Faculté des Sciences et Techniques |
123 avenue Albert Thomas |
87060 Limoges Cedex |
Publications marquantes
- V. Sol, J.C. Blais, V. Carré, R. Granet, M. Guilloton, M. Spiro, P. Krausz. Synthesis, Spectroscopy and Photocytotoxicity of Glycosylated Amino Acid Porphyrin Derivatives as Promising Molecule for Cancer Therapy. J. Org. Chem. 64, 6 ,4431-4444, (1999).
- M.E. Bakled, V. Sol, R. Granet, G. Déléris, K. Estieu-Gionnet, P. Krausz. Design and efficient synthesis of a new scaffold based on unsymmetrical protoporphyrin IX derivatives for use in SPPS. Chem. Comm, 46, 2115-2117 (2010).
- C. Ringot, V.Sol, N. Saad, M. Barriere, P. Bressollier, P. Couleaud, C. Frochot, R. Granet, P. Krausz. Triazinyl Porphyrin-Based Photoactive Cotton Fabrics: Preparation, Characterization, and Antibacterial Activity. Biomacromolecules 12, 1716-1723 (2011).
- Gautier M.A. Ndong Ntoutoume, Robert Granet, Jean Pierre Mbakidi, Frédérique Brégier, David Y. Leger, Chloë Fidanzi, Vincent Lequart, Nicolas Joly, Bertrand Liagre, Vincent Chaleix and Vincent Sol. Development of Curcumin-Cyclodextrin/Cellulose Nanocrystals Complexes: New Delivery Anticancer Drug System. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 26, 941-945 (2016).
- Florent Le Guern, Vincent Sol, Catherine Ouk, Philippe Arnoux, Céline Frochot, Tan-Sothea Ouk. Enhanced photobactericidal and targeting properties of a cationic porphyrin following attachment of Polymyxin B. Bioconjugate Chemistry 9, 2493-2506 (2017).
Thématique/activité de recherche
Thématique : My research interests focus on the synthesis and design of new photosensitizers for anticancer and antimicrobial phototherapy. This topic can be divided in two themes:
- Synthesis and design of photosensitizers with targeting agents.
- Photophysical properties, drug delivery and biological evaluation
Mots-clés : Organic Synthesis, Bio-organic Chemistry, PhotoDynamic Therapy (PDT), Vectorization, Drug Delivery, Natural Substances, Nanoparticles, Biopolymers.
- Jan. 2018 – Mar. 2022 : Head of the Laboratory PEIRENE EA 7500 then UR 22722
- 2011 – 2018 : Full Professor and Head of the Laboratoire de Chimie des Substances Naturelles (LCSN) EA 1069
- 2009 – 2010 : Research position (Pr G. Mackenzie) – University of Hull, UK
- 1998 : Associate Professor, LCSN, Université de Limoges, France
- 1994 – 1997 : PhD. University of Limoges – France (Advisor Pr P. Krausz) “Glycosylated Peptidic Porphyrins as New Molecules for Cancer Therapy”
- 1991 – 1992 : DEA Chimie Fine University of Nantes
- In charge of the Master (2010-2018) and the Licence of Chemistry (2004-2010).
- Research management: Postdoc: 5, PhD: 20 (including 19 defenses),
- Assistant manager of Faculty of Sciences of Limoges (2002-2004).
- Member of the Research permanent commission and committee of University of Limoges (January 1999-2007).
- Member of council of Faculty of sciences of Limoges (2000-2012)