• 2021-nowadays PhD student at the University of Limoges & InSiliBio Limoges (France)
  • 2020 PharmD at the University of Limoges (Faculty of pharmacy) Limoges (France)
  • 2019-2020 MSc In silico drug design at the University of Paris (Faculty of Bioscience) Paris (France)
  • 9th meeting of the French Society of Chemoinformatics-2019 (Paris)
  • 2020 PharmD (Limoges)
  • 2019-2020 MSc In silico drug design (Paris)
  • Language
    • French
    • English


  • Robustness of the in silico evaluation of membrane insertion and permeability: the case of theskin


  • Structural elucidation and binding capacity of human serum albumin isoforms by means of MD simulations
  • Essential dynamic of proteins


  • Homology modelling of OAT1/3 protein