Souleiman El Balkhi
Associate Professor - Hospital Duties
+33(0)5 55 05 61 40
About me...
Married, two children
H-index: 11
ORCID: 0000-0002-9743-5603
ResearcherID: A-2002-2017
Striking Achievements
- Human plasma copper proteins speciation by size exclusion chromatography coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Solutions for columns calibration by sulfur detection ,Anal Chem. 2010 Aug 15;82(16):6904-10.
- Relative exchangeable copper: a new highly sensitive and highly specific biomarker for Wilson’s disease diagnosis, Clin Chim Acta. 2011 Nov 20;412(23-24):2254-60.
- Evolution of exchangeable copper and relative exchangeable copper through the course of Wilson’s disease in the Long Evans Cinnamon rat, PLoS One. 2013 Dec 17;8(12):e82323.
- Is it worth carrying out determination of N-butane in postmortem samples? A case report and a comprehensive review of the literature, Int J Legal Med. 2016 Sep;130(5):1223-9.
- Characterization and identification of eight designer benzodiazepine metabolites by incubation with human liver microsomes and analysis by a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, Int J Legal Med. 2017 Jul;131(4):979-988.
- 2016-nowadays Member of INSERM U1248 IPPRITT
- 2014-nowadays -2018 Hospital practitioner – responsible of Analytical toxicology Unit
- 2007-2010 PhD at the university of Paris Descartes (Paris V)
- 2005-2006 Master degree in R&D analytical development and analytical chemistry
- 2000 PharmD – Faculty of Pharmacy – Damascus University – Syria
- Best oral presentation IATDMCT 2017
- Prix au mérite Régnier – chancellerie des universités de Paris 2011
- Prix de l’Association de Bernard Pépin pour la maladie de Wilson 2008
- Prix de la SFERETE 2007
- Invited conferences :
- IATDMCT 2018 – Brisbane
- EAPCCT 2017 – Basel
- JNBC 2017 – Marrakech
- RPP 2016 – Paris
- STBC 2016 – Hammamet
- Wilson Days 2011 – Paris
- Supervisor of 2 PhD students and 4 PharmD students
- > 300 hours teaching toxicology since 2011
- Biomarkers: Albumin modifications in liver diseases
- Analytical developments for intact protein analysis :ICP-MS, LC-MS/MS, LC-TOF
- Animal models development of liver lesions
- Designers benzodiazepines:
- Effects, metabolism and interactions
- Wilson disease:
- Biomarkers for patients diagnosis and monitoring
- Copper speciation by LC-ICP-MS
- Lithium:
- Toxicity and toxickinetics studies