Selected Publications (since 2006)
- Abedifar P., Abdollahzadeh M., Tarazi A., White L.J., 2024, “The Sale of Failed Banks: The Importance of Their Branch Networks and of the Acquirers Financial Strength”, Journal of Financial Stability, forthcoming.
- Barry T., Diabaté A., Tarazi A., 2024, “Do banks adjust their capital when they face liquidity shortages? Evidence from U.S. commercial banks“, Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments. Available online: 30 July 2024
- Danisman G.O., Tarazi A., 2024, “ESG activity and bank lending during financial crises“, Journal of Financial Stability, Vol. 70, February 2024.
- Danisman G.O., Tarazi A., 2024, “Economic policy uncertainty and bank stability: Size, Capital, and Liquidity Matter“, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 93, February 2024, Pages 102-118.
- Khan M.H., Bitar M., Tarazi A., Hassan A., Fraz A., 2024, “Corruption and bank risk-taking in dual banking systems”, Corporate Governance: An International Review. Published online: 26 March 2024
- Ky S., Rugemintwari C., Sauviat A., 2024, “Is Fintech Good for Bank Performance? The Case of Mobile Money in the East African Community,” International Journal of Finance and Economics, forthcoming.
- Naysary B., Tarazi A., 2024, “The Digital Finance Era: A Journey Through Fintech and Cryptocurrency”, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.
- Puzon K.A.M., Tacneng R., Barry T., 2024, “Social antagonism, identity-driven beliefs, and loss avoidance: Evidence from Guinea“, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Vol. 112, October 2024.
- Bakkar Y., DeJonghe O., Tarazi A., 2023, “Does banks’ systemic importance affect their capital structure and balance sheet adjustment processes ?”, Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 151, June 2023, 105518. Available online since 7 March 2019.
- Bazrafshan E., Tarazi A., 2023, “Cash Shortfall, SEO Offer Size, and SEO Announcement Returns”, The European Journal of Finance, forthcoming. Volume 29, Issue 5, pp 567-582.
- Bouvatier, V., Lepetit, L., Rehault, P. N., Strobel, F., 2023, “Time-varying Z-score measures for bank insolvency risk: Best practice“, Journal of Empirical Finance, 73, 170-179.
- Casteuble C., Lepetit L., Tran T.H., 2023, “Board gender quotas: can women realistically boost firm performance?”, Finance, Vol. 44, 3-63.
- Distinguin I., Lepetit L., Strobel F., Tran P. H. H., 2023, “Bondholder representatives on bank boards: a device for market discipline”, Economic Inquiry, 61(3), pp 738-765.
- Lepetit, L., Tran, P. H. H., & Tran, T. H., 2023, “Executive and Non-executive Employee Ownership and Bank Risk: Evidence from European Banks“, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 92, 291-319.
- Nicolas C., Tarazi A., Danisman G.O., 2023, “Disentangling the effect of Trust on Bank Lending“, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 210, June 2023, 360-378
- Abedifar P., Bouslah K., Neumann C., Tarazi A., 2022, “Resilience of Environmental and Social Stocks under Stress: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments, forthcoming.
- Achsanta A.F., Lepetit L., Tarazi A., 2022, “Government ownership of banks: Implications for minority shareholders”, Economic Modelling, Volume 112, July 2022, 105842.
- Barry T., Lepetit L., Strobel F., Tran T.H., 2022, “Implications for Bank Risk When Directors Are Related to Minority Shareholders”, Journal of Financial Services Research, Published 21 January 2022.
- Bitar M., Tarazi A., 2022, “Individualism, formal institutional environments, and bank capital decisions”, Journal of Corporate Finance, Volume 76, October 2022. Available online 15 July 2022, 102244.
- Bitar M., Tarazi A., 2022, “A note on regulatory responses to COVID-19 pandemic: Balancing banks’ solvency and contribution to recovery”, Journal of Financial Stability, Volume 60, June 2022, 101009.
- Bouvatier V., Delatte A.L., Rehault P.N., 2022 “Measuring credit procyclicality: A new database”, Emerging Markets Review, Volume 52,2022.
