
Nos chercheurs, professeurs et étudiants publient chaque année de nombreux papiers (articles, thèses, etc.), comme tout acteur de la recherche qui se respecte. Qu’ils soient auteurs ou collaborateurs, vous trouverez ci-après la liste des principales publications.

Classement des publications de l'unité par année

Cliquez sur l’année de votre choix pour accéder aux publications auxquelles l’UMR Inserm 1092 RESINFIT a participé.

  • Mélanie Pimenta, Maria Alexa, Degrâce Batantou Mabandza, Sylvain Dulaurent, Bich-Tram Huynh, Margaux Gaschet, Lulla Opatowski, Sébastien Breurec, Marie-Cécile Ploy, Christophe Dagot. Wastewater-based AMR surveillance associated with tourism on a Caribbean island (Guadeloupe). Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance, March 2025, ISSN 2213-7165.
  • Yohann Lacotte, Evelyne Jouvin-Marche, Marie-Cécile Ploy. EU-JAMRAI – L’Europe engagée sur une réponse coordonnée et « une seule santé » pour faire face à l’antibiorésistance. Medecine/Sciences (Paris), Editorial, Volume 41, Numéro 3, Mars 2025.
  • Tyler Meadows, Erik R. Coats, Solana Narum, Eva M. Top, Benjamin J. Ridenhour, Thibault Stalder. Epidemiological model can forecast COVID-19 outbreaks from wastewater-based surveillance in rural communities. Water Research. 2024 November. Volume 268, Part A, 2025, 122671, ISSN 0043-1354.
  • Zahra Bellil, Sylvain Meyer, Valentin Tilloy, Assia Mairi, Christophe De Champs, Olivier Barraud, Abdelaziz Touati. Prevalence and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Nontyphoidal Salmonella from Food-Animal Products in Bejaia, Algeria. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 2024 November 25;Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39582427.
  • Hermann Do Rego, Yousra Kherabi, Stephane Corvec, Chloé Plouzeau-Jayle, Coralie Bouchiat, Gabriel Macheda, Sylvain Meyer, Vincent Cattoir, Caroline Piau, Thomas Guillard, Jean-Ralph Zahar, Eric Farfour, Raphaël Lecomte, Marlène Amara, Christophe Isnard, Alban Le Monnier, Benoit Pilmis. Outcomes of Enterococcus faecalis infective endocarditis according to MIC of amoxicillin: a multicentric study. JAC Antimicrob Resistance. 2024 November 1;6(6):dlae167. PMID: 39493937; PMCID: PMC11528299.
  • Claire Gourin, Thelma Flores, Sarah Mafi, Cécile Malnou, Sophie Alain, Sébastien Hantz, Gaetan Ligat. Enjeux et avancées de la prise en charge des infections à CMVH. Virologie, 2024 Octobre, Volume 28, numéro 5, Septembre-Octobre 2024.
  • Sylvain Meyer, Ana Catalina Hernandez-Padilla, Anne-Laure Fedou, Thomas Daix, Delphine Chainier, Marie-Cécile Ploy, Philippe Vignon, Bruno François, Olivier Barraud. Longitudinal two-years comparative genomic analysis of respiratory Staphylococcus aureus isolates from ICU mechanically ventilated patients. Journal of Hospital Infection, 2024 September, ISSN 0195-6701.
  • Sylvain Meyer, Valentin Tilloy, Sylvaine Durand-Fontanier, Thomas Lafon, Fabien Garnier, Christian Martin, Marie-Cécile Ploy, and Olivier Barraud. Emayella augustorita, New Member of Pasteurellaceae, Isolated from Blood Cultures of Septic Patient. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2024 Jun, 21;30(8). Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38907366.
  • Estelle Danche, Sylvain Meyer, Elie Guichard, Ana Catalina Hernandez Padilla, Anne-Laure Fedou, Philippe Vignon, Olivier Barraud, Bruno François. Evolution of Tracheobronchial Colonization Following Tracheal Intubation in Patients With Neurologic Injury Who Are Ventilated: The INSPIRE Study. CHEST Critical Care, Volume 2, Issue 2, May 2024, 100075, ISSN 2949-7884.
