Practicals (62h)
in progress
in progress
Methods of assessment:
oral test
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Credits: 3
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Tutorials (30h)
B1 level required.
To bring students towards the European B2/C1 level. The operational and evaluable objectives of this training are:
- Understand most situations that might be encountered at work or while traveling in a region where English is spoken for example
- Develop oral and written language skills
- International English communication
Learning outcomes:
Acquisition of English language skills (objective B2/C1). International, specialty and professional English (CV, cover letters, etc.)
Indicative contents:
- Written and oral comprehension/production work on authentic specialist or general English documents
- Interactive debates on general themes
- Language lab work (pronunciation, listening, repetition, etc.)
- Professional English (writing cover letters, CV, professional interview) academic (summary of documents, emails, sum-ups, etc.)
- Work on specialization and general English vocabulary.
- Presentation of a specialty presentation
Methods of assessment:
Written test, oral
Credits: 6
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Scientific project (one day/week)
Carry a scientific or entrepreunarial project. 3 options:
- continue their « research » project carried out in M1 within the framework of the Cordées de la recherche
- carry out their project within the framework of the « Ateliers de l’innovation » offered by the IAE Limoges
- carry out their project in conjunction with a company, a CRT, a LabCom, etc.
Methods of assessment:
Au choix (3 sur 6)
Credits: 7.5
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (37,5h)
Understanding linear propagation in optical fibers (including role of chromatic dispersion in pulsed regime). Principles of laser emission in condensed matter. Construction of laser resonators.
Knowledge of non-linear (cubic) interactions in optical fibers.
- To explain how to detect light and how to characterize such light sources;
- To explain how to tailor the relevant parameters of light sources;
- To explain how the interplay between linear and non-linear effects in optical waveguides affects light propagation;
- To explain how to tailor the relevant parameters of optical fibres.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to design a coherent light-emitting system based on optical fibres, taking linear and non-linear interactions into account in order to tailor the emitted beam according to some specific application. He will be able to analyse and characterize the spatial, temporal and spectral features of the emitted radiation. The student will also be able to use COMSOL.
Indicative contents:
Basic skills: Detection (field modelling, space-time behaviour, how to measure phase, field and intensity correlation, relation between spatial and temporal behaviours), propagation (dispersion – diffraction, similarities for a 2nd order description, Gaussian beams and Gaussian pulses, space-time analogy, focus on light sources (relevant parameters for light source description, spatial and temporal modes, examples).
Advanced sources:
- How to manage the relevant parameters of a coherent source? Parameters for full space-time characterization of the laser radiation, M² parameter, autocorrelation trace, Fourier-limited pulses, diffraction-limited beams, tailoring a coherent radiation (spatial and frequency filtering, space-time analogy, space-time profiling), control of space-time characteristics by spatial light modulators.
- Spatial behaviour: guided wave optics – optical fibre (geometrical vs wave approach, techniques for controlling modal properties), index-guiding microstructured fibres (architecture, analogy with conventional fibres, modified total internal reflection, fabrication, properties), applications to high power sources, hollow-core fibers (bandgap and antiresonant fibers).
- Temporal behaviour: third-order nonlinearities and their impact on the pulse, management of third order nonlinearities for guided waves: microstructured fibres (index and bandgap guiding) vs conventional fibres, control over the propagation constant), single-frequency laser (gas laser, DBR, a few applications to LIDAR, LIGO-VIRGO), partially coherent radiation (evaluation of the mutual degree of coherence, incoherent supercontinuum and application to infrared spectromicroscopy), mode-locked lasers (principles, operation regimes (soliton, dispersion-managed, all-normal, chirped pulse), Raman solitons → application to multiphoton microscopy), frequency combs: coherent supercontinuum for metrology.
- Labs: numerical design of complex, micro-structured, optical fibers with COMSOL multiphysics. Numerical modelling of pulse propagation in optical fibers with tailored nonlinearity and chromatic dispersion with Matlab.
