AFRICA- Valve registry
Registry on Hospitalized Patients with Valvular Heart Diseasein Africa
Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in Africa. Among these, valvular heart diseases (VHD) are the third leading cause of death from cardiovascular causes. Significant differences exist in the epidemiology, management strategies and outcome of patients with VHD, between geographical areas. In Africa, there are still large disparities in access to valvular interventions and few centers are able to face the growing number of cases.
Chaque année une étude de l’ensemble des sujets, suivant le modèle STEP est réalisée. Les événements d’intérêt sont recueillis au fils des jours par une équipe permanente. Les événements d’intérêt sont les suivants : décès, décès cardio-vasculaires, décompensation d’insuffisance cardiaque, infarctus du myocarde, accident vasculaire cérébral, amputation pour cause vasculaire. Les événements sont validés par un comité indépendant.
Primary objective: To define the proportion of each type of VHD, their etiologies and their distribution according to sex and different age groups.
The AFRICA-Valve registry is an international, prospective, longitudinal, multicenter and observational study carried out in several hospitals in North Africa (n=3) and sub-Saharan (n=9) countries. Recruitment will be consecutive and will be conducted over a 3-month period from during autumn 2020.
Inclusion criteria: 1- Information notice provided to the patients, 2- Age> 18 years, 3- Severe VHD as defined by echocardiographic criteria and using an integrative approach as recommended by the 2017 ESC Practice Guidelines, and 4- Previous valvular intervention (not during current hospitalization), regardless the presence or not of any VHD.
Non-inclusion criteria: 1- Refusal to participate verbally expressed, 2- Participation in an interventional clinical trial who can, potentially, have an impact on management or prognosis, and 3- Complex congenital anomaly as defined by the Canadian Consensus.
Data management: all data will be centralized and computerized in a secured data base. eCRF will be generated and manage using EnnovClinical platform at Limoges University Hospital.
The AFRICA-Valve registry represents a unique opportunity to provide original, contemporary and accurate data on patients with VHD in Africa. Such data are required in order to develop and proposed tailored and well-adapted program aiming to improve management and availability of surgical procedures and therapeutic options.

[2019- … [
Référents scientifiques
Pr Bernard LUNG Département de Cardiologie DHU FIRE (AP-HP)
Pr Jean-Jacques MONSUEZ Département de Cardiologie Hôpital René-Muret (AP-HP)
Chercheur de l’UMR1094 impliqué