Christelle GADY
Technicienne de laboratoire - Assistante de Prévention
+33 (0)5 55 45 74 78
+33 (0)6 85 20 14 63
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques |
123 Avenue Albert Thomas |
87060 Limoges Cedex |
Publications Marquantes
- Ionic Liquid Efficiency on Wood Dissolution and Polysaccharide Identification Advances in Biological Chemistry 2022, 12, 254-273.
- Ionomics suggests niche differences between sympatric heathers (Ericaceae) Plant Soil 2019, 434, 481-489.
- Effect of Ionic Liquids on Dissolution and Identification of Wood Polysaccharides Annals of Glycomics and Lipidomics 2018, 2017 (01), 1-9.
- Assisted phytostabilisation of As, Pb and Sb-contaminated Technosols with mineral and organic amendments using Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018, 25, 32292–32302.
- Design and synthesis of water-soluble polyaminated chlorins and bacteriochlorins – With near-infrared absorption Dyes and Pigments 2013, 98 (3), 609-614.
Thématique/activité de recherche
- Thématique : propriétés mécaniques du bois
- Activité de recherche : Appui technique en génétique moléculaire, microbiologie, histologie et microscopie (thème 3, SylvaLIM)