- Haritchabalet C., Lepetit L., Spinassou K., “Le ratio de levier comme renforcement des fonds propres : une analyse empirique des conséquences sur le risque et le crédit bancaires”, Revue Internationale des Economistes de Langue Française.
- Meslier C., Rehault P.N., Sauviat A., Yuan D., 2022, “Benefits of local banking in local economic development: Disparities between micro firms and other SMEs”, Journal of Banking & Finance, Volume 143, October 2022.
- Pamen-Nyola A., Sauviat A., Tarazi A., 2022, ”How does regulation affect the organizational form of foreign banks’ presence in developing versus developed countries?”, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Volume 27 (2).
- Risfandy T., Tarazi A., Trinugroho I., 2022, “Competition in dual markets: Implications for banking system stability”, Global Finance Journal, Volume 52.
- Tarazi A., Abedifar P., 2022, “Special Issue on Islamic Banking: Stability and Governance“, Global Finance Journal, Available online 23 May 2020.
- Agbodji A.S.S., Nys E., Sauviat A., 2021, “Do CDS Maturities Matter in the Evaluation of the Information Content of Regulatory Banking Stress Tests? Evidence from European and US Stress Tests”, Revue économique, Volume 72, January 2021, Pages 65 à 102.
- Ananou F., Tarazi A., Wilson J. O. S., Chronopoulous D., 2021, “Liquidity Regulation and Bank Lending“, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 69, August 2021, 101997.
- Bakkar Y., Pamen Nyola A., 2021, “Internationalization, foreign complexity and systemic risk: Evidence from European banks”, Journal of Financial Stability Volume 55, August 2021.
- Bilgin M.H., Danisman G.O., Demir E., Tarazi A., 2021, “Economic Uncertainty and Bank Stability: Conventional vs. Islamic Banking”, Journal of Financial Stability, Volume 56, October 2021, 100911, Available online 17 July 2021.
- Bilgin M.H., Danisman G.O., Demir E., Tarazi A., 2021, ”Bank credit in uncertain times: Islamic vs. conventional banks”, Finance Research Letters, Volume 39, March 2021, 101563, Available online 12 May 2020.
- Hasan I., Siraj I., Tarazi A., Wu Q., 2021, “The State Expropriation Risk and the Pricing of Foreign Earnings”, The Journal of International Accounting Research, (2021) 20 (2): 51–81.
- Lepetit L., Strobel F., Tran T.H., 2021, “An alternative Z-score measure for downside bank insolvency risk”, Applied Economics Letters, 28(2), 137-142.
- Ky S., Rugemintwari C., Sauviat A., 2021, “Friends or Foes ? Mobile Money Interaction with Formal and Informal Finance”, Telecommunications Policy, Volume 45, Issue 1, February 2021, Available online 12 October 2020.
- Pamen Nyola A., Sauviat A., Tarazi A., Danisman G.O., 2021, “How Organizational and Geographic Complexity Influence Performance: Evidence from European Banks”, Journal of Financial Stability, Vol. 55, August 2021, 100894.
- Tran P.H.H., 2021, “Does employee stock ownership program reduce a company’s stock volatility during the Covid-19 lockdown?”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, vol. 32.
- Tran T.H., 2021, “Les déterminants de la présence d’administrateurs minoritaires dans les banques avec un actionnariat concentré“, Revue Economique, Vol. 72, No. 3.
- Ardekani M.A., Distinguin I., Tarazi A., 2020, “Do banks change their liquidity ratios based on network characteristics?”, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 285, Issue 2, 1 September 2020, Pages 789-803.
- Bakkar Y., Rugemintwari C., Tarazi A., 2020, “Charter Value, risk-taking and systemic risk in banking before and after the global financial crisis of 2007-2008”, Applied Economics, Volume 52, 2020 – Issue 10, Pages 3898-3918, Published online: 14 Feb 2020.
- Courbage C., Nicolas C., 2020, “Trust in insurance: The importance of experiences”, Journal of Risk and Insurance 2020, 1–29. Available online 18 September 2020.