Methods of assessment:
Written test
Suggested bibliography:
- Optics background
Eugene Hecht, Optics, fifth edition, Pearson (2016), ISBN 1292096934, 9781292096933, 728 pages
- Fiber optics
– A. Ghatak, K. Thyagarajan, An Introduction to Fiber Optics, Cambridge University Press (1998), 565 pages
– G. Agrawal, Nonlinear Fiber Optics, 6th Edition, Academic Press (2019), 728 pages
Credits: 6
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (30h)
- Maxwell’s equations, planes waves.
- Equations of propagation
- Resolution of linear systems
- Antennas Parameters (Radiation and electrical characteristics, S parameters, Transmission Equation)
- Antenna array analysis
- Wire antennas, patch antennas, radiating apertures
- EMC : Introduction to the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) – How to solve EMC problems using analytic approaches based on physical phenomena or using numerical tools.
- Antennas : Overview of antennas and array architectures for terrestrial and space communications and radar detection. Study of pattern synthesis techniques and tools. Antenna array and associated circuit design guidelines for beamforming. Analysis of the properties and design rules of radiating apertures and reflector antennas
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this module a student will be able to :
- Understand the different ways of parasitic electromagnetic coupling
- Evaluate the perturbation level in simple cases at the electronic systems level
- Design an antenna array according to a given pattern specification
- Design and to analyze the performances of most common radiating apertures and reflector antennas
Indicative contents:
EM compatibility
- Typical examples of EMC problem
- Introduction to diffraction problems, resolution using numerical tools
- Principle of an analytical approach based on circuit representation of physical phenomena
- Sources of electromagnetic interferences
- Coupling phenomena, particular case of transmission lines,
- Electromagnetic shielding and nonlinear protections
- Introduction on analog and digital beamforming architectures
- Linear and Planar Array Factor Synthesis (Fourier, Chebyshev, Numerical synthesis).
- Array beamforming networks
- Radiating apertures (horn antennas, slotted waveguide)
- Reflector antennas: properties and design.
Methods of assessment:
Written test
Suggested bibliography:
- “Analysis of multiconductor transmission lines” Clayton R. Paul, IEEE Press, Wiley-Interscience A. John Wiley & sons, Inc, Publication. ISBN 978-0-470-13154-1
- “La Compatibilité Électromagnétique des systèmes complexes » Olivier Maurice – Hermes-Lavoisier.
- Randy L. Haupt – Antenna Arrays_ A Computational Approach (2010, Wiley-IEEE Press)
- Mailloux, Robert J, Phased Array Antenna Handbook, Third Edition,Artech House, 2017
Credits: 6
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (30h)
- Basics of nonlinear modelling of microwave transistors,
- Basics of linear/nonlinear active microwave circuits,
- Architectures of power amplifiers,
- High-frequency measurements of linear/nonlinear components,
- Basics of ADS software applied to linear circuits,
- Basics of design methods for linear/nonlinear circuits of RF front ends,
- Basics of sampling theory,
- Basics of nonlinear modelling Volterra Series.
To provide students with an advanced insight into signal processing and adaptive linear/nonlinear microwave circuits to face high-frequency front-end requirements.
Learning outcomes:
- Deep insight into the nonlinear modelling of thermal and trapping effects in microwave transistors to assess their impact on modulated signals
- Advanced understanding of adaptive power amplifiers in high-frequency front-end illustrated by payload and radar applications
- Design methods of Doherty, switching-mode and envelope tracking HPAs
- Advanced understanding of band-pass sampling in a receiver for the satellite ground-based station
- Advanced understanding of limitations of Software Defined Radio (quantification noise, phase jitter, non-linear effects, SFDR, THD).