  • Audrey Gauthier, Linda Tlili, Serge Battu, Coline Le Moan, Marie-Cécile Ploy, Fabrice Lalloue, Gaëlle Bégaud, Olivier Barraud. Sedimentation field-flow fractionation for rapid phenotypic antimicrobial susceptibility testing: a pilot study. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, May 2024, dkae132.
  • Julien Vaidie, Alain Renoir Silvain. Un nouvel espoir dans le traitement de l’hémophilie A. Expression du facteur VIII dans des précurseurs plaquettaires myéloïdes. Med Sci (Paris), Mai 2024, 40 (5) 471-473 (2024).
  • Paul Henriot, Elena Buelow, Fabienne Petit, Marie-Cécile Ploy, Christophe Dagot, Lulla Opatowski. Modeling the impact of urban and hospital eco-exposomes on antibiotic-resistance dynamics in wastewaters. Science of The Total Environment, May 2024, Volume 924, 171643, ISSN 0048-9697,
  • Stecy Chollet, Ana Catalina Hernandez Padilla, Thomas Daix, Margaux Gaschet, Bruno François, Christophe Piguet, Nathalie Gachard, Sandra Da Re, Robin Jeannet, Marie-Cécile Ploy. Phagosomal granulocytic ROS in septic patients induce the bacterial SOS response. iScience (Volume 27, ISSUE 6, 109825, June 21, 2024), Published April, 26 2024.
  • Zahra Bellil, Sylvain Meyer, Valentin Tilloy, Assia Mairi, Christophe De Champs, Olivier Barraud, Abdelaziz Touati. Prevalence and Genomic Investigation of Salmonella Isolates Associated with Watermelons and Their Environmental Reservoirs in Bejaia, Algeria. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, March 2024
  • Zahra Bellil, Sylvain Meyer, Valentin Tilloy, Assia Mairi, Olivier Barraud, Christophe De Champs, Abdelaziz Touati. Comprehensive Genomic Characterization of Antibiotic Resistance, Virulence, and Clonality in Salmonella Isolates from Wild Animals in Algeria. EcoHealth, January 2024, 343–348 (2023)
  • Maxime Rocher, Mathilde Duchesne, Déborah Andouard, Laurence Beral, Marc Labriffe, Delphine Chainier, Mélissa Gomes-Mayeras, Sébastien Hantz, Sophie Alain, Pierre-Yves Robert. Cytomegalovirus detected by qPCR in iris and ciliary body of immunocompetent corneal donors. Journal of Clinical Virology, January 2024, 105636, ISSN 1386-6532,
  • Morgane Maniveau ; sous la direction de Sandra Da Re et Sophie Raherison. Dissémination et évolution des intégrons de résistance : impact du mode de vie bactérien et du stress antibiotique. Thèse, 2024.
  • Sylvain Meyer ; sous la direction de Olivier Barraud. De la colonisation à l’infection : suivi de la composition du microbiote respiratoire et des caractéristiques microbiologiques des aspirats endotrachéaux des patients intubés-ventilés en Réanimation. Thèse, 2024.
  • Mélanie Pimenta ; sous la direction de Marie-Cécile Ploy et Christophe Dagot. Approche One-Health et épidémiologie sanitaire pour l’étude de la dynamique de la dissémination environnementale de la résistance aux antibiotiques en Guadeloupe. Thèse, 2024.
  • Audrey Gauthier, Linda Tlili, Serge Battu, Sylvie Delebassée, Raphaël E. Duval, Philippe J.P. Cardot, Marie-Cécile Ploy, Fabrice Lalloué, Coline Le-Moan, Olivier Barraud, Gaëlle Begaud. Sedimentation Field-Flow Fractionation: A Diagnostic Tool for Rapid Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing. Analytical Chemistry, November 8, 2023.
  • Olivier Barraud, Lucie Laval, Laëtitia Le Devendec, Emeline Larvor, Claire Chauvin, Eric Jouy, Sophie Le Bouquin, Yann Vanrobaeys, Benoit Thuillier, Brigitte Lamy, Sandrine Baron. Integrons from Aeromonas isolates collected from fish: A global indicator of antimicrobial resistance and anthropic pollution. Aquaculture, Volume 576, November 2023, 739768, ISSN 0044-8486.
