BARRY Thierno


Thierno Barry is an Associate Professor in Economics at the University of Limoges, where he is the director of bachelor program in insurance, banking and finance, and member of the LAPE research center. His research interests include banking and finance and applied microeconomics.  His research has been published in the World Development, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Applied Economics, Revue Economique and Journal of Financial Services Research.


  • Barry T., Diabaté A., Tarazi A., 2024, “Do banks adjust their capital when they face liquidity shortages? Evidence from U.S. commercial banks”, Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments, forthcoming.
  • Barry T., Lepetit L., Strobel F., Tran T.H., 2022, “Implications for Bank Risk When Directors Are Related to Minority Shareholders”, Journal of Financial Services Research, Vol. 62.
  • Barry T., Tarazi A., Wachtel P., 2019, “Falling under the control of a different type of owner: risk-taking implications for banks”, Applied Economics, Volume 51, 2019 – Issue 8, Pages 831-847.
  • Barry T., 2017, “Structure actionnariale et efficience des banques cotées et non cotées : le cas de pays d’Extrême-Orient”, Revue Economique, vol 68(4), pp.673-694.
  • Barry T., Lepetit L., Strobel F., 2016, “Bank ownership structure, lending corruption and the regulatory environment”, Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 44, Issue 3, August 2016, Pages 732–751.
  • Barry T., Tacneng R., 2014, “The Impact of Governance and Institutional Quality on MFI Outreach and Financial Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa”, World Development, Vol., June 2014, pp. 1–20.
  • Barry T., Lepetit L., Tarazi A., 2011,“Ownership structure and risk in publicly held and privately owned banks”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 35, pp 1327-1340, 2011.
  • Barry T., Lepetit L., Tarazi A., Dacanay S., 2011, “Ownership structure and Bank Efficiency in Six Asian Countries ” , Philippine Management Review (special issue) , vol. 18, pp 19-35.

Articles under revision in refereed journals

  • “Market liquidity shortage and banks’ capital structure and balance sheet adjustments: evidence from U.S. commercial Banks”, in collaboration with A. Diabate et A. Tarazi. First round.

Submitted papers in refereed journals

  • “Social antagonism, identity-driven beliefs, and loss avoidance: Evidence from Guinea”, in collaboration with K. Puzon and R. Tacneng.
  • “Crowding out effects of financial knowledge and attitude on risk preferences: Evidence from a least developed African country”, in collaboration with K. Puzon and R. Tacneng.

Work in progress

  • Barry T., Diabate, A. and Tarazi, A., “Impact of deposits inflow on credits and off-balance sheet funding liquidity risk exposure”.
  • Barry T., Tacneng R., “Governance and Performance: Evidence from African Microfinance Institutions”.

Head of Bachelor’s Degree in Insurance, Banking, Finance (Personal banking advisor).

Journal of Banking and Finance, Comparative Economic Studies, Corporate Governance : An International Review, International Economics, Research in International Business and Finance, Journal of International Development, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, Empirical Economics, Economics Bulletin, Global Finance Journal, Managerial Auditing Journal, Applied Economics, International Review of Economics and Finance, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Borsa Istanbul Review, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, Journal of Corporate Finance.

  • Alassane DIABATE (Oct. 2015 – Jan. 2020), “Liquidity risk and fair value accounting: implications for bank capital structure, lending and stability”, co-supervised with A. Tarazi
  • Thu Ha TRAN (Oct. 2014 – Dec. 2018), “Three essays on the composition of boards of directors and their contribution to effective corporate governance”, co-supervised with L. Lepetit