Indicative contents:
Nonlinear circuits
- Specific nonlinear modelling methods of GaN HEMTs,
- nonlinear modelling of thermal and trapping effects,
- EVM/ACPR/NPR linearity criteria of HF modulated signals,
- principles of linearization techniques,
- system trade-offs between efficiency and linearity in payload satellites and radar systems,
- statistics of complex modulated signals with variable envelope,
- adaptive control of high power amplifiers, switching-mode power amplifiiers (F, inverse F, VMCD, CMCD),
- Doherty technique,
- EER Envelope Elimination and Restoration,
- Discrete and continuous envelope tracking systems,
- calculation of boost and buck DC-DC converters,
- Envelope detector,
- PWM modulation,
- LINC and CHIREIX techniques
Low noise amplifier design
- Noise analysis for linear RF circuits (sources of noise in electronic circuits, noise power vs signal power, noise figure and equivalent noise temperature, noise figure for passive quadripole, Friss formula, noise parameters for linear quadripole, modelling noise in linear quadripole, characterization techniques, noise figure measurement),
- Design and synthesis of low noise amplifier (specifications and modelling process).
- Digital processing systems
Digital modulation formats,
- Signal processing (IQ formalism, complex envelope, IQ modulation and demodulation, example of M-QAM modulation format, mathematical description of sampling, Nyquist-Shannon theorem),
- Particular case of wireless systems (multiplexing techniques (FD/TDMA),
- TDD and FDD duplexing with Downlink and Uplink, constraints on RF receivers),
- Receivers architectures, pros and cons (heterodyne vs homodyne, digital IF receiver, receiver with bandpass sampling, receiver with discrete sampling, limitation of analog-digital conversion, THD, SFDR, phase jitter).
Particular case of Track Hold Amplifier (THA) RF sampler
- Architecture of THA and non-linear phenomenological model of THA,
- Limitation of THA (bandwidth, SFDR, THD),
- Example of THA 1321 Inphi datasheet and its use for band-pass sampling with DDC (Digital Down Converter) processing for complex envelope extraction
Methods of assessment:
Written test
Suggested bibliography:
- Steve Cripps, RF Power amplifiers for wireless communications –Artech House, ISBN 0-89006-989-1.
- Stephen A Mass, Nonlinear microwave and RF circuits – Artech House ISBN 1-58053-484-8.
- Jonathan C. Jensen, Ultra-high-speed data converter building blocks in Si/SiGe HBT process, PhD thesis, 2005, University of California San Diego.
- Richard Chi His Li, RF Circuit Design Wiley Online Library Second Edition, ISBN 20120928.
Credits: 6
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (30h)
- Electromagnetic theory and basic microwave components
- Measurement microwave technics
To provide students with an understanding of passive components for spatial and IoT telecommunications.
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this module a student will be able to :
- Understand the electromagnetic and electric theory basis for microwave component design.
- Know the methodologies for the advanced synthesis of microwave passive components and the potential of tunability of these components.
- Design tunable components (MEMS switch, Phase Change Material, varactors …) for active and passive planar circuits.
Indicative contents:
Propagation :
- Industrial and R&D context for passive microwave circuits,
- Propagation in cylindrical metallic waveguide,
- EM analysis and modelling of heterogeneous microwave resonators,
- Theory of coupling between microwave resonators.
- Microwave filter synthesis,
- EM CAD for microwave sub-systems (components, packaging),
- Current research activities on passive microwave components including their integration.
Integrated Passives for RFICs and MMWICs :
- Industrial and R&D context for RFICs, Low Power RF electronics,
- Parameters and characteristics for passive circuits and matching networks on CMOS RFICs,
- Integrated L-C networks,
- Design of layout-efficient matching networks in Silicon ICs,
- Coupling EM simulations to circuit simulations,
- Tunable capacitors for adaptative front ends components,
- Emerging IC integrated technologies: RF MEMS, PCM switches,
- Application example
Methods of assessment:
Written test
Suggested bibliography:
- D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 4th edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2012.