  • Vivien Lecomte, Joan Artigas, Chloé Bonnineau, ElodieBrelot, Christophe Dagot, Didier Hocquet, Jérôme Labanowski, Cécile Miège, Leslie Mondamert, Fabrice Martin-Laurent, Stéphane Pesce. Contamination des milieux aquatiques par les résidus de médicaments : exposition, risques écotoxicologiques, antibiorésistance et leviers d’actions. Environnement, Risques & Santé. Septembre-Octobre 2023;22(5):359-375.
  • Sarah Mafi, Sophie Alain, Sébastien Hantz. Evaluation of the fully automated LIAISON®XL chemiluminescence analyzer for QuantiFERON®-CMV testing in transplant recipients, Journal of Clinical Virology, September 2023, 105550, ISSN 1386-6532.
  • Arthur Baisse, Simon Parreau, Stéphanie Dumonteil, Alexandre Organista, Mathilde Alais, Vincent Ouradou, Rafaela Piras, Philippe Vignon, Thomas Lafon. Unexplained hypothermia is associated with bacterial infection in the Emergency Department. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 71, September 2023, Pages 134-138, ISSN 0735-6757.
  • Clotilde Muller, Sophie Alain, Sébastien Hantz. Identification of a leucine-zipper motif in pUL51 essential for HCMV replication and potential target for antiviral development, Antiviral Research, September 2023, 105673, ISSN 0166-3542.
  • Perrine Coste Mazeau, Laurie Berto, Déborah Andouard, Chahrazed El Hamel, Thierry Chianea, Sébastien Hantz, Sophie Alain. New therapeutic perspective in the prevention of congenital cytomegalovirus infection. Antiviral Research, Volume 216, August 2023, 105661, ISSN 0166-3542.
  • Andouard D, Tilloy V, Ribot E, Mayeras M, Diaz-Gonzalez D, El Hamel C, Piras-Douce F, Mantel N, Alain S. Genetic and Functional Characterization of Congenital HCMV Clinical Strains in Ex Vivo First Trimester Placental Model. Pathogens. 2023 Jul 27;12(8):985. doi: 10.3390/pathogens12080985. PMID: 37623946; PMCID: PMC10460061.
  • Elena Buelow, Catherine Dauga, Claire Carrion, Hugo Mathé-Hubert, Sophia Achaibou, Margaux Gaschet, Thomas Jové, Olivier Chesneau, Sean P. Kennedy, Marie-Cecile Ploy, Sandra Da Re, Christophe Dagot. Hospital and urban wastewaters shape the matrix and active resistome of environmental biofilms. Water Research, July 2023, 120408, ISSN 0043-1354.
  • Collineau L, Bourély C, Rousset L, Berger-Carbonne A, Ploy MC, Pulcini C, Colomb-Cotinat M. Towards One Health surveillance of antibiotic resistance: characterisation and mapping of existing programmes in humans, animals, food and the environment in France, 2021. Euro Surveill. 2023 June ;28(22):2200804.
  • Meyer S, Gaïa N, Lazarevic V, Schrenzel J, François B, Barraud O; SCORPIUS study group. Could daily changes in respiratory microbiota help predicting early Staphylococcus aureus ventilator-associated pneumonia? Intensive Care Med Exp. 2023 June 23;11(1):34.
  • Bruno François, Simon Lambden, Jean-Jacques Garaud, Marc Derive, Jean-Marie Grouin, Pierre Asfar, Cédric Darreau, Jean-Paul Mira, Jean-Pierre Quenot, Jérémie Lemarié, Emmanuelle Mercier et al. Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of TREM-1 inhibition with nangibotide in patients with COVID-19 receiving respiratory support: the ESSENTIAL randomised, double-blind trial. eClinicalMedicine, Volume 60, June 2023, 102013, ISSN 2589-5370.
  • Sébastien Hantz, Sarah Mafi, Pauline Pinet, Claire Deback. Monkeypox to Mpox or the re-emergence of an old zoonosis. Revue Francophone des Laboratoires, Volume 2023, Issue 553, June 2023, Pages 25-37, ISSN 1773-035X.