- Dala Daouda M., Distinguin I., Sauviat A., 2020, “What is the information value of bank’s stress tests? An investigation using banks’ bond split ratings”, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 40, Issue 1, pages 485-499.
- Danisman G.O. and Tarazi A., 2020, “Financial Inclusion and Bank Stability: Evidence from Europe”, The European Journal of Finance, Vol. 26(18), 1842–1855, 2020, Published online 26 June 2020.
- Ijaz S., Hassan A., Tarazi A., Fraz A., 2020, “Linking bank competition, financial stability, and economic growth”, Journal of Business Economics and Management, Volume 21 Issue 1, pages 200–221.
- Meslier C., Sauviat A., Yuan D., 2020, “Comparative advantages of regional versus national banks in alleviating SME’s financial constraints”, International Review of Financial Analysis, Volume 71, October 2020.
- Meslier C., Risfandy R., Tarazi A., 2020, “Islamic banks’ equity financing, Shariah supervisory board, and banking environments”, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Volume 62, September 2020, 101354, Available online 26 May 2020.
- Rehault P.N., Sauviat A., 2020, “L’invention du Shadow Banking”, Revue Internationale des Economistes de Langue Française, Volume 5, N°1.
- Rusmanto T., Soedarmono W., Tarazi A., 2020, “Credit information sharing in the nexus between charter value and systemic risk in Asian banking”, Research in International Business and Finance, Volume 53, October 2020, Available online 12 February 2020.
- Tran P.H.H., 2020, “Effectiveness of policy measures to promote employee share ownership programs in banks”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Volume 28, December 2020, 100401.
- Trinugroho I., Pamungkas P., Ariefianto M. D., Tarazi A., 2020, “Deposit structure, market discipline, and ownership type: Evidence from Indonesia”, Economic Systems, Volume 44, Issue 2, June 2020, Available online 8 May 2020.
- Al-Raheb T., Nicolas C., Tarazi A., 2019, “Institutional Environment and Bank Capital Ratios”, Journal of Financial Stability, Volume 43, August 2019, Pages 1-24.
- Barry T., Tarazi A., Wachtel P., 2019, “Falling under the control of a different type of owner:risk-taking implications for banks”, Applied Economics, Volume 51, 2019 – Issue 8, Pages 831-847.
- Bitar M., Tarazi A., 2019, “Creditor rights and bank capital decisions: Conventional vs. Islamic banking”, Journal of Corporate Finance, Volume 55, April 2019, Pages 69-104.
- Distinguin I., 2019, “Discipline de marché par la dette subordonnée : impact de l’opacité bancaire et des politiques de renflouement des banques“, Revue Economique, 2019/2 (Vol. 70), pages 207-227.
- Haq M., Avkiran N., Tarazi A., 2019, “Does Market Discipline Impact Bank Charter Value? The Case for Australia and Canada”, Accounting and Finance, Volume 59, Issue1, March 2019, Pages 253-276 (Published online: 13 October 2016).
- Mercadier M., Lardy J.-P., 2019, “Credit spread approximation and improvement using random forest regression”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 277, Issue 1, 16 August 2019, Pages 351-365.
- Yusgiantoro I., Soedarmono W., Tarazi A., 2019, “Bank consolidation and financial stability in Indonesia”, International Economics, 159 (2019) 94–104.
- Abedifar P., Molyneux P., Tarazi A., 2018, “Non-Interest Income and Bank Lending”, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 87, February 2018, Pages 411-426.
- Al Raheb T., Tarazi A., 2018, “Local versus International Crises and Bank Stability: does bank foreign expansion make a difference?”, Applied Economics, Vol.50(10), Pages 1138-1155.
- Casteuble C., NYS E., Rous P., 2018, “Do bank bondholders price banks’ ability to manage risk/return?”, Applied Economics Volume 50, 2018 – Issue 44.
- DeYoung R., Distinguin I., Tarazi A., 2018, “The Joint Regulation of Bank Liquidity and Bank Capital”, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol. 34, April 2018, Pages 32-46 (Published online: 31 January 2018).