- Peter Rizzi, Microwave Engineering: Passive Circuits, PHI Learning, 1987.
- R. J. Cameron, C. M. Kudsia, R.R. Mansour, Microwave Filters for Communications Systems, Fundamentals, Design and Applications, Wiley, 2018.
Credits: 3
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (15h)
in progress
in progress
Learning outcomes:
in progress
Indicative contents:
Printed electronics: main applications, physical (electronic and optical) characteristics and parameters of organic materials, deposition processes, application to organic photovoltaics, application to photo-detection, physical (electronic and optical) characteristics of nanostructured materials (quantum wells), focus on hybrid perovskites, application to light emitting diodes, application to lasers, application to visible light communications
Methods of assessment:
Written test
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Credits: 1.5
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (7,5h)
The basic tools of digital communications: Inter Symbol Interference, Binary Error Rate on an AWGN ideal channel, erf and erfc functions, digital filtering, Nyquist filtering, channel time and frequency selectivity.
The goal is to give the required basis to the students to understand the physical layer of modern high rate wireless transmission systems. The capacity of wireless links has dramatically increased in the last decade and this module gives to the students the main reasons why.
Learning outcomes:
After the module the students will be able to dimension a digital transmission system using performing transmit techniques such as the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing.
Indicative contents:
Characterization of propagation channels for high bit rate wireless digital communications, single-carrier systems (AWGN), filters at emitter and receiver sides, Nyquist criterion, equalization for single-carrier systems, shortcomings for 4G systems, introduction of multi-carriers modulations, description of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), synchronization, some examples (UMTS, LTE, WIFI-WIMAX).
Methods of assessment:
Written test
Suggested bibliography:
JG Proakis Massoud Salehi, Digital Communications, fifth edition, Wiley
Au choix (1 sur 4)
Credits: 3
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (9h)
Practicals (21h)
- Basic notions of 3D drawing
- Basic notions on mechanical manufacturing
- Basics basic notions of microwave components (from TU MPC)
- Mathematical methods for physics and engineering (e.g. …)
To teach students a basic understanding of the production processes based on additive manufacturing technologies (metal, ceramic and plastic) and on heterogeneous integration of RF sub-systems using such 3D printing technologies.
Learning outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this module, a student will be able to :
- Understand the design rules related to each additive manufacturing technology
- Understand the industrial issues related to the technology
- Establish the positioning (advantages and disadvantages) of additive manufacturing compared to other manufacturing technologies
- Establish the current and future RF components and subsystems in industrial production.
Indicative contents:
Part I: Basics on microwave domain (Lectures: 3h)
- Microwave domain and additive manufacturing in RF front-end
- Theory of transmission line
- S-parameters
- Waveguide and 3D resonators
- Microwave filtering
Part II: Basics on additive manufacturing (Lectures: 3h)
- Additive processes review
- Digital chain for additive manufacturing
- 3D printing hybridation for ceramic metal part dedicated to micro-electronic
Part III: Additive manufacturing on RF components (Lectures: 3h)
- Different benefit from different materials: polymers, metals, ceramics Applications: antennas, filters, signal routing, metasurfaces and metamaterials etc…
- Different technologies: 3D printing and conformal printing for microwave devices
- Advanced materials: low-loss polymers, temperature stable metals and ceramics etc…
- Future trends: 4D printing, submicron printing
Methods of assessment:
Written test, report or poster presentation
Suggested bibliography:
- Gibson, D. Rosen, B. Stucker, M. Khorasani, “Additive Manufacturing Technologies”, 3rd Edition, Spinger, 2021
- Claude Barlier et Alain Bernard, “Fabrication Additive”, Collection Technique et ingénierie, Edition Dunod, novembre 2020
Credits: 3
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (18,5h)
Practicals (10h)
Tutorials (1,5h)
- Basics notions of Electromagnetism
- Basics on Lasers and interaction between laser and materials
- Basics principles of Optical Fibers
- Mathematical methods for physics and engineering (e.g. Electromagnetic waves)
To provide students with basic notions and understanding of biomaterials, bioimaging and bioelectromagnetism.