  • Bruno François, Simon Lambden, Tom Fivez, Sebastien Gibot, Marc Derive, Jean-Marie Grouin, Margarita Salcedo-Magguilli, Jérémie Lemarié, Nicolas De Schryver, Ville Jalkanen, Tarik Hicheur, Jean-Jacques Garaud, Valérie Cuvier, Ricard Ferrer, Morten Bestle, Ville Pettilä, Jean-Paul Mira, Camille Bouisse et al. Prospective evaluation of the efficacy, safety, and optimal biomarker enrichment strategy for nangibotide, a TREM-1 inhibitor, in patients with septic shock (ASTONISH): a double-blind, randomised, controlled, phase 2b trial. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, May 2023, ISSN 2213-2600.
  • Dequin PF, Meziani F, Quenot JP, Kamel T, Ricard JD, Badie J, Reignier J, Heming N, Plantefève G, Souweine B, Voiriot G, Colin G, Frat JP, Mira JP, Barbarot N, François B, Louis G, Gibot S, Guitton C, Giacardi C, Hraiech S, Vimeux S, L’Her E, Faure H, Herbrecht JE, Bouisse C, Joret A, Terzi N, Gacouin A, Quentin C, Jourdain M, Leclerc M, Coffre C, Bourgoin H, Lengellé C, Caille-Fénérol C, Giraudeau B, Le Gouge A; CRICS-TriGGERSep Network. Hydrocortisone in Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia. N Engl J Med. 2023 May 25;388(21):1931-1941.
  • Thierry Boulain, Mai-Anh Nay, Pierre-François Dequin, Jean-Baptiste Lascarrou, Philippe Vignon, et al. Relying on pulse oximetry to avoid hypoxaemia and hyperoxia: A multicentre prospective cohort study in patients with circulatory failure. Australian Critical Care, Volume 36, Issue 3, May 2023, Pages 307-312, ISSN 1036-7314.
  • Roquilly A, Francois B, Huet O, Launey Y, Lasocki S, Weiss E, Petrier M, Hourmant Y, Bouras M, Lakhal K, Le Bel C, Flattres Duchaussoy D, Fernández-Barat L, Ceccato A, Flet L, Jobert A, Poschmann J, Sebille V, Feuillet F, Koulenti D, Torres A; Atlanrea study group and the Société Française d’Anesthésie Réanimation (SFAR) Research Network. Interferon gamma-1b for the prevention of hospital-acquired pneumonia in critically ill patients: a phase 2, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial. Intensive Care Med. April 2023 May;49(5):530-544.
  • Sarah Mafi, Sylvie Rogez, Jérôme Darreye, Sophie Alain, Sébastien Hantz. Performance of the SureScreen Diagnostics COVID-19 antibody rapid test in comparison with three automated immunoassays. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, Volume 105, Issue 4, April 2023, 115900, ISSN 0732-8893.
  • Daix T, Mathonnet A, Brakenridge S, Dequin PF, Mira JP, Berbille F, Morre M, Jeannet R, Blood T, Unsinger J, Blood J, Walton A, Moldawer LL, Hotchkiss R, François B. Intravenously administered interleukin-7 to reverse lymphopenia in patients with septic shock: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Ann Intensive Care. March 2023 Mar 12;13(1):17.
  • Virginie Pascal, Marine Dupont, Paco de Rouault, David Rizzo, Delphine Rossille, Robin Jeannet, Thomas Daix, Bruno François, Steve Genebrier, Marie Cornic, Guillaume Monneret, Fabienne Venet, Juliette Ferrant, Mikael Roussel, Florian Reizine, Mathieu Le Souhaitier, Jean-Marc Tadié, Karin Tarte, Jean Feuillard, Michel Cogné. Demultiplexing Ig repertoires by parallel mRNA/DNA sequencing shows major differential alterations in severe COVID-19. iScience, Volume 26, Issue 3, March 2023, 106260, ISSN 2589-0042.