- Hasan I., Meslier C., Tarazi A., Zhou M., 2018, “Does It Pay To Get Connected? An Examination Of Bank Alliance Network And Bond Spread”, Journal of Economics and Business, Vol.95, January–February 2018, Pages 141-163 (Published online: 8 January 2018).
- Ky S., Rugemintwari C., Sauviat A., 2018, “Does mobile money affect saving behavior? Evidence from a developing country”, Journal of African Economies, Volume 27, Issue 3, 1 June 2018, Pages 285–320. Online Appendix for JAE.
- Lepetit L., Meslier C., Strobel F., Wardhana L., 2018, “Bank dividends, agency costs and shareholder and creditor rights”, International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 56, 2018, Pages 93-111.
- Setiyono B., Tarazi A., 2018, “Does diversity of bank board members affect performance and risk ? Evidence from an emerging market”, in Corporate Governance in Banking and Investor Protection: From Theory to Practice. Editors: Díaz Díaz, Belén, Idowu, Samuel O., Molyneux, Philip, Springer International Publishing, CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance 978-3-319-70006-9, XXXIV, 326.
- Barry T., 2017, “Structure actionnariale et efficience des banques cotées et non cotées : le cas de pays d’Extrême-Orient”, Revue Economique, vol 68(4), pp.673-694.
- Haritchabalet C., Lepetit L., Spinassou K., Strobel F., 2017, “Bank capital regulation: Are local or central regulators better?”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, Vol. 49, July 2017, Pages 103-114.
- Lepetit L., Meslier C., Wardhana L., 2017, “Reducing agency conflicts through bank dividend payout decisions: the role of opacity and ownership structure,” Applied Economics, Vol. 49, 2017, Pages 1-28.
- Meslier-Crouzille C., Risfandy T., Tarazi A., 2017, “Dual market competition and deposit rate setting in Islamic and conventional banks”, Economic Modelling, Vol. 63, June 2017, Pages 318–333.
- Soedarmono,W., Sitorus D., Tarazi A., 2017, “Abnormal loan growth, credit information sharing and systemic risk in Asian banks”, Research in International Business and Finance, Vol. 42, December 2017, Pages 1208-1218.
- Soedarmono W., Pramono S.E., Tarazi A., 2017, “The procyclicality of loan loss provisions in Islamic banks”, Research in International Business and Finance, Vol. 39, Part B, January 2017, Pages 911–919.
- Abedifar P., Hasan I., Tarazi A., 2016, “Finance-Growth Nexus and Dual-Banking Systems: Relative Importance of Islamic Banks” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 132, Supplement, December 2016, Pages 198–215.
- Barry T., Lepetit L., Strobel F., 2016, “Bank ownership structure, lending corruption and the regulatory environment“, Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 44, Issue 3, August 2016, Pages 732–751.
- Darreau P., Pigalle F., 2016, “Converge or integrate ? A note on Gourinchas and Jeanne: The elusive gains from international financial integration“, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 789-792.
- Distinguin I., Rugemintwari C., Tacneng R., 2016, “Can informal firms hurt registered SMEs’ access to credit?” World Development, Vol. 84, Pages 18–40.
- Lepetit L., Meslier C., Tarazi A., 2016, “Banking in France” in The Palgrave Handbook of European Banking, T. Beck, B. Casu Editors, Palgrave Macmillan, December 2016.
- Meslier C., Morgan D., Samolyk K., Tarazi A., 2016, “The benefits and costs of geographic diversification in banking“, Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 69, December 2016, Pages 287–317.
- Meslier C., Rous. P, Sauviat A., Torre P., 2016, “Structure bancaire locale et évolution du crédit à l’échelle des départements français : l’expérience de la crise financière de 2007-2008”, Revue Economique, 67 (2), Mars, P. 279 – 314.
- Saghi-Zedek N., 2016, “Product diversification and bank performance: Does ownership structure matter?”, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 71, October 2016, Pages 154–167.
- Spinassou K., 2016, “Ratio de levier à la Bâle III : quel impact sur l’offre de crédit et la stabilité bancaire ?“, Revue Economique, Vol. 67, p. 1153–1177.
