Isabelle Distinguin is a Professor in Economics at the University of Limoges (France). She earned her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Limoges in 2008. Her research activities are conducted in the field of banking economics. Her papers have been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Financial Intermediation, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Comparative Economics among others.
- Distinguin I., Lepetit L., Strobel F., Tran P. H. H., 2023, “Bondholder representatives on bank boards: a device for market discipline”, Economic Inquiry, February
- Ardekani M.A., Distinguin I., Tarazi A., 2020, « Do banks change their liquidity ratios based on network characteristics ? », European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 285, Issue 2, 1 September 2020, Pages 789-803.
- Dala Daouda M., Distinguin I., Sauviat A., 2020, “What is the information value of bank’s stress tests ? An investigation using banks’ bond split ratings”, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 40 No. 1 p.A42.
- Distinguin I., 2019, “Discipline de marché par la dette subordonnée : impact de l’opacité bancaire et des politiques de renflouement des banques », Revue Economique, 2019/2 (Vol. 70), pages 207 à 227.
- DeYoung R., Distinguin I., Tarazi A., 2018, “The Joint Regulation of Bank Liquidity and Bank Capital”, Journal of Financial Intermediation, vol. 34, pp. 32-46.
- Distinguin I., Rugemintwari C., Tacneng R., 2016, “Can informal firms hurt registered SMEs’ access to credit ?” World Development, Vol. 84, Pages 18–40.
- Distinguin I., Roulet C., Tarazi A., 2013, “Bank Regulatory Capital and Liquidity : Evidence from US and European publicly traded banks”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 37, 3295-3317, September 2013.
- Distinguin I., Kouassi T., Tarazi A., 2013, “Interbank Deposits and Market Discipline : Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe”, Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 41, Issue 2, May, 544–560.
- Distinguin I., Hasan I., and Tarazi A., 2013, “Predicting Bank Rating Changes for banks : how accurate are accounting and stock market indicators ?”, Annals of Finance, August, vol. 9, Issue 3, pp 471-500.
- Angora A., Distinguin I., and Rugemintwari C., 2011, “Bank capital buffer : does bank heterogeneity matter ?”, The Empirical Economics Letters, vol.10 (9).
- Distinguin I., Tarazi A., and Trinidad J., 2011 “The use of accounting and stock market data to predict bank financial distress : the case of East Asian banks”, Philippine Management Review, vol. 18.
- Distinguin I., Hasan I., and Tarazi A., 2010, “The Use of Basic Accounting Data to Predict Bank Financial Distress in MENA Countries”, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, vol.2, n°4.
- Distinguin I. and Tarazi A., 2010, “Are early market indicators of financial deterioration accurate for Too Big To Fail banks ? Evidence from East Asia”, Economics Bulletin, vol. 30 (2).
- Distinguin I., Rous P., and Tarazi A., 2006, “Market Discipline and the Use of Stock Market Data to Predict Bank Financial Distress” Journal of Financial Services Research, vol. 30.
- Distinguin I., Rous P., and Tarazi A., 2006, “Contrôle prudentiel et détection des difficultés financières des banques : quel est l’apport de l’information de marché ?”, Revue Economique, vol.57.
- Distinguin I., Hasan I., and Tarazi A., 2011, “The Use of Accounting Data to Predict Bank Financial Distress in MENA Countries” in “Shocks vulnerability and therapy”, selected papers from ERF 16th Annual Conference, Egypt 2009
- Deputy Head of the Doctoral School GIO
- In charge of the doctoral seminars.
- Head of the Master’s Degree in Economics (First year).
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking; Journal of Banking and Finance; International Economics; Economics Bulletin; Journal of Financial Stability; Revue économique; etc.
- Finance (postgraduate)
- Financial Mathematics (undergraduate & postgraduate)
- Economics of uncertainty (undergraduate)
- “Environmental Challenges and Bank Lending (EnvBlis)”, AAP exploratoire interne, sous la coordination de Ruth Tacneng, Février 2023-Février 2024.
- “Les Analystes Financiers et la Production d’Information Financière sur les Banques”, Programme de recherché finance par la Région Nouvelle Aquitaine, coordonné par A-G. Vaubourg, Septembre 2020- Septembre 2023.
- “CaLiBank: The Post-Crisis Banking Industry: How will banks respond to tighter regulatory constraints?”, projet ANR, 296 076 euros, Avril 2020-Septembre 2023, coordonné par A. Tarazi.
- “Financial Markets Regulation and the U.S. Economy”, Smith Richardson Foundation, in Westport, Connecticut, USA sous la coordination de Charles Calomiris (Columbia University, lead applicant) avec Viral Acharya (New York University), Allen Berger (University of South Carolina), Robert DeYoung (Kansas University) et Amine Tarazi (Université de Limoges), accepté en April 2016.
- “OPTBANK: Optimizing Research and Doctoral Programs in Banking in Indonesia”, European Commission Capacity Building Grant, Octobre 2017/Octobre 2021, coordonné par A. Tarazi.
- “The role of the factoring and commercial finance industry in the European Union”, sous la coordination de F. Fiordelisi et de A. Tarazi, EU Federation for Factoring and Commercial Finance Industry (EUF), janvier 2013/janvier 2014.
- “The effects of ownership restructuring on bank risk-taking and lending behaviour: evidence from Southeast Asia”, Programme PHC Orchid (Taiwan) sous la coordination de A. Tarazi, décembre 2009/janvier 2012.
- “Ownership Structure and Bank Risk” BQR Soutien aux Réseaux de Recherche Internationaux (Université de Limoges), avec Rensselaer New York, New York University, Bangor University, Copenhagen Business School, University of Groningen, National Chengi University Taiwan, University Robert Schuman, sous la coordination de A. Tarazi, décembre 2009/décembre 2012.
- “Fragilité bancaire : création de liquidité, capitalisation et structure de bilans ”, Contrat de recherche avec la Société J.P.L.C. SASU, sous la coordination de A. Tarazi et L. Lepetit novembre 2008/ novembre 2011.
- “Financial Fragility: lessons from Europe and South East Asia”, Euro-Philippine Network in Banking and Finance : Enhancing Teaching and Research, Programme AsiaLink, Commission Européenne, en réseau avec University of Birmingham (Royaume-Uni) et University of the Philippines (Philippines), sous la coordination d’A. Tarazi, 2005-2007.
Agence Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie (ANRT)
- Mehrafarin Shetabi, co-supervised with Alain Sauviat.
Completed Theses
- Oussama Labchara, “Essays on bank liquidity management during distress times”, June 2023, co-supervised with Amine Tarazi
- Phan Huy Hieu Tran, “Three essays on bank board composition and effective corporate governance”, November 2021, co-supervised with Laetitia Lepetit.
- Aref Mahdavi Ardekani, “Essays on bank network characteristics: implications for bank capital and liquidity regulation and for monetary policy”, January 2019, co-supervised with Amine Tarazi.
- Moustapha Daouda Dala, “Essays on Supervisory Bank Stress Tests and Information Disclosure”, December 2016, co-supervised with Alain Sauviat.
- Ha Pham, “Bank efficiency, ownership structure and regulations in Vietnam”, 2015, co-supervised with Amine Tarazi.
- Tchudjane Kouassi, “Essays on Financial Intermediation in Transition and Emerging Countries”, 2013, co-supervised with Amine Tarazi.