  • Marie Courbebaisse, Aurelie Bourmaud, Jean-Claude Souberbielle, Rebecca Sberro-Soussan, Valérie Moal, Yannick Le Meur, Nassim Kamar, Laetitia Albano, Antoine Thierry, Jacques Dantal, Clément Danthu et al. Nonskeletal and skeletal effects of high doses versus low doses of vitamin D3 in renal transplant recipients: Results of the VITALE (VITamin D supplementation in renAL transplant recipients) study, a randomized clinical trial. American Journal of Transplantation, Volume 23, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 366-376, ISSN 1600-6135.
  • Agnès B. Jousset, Sandrine Bernabeu, Cécile Emeraud, Rémy A. Bonnin, Alexandra Lomont, Jean Ralph Zahar, Audrey Merens, Christophe Isnard, Nathalie Soismier, Eric Farfour, Vincent Fihman, Nicolas Yin, Olivier Barraud, Hervé Jacquier, Anne-Gaëlle Ranc, Frédéric Laurent, Stéphane Corvec, Louise Ruffier d’Epenoux, Emmanuelle Bille, Nicolas Degand, Chloé Plouzeau, Thomas Guillard, Vincent Cattoir, Asaf Mizrahi, Antoine Grillon, Frédéric Janvier, Cécile Le Brun, Marlène Amara, Mathilda Bastide, Alban Lemonnier, Laurent Dortet, Evaluation of ceftolozane-tazobactam susceptibility on a French nationwide collection of Enterobacterales. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance, Volume 32, March 2023, Pages 78-84, ISSN 2213-7165.
  • Olha Matviichuk, Leslie Mondamert, Claude Geffroy, Christophe Dagot, Jérôme Labanowski. Life in an unsuspected antibiotics world: River biofilms. Water Research, Volume 231, March 2023, 119611, ISSN 0043-1354.
  • Christine Årdal, Enrico Baraldi, Reinhard Busse, Rosa Castro, Francesco Ciabuschi, José Miguel Cisneros, Inge C Gyssens, Stephan Harbarth, Tomislav Kostyanev, Yohann Lacotte, Nicola Magrini, Anthony McDonnell, Annelie A Monnier, Suerie Moon, Elias Mossialos, Germán Peñalva, Marie-Cécile Ploy, Momir Radulović, Adrián Alonso Ruiz, John-Arne Røttingen, Michael Sharland, Evelina Tacconelli, Ursula Theuretzbacher, Sabine Vogler, Ute Wolff Sönksen, Kerstin Åkerfeldt, Otto Cars, Jim O’Neill. Transferable exclusivity voucher: a flawed incentive to stimulate antibiotic innovation, The Lancet, February 2023, ISSN 0140-6736.
  • Delmon C, Ferrandon E, Chouzenoux E, Prorot A, Alain S, Lefort C. A computational two-photon fluorescence approach for revealing label-free the 3D image of viruses and bacteria. J Biophotonics. January 2023 ;16(5):e202200266.
  • Aurélien Fauconnier ; sous la direction de Marie-Cécile Ploy et Cécile Pasternak. Étude des modalités de transposition des séquences d’insertion bactériennes des familles IS91-ISCR. Thèse, 2023.
  • Audrey Gauthier ; sous la direction de Olivier Barraud et Gaëlle Begaud. Étude de la méthode de Fractionnement par couplage Flux-Force de Sédimentation comme nouvelle technique d’antibiogramme rapide. Thèse, 2023.
  • Nasreen Hassoun-Kheir, C. Henri van Werkhoven, Jake Dunning, Thomas Jaenisch, Janko van Beek, Julia Bielicki, Christopher C. Butler, Bruno Francois, Stephan Harbarth, Ana C. Hernandez Padilla, Peter Horby, Marion Koopmans, James Lee, Jesús Rodriguez-Baño, Evelina Tacconelli, Yrene Themistocleous, Alike W. van der Velden, Marc Bonten, Herman Goossens, Marlieke E.A. de Kraker. Perpetual observational studies: new strategies to support efficient implementation of observational studies and randomized trials in infectious diseases. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 28, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 1528-1532, ISSN 1198-743X.