- Abedifar P., Ebrahim S., Molyneux P., Tarazi A., 2015, “Islamic Banking and Finance: Recent Empirical Literature and Directions for Future Research”, Journal of Economic Surveys, Volume 29, Issue 4, pages 637–670, September 2015.
- Darreau P., Pigalle F., 2015, ’’Long-run effects of capital market integration using Solow’s model’’, Economics Bulletin, Vol.35 (3), pp. 1459-1468.
- Lepetit L., Rugemintwari C., Strobel F., 2015, “Monetary, financial and fiscal stability in the East African Community: ready for a monetary union?”, The World Economy, August 2015, Volume 38, Issue 8, pages 1179–1204.
- Lepetit L., Strobel F., 2015, “Bank Insolvency Risk and Z-Score Measures: A Refinement”, Finance Research Letters, Volume 13, May 2015, Pages 214–224.
- Lepetit L., Tarazi A., Zedek N., 2015, “Excess control rights, bank capital structure adjustments and lending“, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 115, Issue 3, March 2015, Pages 574–591.
- Nys E., Tarazi A., Trinugroho I., 2015, “Political connections, bank deposits, and formal deposit insurance”, Journal of Financial Stability, Volume 19, August 2015, Pages 83–104.
- Saghi-Zedek N., Tarazi A., 2015, “Droits de contrôle versus droits pécuniaires, crise financière et vulnérabilité des banques européennes“, Revue Economique, 3/2015 (Vol. 66) , p. 527-535.
- Soedarmono W., Tarazi A., 2015, “Market structure, financial intermediation and riskiness of banks: Evidence from the Asia-Pacific region”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, pages 1–14, September 2015.
- Tacneng R., 2015, “The impact of minority foreign ownership and controlling shareholder on bank risk and performance in an emerging economy“, Managerial Finance, Vol. 41, Issue 5, pp.526 – 546.
- Tarazi A., 2015, “New challenges in banking and financial stability across the world“, Journal of Financial Stability, Volume 19, August 2015, Page 69.
- Tarazi A., Zedek, N., 2015, “Excess control rights, financial crisis and bank profitability and risk“, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 55, June 2015, Pages 361–379.
- Trinugroho I., Agusman A., Ariefianto M. D., Darsono D., Tarazi A., 2015, “Determinants of cross regional disparity in financial deepening: Evidence from Indonesian provinces“, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 35, Issue 2, pp. 896-910.
- Barry T., Tacneng R., 2014, “The Impact of Governance and Institutional Quality on MFI Outreach and Financial Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa”, World Development, Vol.58, June, pp. 1–20.
- Bouvatier V., Lepetit L., Strobel F., 2014, “Bank income smoothing, ownership concentration and the regulatory environment”, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 41, April, pp. 253–270.
- Darreau P., Pigalle F., 2014, “Long-run effects of capital market integration using OLG model”, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 34 No. 3 pp. 1835-1845.
- Meslier C., Tacneng R., Tarazi A., 2014, “Is Bank Income Diversification Beneficial ? Evidence from an Emerging Economy“, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, vol. 31, July, pp. 97-126.
- Trinugroho I., Agusman A., Tarazi A., 2014, “Why have Bank Interest Margins been so high in Indonesia since the 1997/1998 Financial Crisis?”, Research in International Business and Finance, vol. 32, August, pp. 139-158.
- Abedifar P., Molyneux P., Tarazi A., 2013, “Risk in Islamic Banking”, Review of Finance, vol. 17 (6), November, pp. 2035-2096.
- Camara B., Lepetit L., Tarazi A., 2013, “Ex ante capital position, changes in the different components of regulatory capital and bank risk”, Applied Economics, vol. 45 (34), pp. 4831-4856.
- Darreau P., Pigalle F., 2013, ’’Equivalence in the internal and external public debt burden’’, Economics Bulletin, Vol.33 (4), pp. 2475-2482.
- Distinguin I., Hasan I., and Tarazi A., 2013, “Predicting rating changes for banks: how accurate are accounting and stock market indicators?“, Annals of Finance, August, vol. 9, Issue 3, pp. 471-500.
