Conférence sur l’usage des métriques des auteurs et de leurs publications scientifiques

19 décembre 2024, 15:00


L’Université de Limoges vous invite à une conférence portant sur l’impact des métriques d’évaluation sur l’intégrité scientifique. Cet événement, intitulé « Erosion of Scientific Integrity Fueled by Quantitative Evaluation Metrics », se tiendra le jeudi 19 décembre à 15h, dans la salle de réunion d’XLIM, située au 123 avenue A. Thomas, à Limoges.

La conférence sera animée par Johannes Gierschner, Dr. rer. nat. habil, chercheur au Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies (IMDEA Nanoscience, Madrid, Espagne).

L’entrée est libre et gratuite et la présentation se fera en anglais. 

Résumé : « In the last few years, the scientific community has been increasingly concerned by malpractice behavior, which does not fit the classic description of ‘scientific misconduct’ (summarized as ‘falsification, fabrication, plagiarism’ – FFP). Nevertheless, these practice appear to be not less threatening to the community as they come as a steady erosion, now evolving into a landside. This concerns in particular ‘CV polishing’ by ‘citation gaming’ through excessive ‘guest’- & ‘hyper’-authorships and ‘citation cartels’, actually assaulting the business model of data suppliers. In fact, staggering 20% of the researchers were removed in the past three years from Clarivate’s ‘highly cited researcher’ (HCR) list due to violation of scientific integrity. The reason for this sharp increase in malpractice can be directly related to metrics-based quantitative evaluation, concerning both institutions and individual researchers. In fact, this follows perfectly – and frighteningly – Goodhart’s law, which, applied to the current context, may read as ‘all metrics of scientific evaluation are bound to be abused.

The seminar puts ‘citation gaming’ into the limelight, showing that malpractice behavior depends on whether the individual researcher stands on the top or the bottom of the scientific food chain. While researchers at the bottom are obliged to pimp up their CV by becoming prey to paper mills and predatory journals & conferences (all at public cost), as well as by excessive self-citation and creating national citation cartels, researchers at the top may follow more sophisticated measures, blessed by the ‘Matthew effect’. This includes ‘honorary’ or ‘guest’ authorships, elaborated international ‘citation cartels’, and well paid lucrative ancillary revenues like ‘gift affiliations’ in Saudi Arabia, editor positions in predatory journals or decoy organizer & plenary speaker of predatory conferences. Equally, for all researchers, metrics-driven working & thinking fuels scientific hypes with short-term impact and leads to a tsunami in often worthless ‘salami papers’ of questionable content, which nobody is able to digest anymore. We advocate for an end of scientific hyper-proliferation by returning to ‘quality over quantity’, based on the principles of modesty, integrity & autonomy. Only in doing so, science is able to keep its incorruptible voice in times of deep threats to our free societies. »