  • Robin Jeannet, Alexandra Descazeaud, Thomas Daix, Hélène Pauthier, Virginie Pascal, Sébastien Hantz, Sophie Le Cam, Bruno Francois, Jean Feuillard, Xavier Lafarge. De novo natural anti-M alloantibody emergence in severe Coronavirus Disease 2019. Journal of Infection and Public Health, Volume 15, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 1455-1458, ISSN 1876-0341.
  • Manon Boutot, Catherine Yardin, Renaud Martin, Sylvie Bourthoumieu, Veronique Aubard, Sophie Martin, Yves Aubard, Perrine Coste-Mazeau. Follow-up of increased nuchal translucency: Results of a study of 398 cases. Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction, Volume 51, Issue 10, 2022, 102482, ISSN 2468-7847.
  • Marie-Cécile Ploy, Thomas U Berendonk. Editorial overview: AMR in the environment — too complex for surveillance?, Current Opinion in Microbiology, Volume 65, 2022, Pages xi-xiii, ISSN 1369-5274.
  • Camelia Popescu, Sophie Alain, Mathis Courant, Armelle Vardelle, Alain Denoirjean, Marjorie Cavarroc. Thermal spray copper-based coatings against contamination of thermoplastic surfaces: A systematic review. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Volume 35, 2022, 101194, ISSN 2215-0986.
  • Sébastien Hantz. Le dépistage des IST et des hépatites virales, victime de la pandémie de Covid-19 !. Revue Francophone des Laboratoires, Volume 2022, Issue 544, 2022, Page 1, ISSN 1773-035X.
  • Chastre J, François B, Bourgeois M, Komnos A, Ferrer R, Rahav G, De Schryver N, Lepape A, Koksal I, Luyt CE, Sánchez-García M, Torres A, Eggimann P, Koulenti D, Holland TL, Ali O, Shoemaker K, Ren P, Sauser J, Ruzin A, Tabor DE, Akhgar A, Wu Y, Jiang Y, DiGiandomenico A, Colbert S, Vandamme D, Coenjaerts F, Malhotra-Kumar S, Timbermont L, Oliver A, Barraud O, Bellamy T, Bonten M, Goossens H, Reisner C, Esser MT, Jafri HS; COMBACTE-MAGNET EVADE Study Group. Safety, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics of gremubamab (MEDI3902), an anti-Pseudomonas aeruginosa bispecific human monoclonal antibody, in P. aeruginosa-colonised, mechanically ventilated intensive care unit patients: a randomised controlled trial. Crit Care. 2022 Nov 15;26(1):355.
  • Olivier Paccoud, Sophie Alain, Joel Gozlan, Sabrine Jarboui, David Boutolleau, Sébastien Hantz, Giorgia Battipaglia, Annalisa Paviglianiti, Rémy Duléry, Florent Malard, Clémence Médiavilla, Simona Sestili, Béatrice Gaugler, Jean-Luc Meynard, Jérôme Pacanowski, Mohamad Mohty, Eolia Brissot. Immune restoration therapy for multidrug-resistant CMV disease in an allogenic stem cell transplant recipient. Current Research in Translational Medicine, Volume 70, Issue 2, 2022, 103329, ISSN 2452-3186.
  • Clotilde Muller, Valentin Tilloy, Emilie Frobert, Linda Feghoul, Isabelle Garrigue, Quentin Lepiller, Audrey Mirand, Egor Sidorov, Sébastien Hantz, Sophie Alain. First clinical description of letermovir resistance mutation in cytomegalovirus UL51 gene and potential impact on the terminase complex structure. Antiviral Research, Volume 204, 2022, 105361, ISSN 0166-3542.
  • Santos Bravo M, Plault N, Sánchez-Palomino S, Rodríguez C, Navarro Gabriel M, Mosquera MM, Fernández Avilés F, Suarez-Lledó M, Rovira M, Bodro M, Moreno A, Linares L, Cofan F, Berengua C, Esteva C, Cordero E, Martin-Davila P, Aranzamendi M, Pérez Jiménez AB, Vidal E, Fernández Sabé N, Len O, Hantz S, Alain S, Marcos MÁ; Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI) and the Group for the Study of Infection in Transplantation (GESITRA). Genotypic and Phenotypic Study of Antiviral Resistance Mutations in Refractory Cytomegalovirus Infection. J Infect Dis. 2022 Nov 1;226(9):1528-1536.