- Distinguin I., Kouassi T., Tarazi A., 2013, “Interbank Deposits and Market Discipline: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe”, Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 41, Issue 2, May, pp. 544–560.
- Distinguin I., Roulet C., Tarazi A., 2013, “Bank Regulatory Capital and Liquidity: Evidence from US and European publicly traded banks”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 37, September, pp. 3295-3317.
- Lepetit, L., Strobel, F., 2013, “Bank insolvency risk and time-varying Z-score measures”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 25, pp. 73-87, 2013.
- Soedarmono, W., Machrouh, F. Tarazi A., 2013, “Bank Competition, Crisis and Risk Taking: Evidence from Emerging Markets in Asia”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, vol. 23, February, pp. 196–221.
- Soedarmono, W., Tarazi, A., 2013, “Bank opacity, intermediation cost and globalization: Evidence from a sample of publicly-traded banks in Asia”, Journal of Asian Economics, 29, December, pp. 91-100.
- Augier L., Soedarmono W., 2012, “Intermédiation financière, croissance et effet de seuil“, Revue Economique, vol. 63 (5).
- Blancheton B., Bordes C., Maveyraud S., and Rous P., 2012, “Risk of liquidity and contagion of the crisis on the US, UK and Euro Zone money markets”, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol.17, n°2, pp. 124-146.
- Bouvatier V., Lepetit L., 2012, “Provisioning rules and bank lending: A theoretical model”, Journal of Financial Stability, 8(2), pp. 25-31.
- Bouvatier V., Lepetit L., 2012, “Effects of loan loss provisions on growth in bank lending: some international comparisons”, International Economics, vol.132, pp. 91-116.
- Collard F., Haritchabalet C., 2012, “Valuing satellite systems to support fishing in a dynamic competitive model”, Applied Economics, vol 44(7), pp. 899-916.
- Darreau P., Pigalle F., 2012, “Why capital (physical and human) doesn’t move from rich to poor countries?“, Economics Bulletin, vol.32 n°2, pp. 1353-1360.
- Lepetit L., Strobel F., Dickinson D., 2012, “Does uncertainty matter for loan charge-offs?”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, vol.22 (2).
- Meslier-Crouzille C., Nys E., and Sauviat A., 2012, “Contribution of Rural Banks to Regional Economic Development: Evidence from the Philippines”, Regional Studies, vol. 46(6).
- Rugemintwari C., Sauviat A., Tarazi A., 2012, “Bâle 3 et la réhabilitation du ratio de levier des banques : Pourquoi et comment ?“, Revue Economique, vol.63(4), pp. 809-820.
- Ziadeh Mikati N., 2012, “Politique monétaire et canal de la prise de risque : un examen des conditions de crédit des banques américaines”, Economies et sociétés, Série “Hors-Série”, HS, 45 (5), 887-914.
- Angora A. et Tarazi A., 2011, “Crises bancaires dans les pays de l’UEMOA : un système d’alerte avancée fondé sur une approche logit multinomiale”, Brussels Economic Review, vol. 54 (1).
- Augier L. and Soedarmono W., 2011, “Threshold Effect and Financial Intermediation in Economic Development”, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 31 no.1 pp. 342-357.
- Baldé Y., 2011, “The impact of Remittances and Foreign Aid on Savings/Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa”, African Development Review, vol. 23, n°2.
- Barry T., Dacanay III, S. J. O., Lepetit L., and Tarazi A., 2011, “Ownership Structure and Bank Efficiency in Six Asian Countries”, Philippine Management Review, vol. 18.
- Barry T., Lepetit L., and Tarazi A., 2011, “Ownership structure and risk in publicly held and privately owned Banks”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 35(5), 1327-1340.
- Baunto A., Bordes C., Maveyraud-Tricoire S., and Rous P., 2011, “Money growth and velocity with structural breaks: Evidence from the Philippines”, Philippine Management Review, vol. 18.
- Bouvatier V. et Lepetit L., 2011, “Canal des provisions bancaires et cyclicité du marché du crédit”, Revue Economique, vol. 62 (1).