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, a student will be able to :
- Know the basics of cell biology and physiology to understand the phenomena and interactions that occur between living/materials and living/electromagnetic waves;
- Understand, from this knowledge, diagnostic and/or treatment technologies implementing ceramic biomaterials, biomedical imaging or electromagnetic waves.
Indicative contents:
Part I: Cell biology and physiology
- Molecular basics: from DNA to proteins
- Cell basics: cell structure (plasma membrane components and functions), organelles, compartmentalization
- Cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix communication: how signaling pathways control cell behavior at the interface with biomaterials from environmental stimuli?
- Cellular biomechanics and cytoskeleton
Part II: Biomaterials
- Effect of chemical elements (dissolution products) on bone cells and the associated molecular mechanisms
- Influence of the modification of parameters featuring biomaterial surface properties on cellular behavior
- Interaction proteins/material surface
Part III: Bioimaging
- From epifluorescence to confocal laser scanning microscopy
- Multiphoton and vibrational microscopy
- Label and label-free imaging of biological cells/tissues
Part IV: Bioelectromagnetism
- General view of bioelectromagnetism
- Health risk assessment, dosimetry, specific absorption rate
- Pulse electric field, dielectrophoresis, microfluidics
Methods of assessment:
Written test, oral test
Suggested bibliography:
- Nanostructured Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine,” Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials, 2020 (
- “Biomaterials Science – An Introduction to Materials in Medicine,” Academic Press, 2020 (
- “Bioimaging – Imaging by Light and Electromagnetics in Medicine and Biology,” CRC Press, 2020 (
Credits: 3
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (17h)
Practicals (3h)
Tutorials (10h)
- General knowledge on Information and Communications technologies (ICT)
- Basics on electronic devices and systems
- Basics on semiconducting materials and devices
- Mathematical methods for physics and engineering
To provide students with a basic understanding in the field of Energy Harvesting specifically applied to sustainable Internet of Things (IoT). The module aims at developing a general knowledge on various energy harvesting technologies that can be deployed to power autonomous sensors and/or objects in the field of IoT and industrial IoT. The module also aims at giving a general knowledge on ultra-low powerelectronics and energy management systems.
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this module a student will be able to :
- Understand the context and challenges in the field of energy harvesting applied to IoT
- Understand the main principles of operation of various energy conversion devices exploiting indoor light, thermal gradients, mechanical motions/vibrations, or ambient RF energy.
- Understand the challenges associated with ultra-low power electronics and energy management in IoT systems
- Establish a preliminary energy assessment of IoT systems in order to select the most suitable energy harvesting technology.
Indicative contents:
- Part 1: Energy Harvesting, power management circuits and ultra-low power electronics for the autonomy of electronic devices
- Part 2: Indoor photovoltaics for IoT
- Part 3: Power transfer by wireless technologies
- Part 4: Ultra low power harvester and Management IC
- Part 5: Thermal energy harvesting for IoT
Methods of assessment:
Written test, report
Suggested bibliography:
- M. Alhawari et al, “Energy Harvesting for Self-Powered Wearable Devices”, Springer 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-62577-5
- Y. K. Tan, “Energy Harvesting Autonomous Sensor Systems”, CRC Press, 2017, ISBN 978-1-351- 83256-4
Credits: 3
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (10h)
Practicals (20h)
in progress
- Understand the circumstances leading to the manifestation of nonlinear optical effects
- Understand the importance of the crystalline symmetry in 2nd order nonlinear optics
- Apprehend the physical concepts of phase and quasi-phase matching
- Use 2nd order nonlinear optics as an indirect structural tool to evidence phase transitions in materials science
- Optical pulse propagation and frequency conversion processes in 3rd order nonlinear media: combined simulation and experimental study approaches.
- Apprehend some concrete applications deriving specifically from diverse nonlinear optical effects
Indicative contents:
20h of Practical labs
Materials and 2nd order nonlinear optics (10h)
- Practical lab 1: (J.-R. Duclère) (5h)
Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) on powder samples
Application to the evidence of a phase transition in BaTiO3 (ferroelectric / paraelectric transition) (Temperature dependent measurements ; importance of the crystalline symmetry)
- Practical lab 2: (F. Louradour) (5h)
2nd and 3rd order nonlinear optics basic experiments in femtosecond and in picosecond regime i) SHG on c(2) crystals (e.g. BBO) using an infrared femtosecond oscillator: laser characterization, SHG setup adjustment, polarizations of involved signals vs crystal orientation, SHG signal measurement (ISHGµILaser2), crystals of various thicknesses, application to pulse characterization using a second order home-made autocorrelator; ii) Stimulated Raman scattering within a silica optical fiber using a green picosecond microchip laser: laser characterization, fiber injection, multiple Raman cascading observation using a visible spectrometer, SiO2 Raman Stokes-shift measurement.
Materials and 3rd order nonlinear optics (10h)
- Practical lab 3: (S. Février / B. Wetzel) (5h)
Simulations of optical pulse propagation and frequency conversion processes in 3rd order nonlinear media. Numerical study on the impact on nonlinearity and dispersion on underlying physical phenomena. Modelisation of Interferometric pulse characterization techniques & applications to pulse compression.
- Practical lab 4: (S. Février / B. Wetzel) (5h)
Experimental study of ultrashort nonlinear fiber propagation and spectral broadening towards supercontinuum generation (3rd order nonlinear media). Experimental characterization, adjustment and optimization of broadband optical signals at the fiber output.
5h30 Lectures
- 1h30 B. Wetzel: Smart Nonlinear Photonics: From ultrafast optical pulse processing to the control of nonlinear fiber propagation dynamics.
- 2h30 F. Gérôme: Introduction to microstructured fibers (or photonic crystal fibers, PCF) with a focus on the air-guidance. Historical account of hollow-core PCF (HCPCF): from their developments to the applications. Lab tour to show the potential of HCPCF for nonlinear gas-laser interaction. The technology transfer will be also discussed in relation with our start-up Glophotonics (visit of the start-up).
- 1h30 P. Leproux: introduction to nonlinear multimodal imaging. Nonlinear microspectroscopy: 2D mapping of the 2nd and 3rd order optical nonlinearities by means of SHG and coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS). Basic concepts of instrumentation and data processing/analysis. Application to the analysis of materials and biological samples.
Methods of assessment:
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Semestre 4
Credits: 6
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Scientific project (one day/week)
Carry a scientific or entrepreunarial project. 3 options:
- continue their « research » project carried out in M1 within the framework of the Cordées de la recherche
- carry out their project within the framework of the « Ateliers de l’innovation » offered by the IAE Limoges
- carry out their project in conjunction with a company, a CRT, a LabCom, etc.
Methods of assessment:
Credits: 24
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
6 months internship
6 months training period in a company or in a research laboratory
Methods of assessment:
Report, oral, evaluation sheet
Au choix (2 sur 3)
Credits: 3
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (4.5h)
Practicals (24h)
Conference (1.5h)
At least, the student will have a good theoretical understanding on the following aspects of photonics:
- light propagation in optical fibers (linear and non linear)
- principles of laser emission in condensed matter
- construction of laser resonators and amplifiers
- photodetectors
- Knowledge of photonics computer aided design tools such as COMSOL Multiphysics, is a plus.
The module should be thought of as a problem-solving experience, where building of some fiber based laser system is required.