- Darreau P. and Pigalle F., 2011, “Ponzi game in OLG model with endogenous growth and productive government spending”, Economics Bulletin, vol.31 n°3, pp. 2509-2520.
- Distinguin I., Tarazi A., and Trinidad J., 2011, “The use of accounting and stock market data to predict bank financial distress: the case of East Asian banks”, Philippine Management Review, vol.18.
- Lapteacru, I. & Nys E., 2011, “L’impact de la concurrence bancaire sur l’efficience des banques : le cas des Pays d’Europe Centrale et Orientale“, Revue Economique, vol. 62(2).
- Los Banos J., C. Meslier-Crouzille, E. Nys & A. Sauviat, 2011, “Banking industry structure and economic activities: A regional approach for the Philippines“, Philippine Management Review, vol.18.
- Rugemintwari C., 2011, “The Leverage Ratio as a Bank Discipline Device“, Revue Economique, vol. 62(3).
- Soedarmono W., Machrouh F., Tarazi A., 2011, “Bank Market Power, Economic Growth and Financial Stability: Evidence from Asian Banks”, Journal of Asian Economics, vol.22 (6).
- Distinguin I., Hasan I., and Tarazi A., 2010, “The Use of Basic Accounting Data to Predict Bank Financial Distress in MENA Countries“, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, vol.2, n°4.
- Distinguin I. and Tarazi A., 2010, “Are early market indicators of financial deterioration accurate for Too Big To Fail banks? Evidence from East Asia“, Economics Bulletin, vol. 30 (2).
- Soedarmono W., 2010, “Bank Competition, Institution and Economic Development: Evidence from Asia during 1999-2007”, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 30 no.3.
- Awdeh A. and El Moussawi C., 2009, “Bank Efficiency and Foreign Ownership in the Lebanese Banking Sector“, Review of Middle East Economics and Finance, vol. 5 (2).
- Bautista C., Rous P. and Tarazi A., 2009, “The determinants of bank stock return’s co-movements in East Asia“, Economics Bulletin, vol. 29 (3).
- Maveyraud S. and Rous P., 2009, “RIP and the shift toward a monetary union: looking for a “euro effect” by a structural break analysis with panel data“, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, vol. 19 (2).
- Bautista C, Crouzille C. and Lepetit L., 2008, “How did the Asian stock markets react to bank mergers after the 1997 Asian crisis?“, Pacific Economic Review, vol. 13(2).
- Bautista C., Rous P. and Tarazi A., 2008, “The determinants of domestic and cross border contagion risk in southeast asia”, Revue Economique, vol.59 (6).
- Bouvatier V. and Lepetit L., 2008, “Banks’ procyclical behavior : does provisioning matter?“, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, vol. 18.
- Darreau P. and Pigalle F., 2008, “Les paradoxes de Lucas et Romer“, Revue économique 2008/4, vol. 59.
- Lepetit L., Nys E., Rous P. and Tarazi A., 2008, “Bank income structure and risk : An empirical analysis of European banks“, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 32 (8).
- Lepetit L., Nys E., Rous P. and Tarazi A., 2008, “The expansion of services in European banking : implications for loan pricing and interest margins“, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 32 (11).
- Nys E., 2008, “Service provision and loans: price and risk implications”, Revue d’Economie Politique, vol. 118 (3).
- Crouzille C., Lepetit L. and Tarazi A., 2006, “Reaction of European Bank stock prices to events of the Asian and Russian Financial crises“, Revue d’Economie Politique, vol. 116 (4).
- Distinguin I., Rous P., and Tarazi A., 2006, “Market Discipline and the Use of Stock Market Data to Predict Bank Financial Distress”, Journal of Financial Services Research, vol. 30.
- Distinguin I., Rous P., and Tarazi A., 2006, “Contrôle prudentiel et détection des difficultés financières des banques : quel est l’apport de l’information de marché ?“, Revue Economique, vol. 57.
- Saad W. and El Moussawi C., 2006, “Efficiency Analysis of Banking Sector in Kuwait”, Journal of Development and Economic Policies, vol. 8 (2).