On his/her way to solving the problem, the student will be trained in the lab to:
- fabricate specialty fibers on the draw tower
- handle optical fibers (stripping, cleaving, splicing on various fusion splicing machines)
- manufacture fiber-based laser resonators and amplifiers
- characterize the laser radiation
Learning outcomes:
Fabrication of fiber-based laser
Upon completion of the first part of the module, the student will be able to select the appropriate laser resonator type regarding some specific application (the problem). She/he will have selected the proper components to build the laser or will have fabricated speciality fiber(s) and/or components towards this goal. She/he will have built the laser system (resonator and amplifier if needed).
Characterization and application
Upon completion of the second part, the student will have fully characterized her/his laser system with state-of-the-art characterization tools available in the laboratory. Spatial, temporal and spectral characterizations will have been carried out. Finally, the student will have tested her/his system in the dedicated application.
Indicative contents:
in progress
Methods of assessment:
Report, oral
Suggested bibliography:
in progress
Credits: 3
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (15h)
Tutorials (15h)
- Microwave systems, S parameters, active and passive microwave devices,
- Analog and digital modulations, link budget,
- Signal processing for digital communication.
- Provide basic understanding on RF architectures from a functional transmission chain built through several practical works.
- Acquire an overview of engineering CAD tools dedicated to system level simulation, and RF front-end components design.
- Learn the basics of designing and characterizing the components of a transmission chain.
- Acquire general notions on signal measurement techniques and performance metrics.
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
- Understand the dimensioning rules of an RF (radio frequency) transmission chain.
- Understand how to analyze the performance of a RF link
- Setup the instrumentation to characterize linear and nonlinear high frequency devices, and signal quality
Indicative contents:
Part I: system level RF chain analysis
- Digital Modulation /Demodulation
- General Front end architecture
- Propagation channel & Link budget
- Signal to noise ratio estimation
Part II: Analog device design
- Power Amplifier and LNA design
- Patch antennas and feeding networks design
- Microstrip filters synthesis
Practical Works :
– System level CAD training : Matlab / SystemVue
– Component design CAD training (ADS, CST MS, HFSS)
– Experimental practical works on :
- Waveform generation and signal analysis
- Antenna measurements in semi-anechoic room
- Filter measurements
- Amplifier measurements
Methods of delivery & learning Hours :
- Part I: Lecture (2h) Tutorial (3h) Practical work (3h)
- Part II: Tutorial (9h) Practical work (6h)
Methods of assessment:
Report on lecture & tutorials & Practical works
Weight: 100%.
Credits: 3
Course mode:
Methods of delivery:
Lectures (15 h)
Tutorials (15 h)
Main physics principles (Newton…)
The inkjet deposition method is versatile, being used in various fields such as 3D printing, microfluidic device fabrication, and nanotechnology, thus providing opportunities in multiple sectors. This deposition contributes to research and development in physics by enabling the exploration of new experimental techniques deposition of solution. By allowing precise control of material deposition at the nanoscale, this method is also crucial in areas such as nanotechnology and device fabrication. These lessons can help to develop valuable interdisciplinary skills, thus meeting the growing demand for multidisciplinary expertise in both academic and industrial settings.
Learning outcomes:
Acquire :
- general knowledge of inkjet solution deposition
- know the main foundations for correct inkjet deposition
- develop knowledge in rheology
Indicative contents:
- What is inkjet printing?
- Ink Rheology
- Ink properties for printer
- Substrate properties
- The wetting envelop
Methods of assessment:
Practical works, Written test
- Parcours sélectif (places limitées)
- Pas de redoublement possible en parcours EUR
- Bourse 6000€ (4000€ en M1, 2000€ en M2)
- Aide à la mobilité entrante et sortante
Titulaires d’une licence « Electronique, énergie électrique, automatisme » ou d’une licence « Physique » ou « Sciences pour l’ingénieur » ou « Sciences et technologies » avec une spécialisation en électronique haute fréquence et/ou optique.
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Pour les étudiants hors UE, vous candidatez sur
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MAJ : Janvier 2024