  • Brigitte Lamy, Sandrine Baron, Olivier Barraud. Aeromonas: the multifaceted middleman in the One Health world. Current Opinion in Microbiology, Volume 65, 2022, Pages 24-32, ISSN 1369-5274.
  • Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski, Rémy Bournique, Vivien Lecomte, Noémie Pernin, Laure Wiest, Christine Bazin, Agnès Bouchez, Elodie Brelot, Benoît Cournoyer, Teofana Chonova, Christophe Dagot, et al. SIPIBEL observatory: Data on usual pollutants (solids, organic matter, nutrients, ions) and micropollutants (pharmaceuticals, surfactants, metals), biological and ecotoxicity indicators in hospital and urban wastewater, in treated effluent and sludge from wastewater treatment plant, and in surface and groundwater. Data in Brief, Volume 40, 2022, 107726, ISSN 2352-3409.
  • Baudry M, Eyraud JL, Aubard Y, Bru N, Coste Mazeau P. Impact of induction of labor in fetal macrosomia: comparative series from 256 cases. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2022 Oct;306(4):959-967.
  • Ziriat I, Le Thuaut A, Colin G, Merdji H, Grillet G, Girardie P, Souweine B, Dequin PF, Boulain T, Frat JP, Asfar P, Francois B, Landais M, Plantefeve G, Quenot JP, Chakarian JC, Sirodot M, Legriel S, Massart N, Thevenin D, Desachy A, Delahaye A, Botoc V, Vimeux S, Martino F, Reignier J, Cariou A, Lascarrou JB. Outcomes of mild-to-moderate postresuscitation shock after non-shockable cardiac arrest and association with temperature management: a post hoc analysis of HYPERION trial data. Ann Intensive Care. 2022 Oct 17;12(1):96.
  • David Beauvais, Christine Robin, Anne Thiebaut, Sophie Alain, Valérie Coiteux, Sophie Ducastelle-Lepretre, Ambroise Marçais, Patrice Ceballos, Alienor Xhaard, Rabah Redjoul, Stéphanie Nguyen, Eolia Brissot, Magalie Joris, Pascal Turlure, Marie-Thérèse Rubio, Patrice Chevallier, Nathalie Bénard, Camille Liautard, Ibrahim Yakoub-Agha. Effective Letermovir Prophylaxis of CMV infection post allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation: Results from the French temporary authorization of use compassionate program. Journal of Clinical Virology, Volume 148, 2022, 105106, ISSN 1386-6532.
  • Clotilde Muller ; sous la direction de Sébastien Hantz. Etude des protéines du cytomégalovirus humain impliquées dans l’étape d’encapsidation en vue du développement de nouvelles thérapies. Thèse, 2022.
  • Stecy Chollet ; sous la direction de Marie-Cécile Ploy et Robin Jeannet. Etude des différences fonctionnelles entre les granulocytes matures et immatures sur l’induction de la réponse SOS bactérienne au cours de la phase aigüe du sepsis. Thèse, 2022.
  • Ana Catalina Hernandez Padilla ; sous la direction de Marie-Cécile Ploy et Robin Jeannet. Effet de la réponse inflammatoire à la phase aigüe du sepsis sur l’induction de la réponse SOS bactérienne. Thèse, 2022.
  • Carmen Cristescu ; sous la direction de Sophie Alain et Simona Ruta. Human cytomegalovirus infection and the risk of cardiovascular disease. Thèse, 2022.
  • Lihui Cui, Hao Shen, Pengfei Kang, Xiaoying Guo, Haisong Li, Yan Wang, Junfeng Wan, Christophe Dagot. Stability and nutrients removal performance of a Phanerochaete chrysosporium-based aerobic granular sludge process by step-feeding and multi A/O conditions. Bioresource Technology, Volume 341, 2021, 125839, ISSN 0960-8524.
  • Marisa Haenni, Christophe Dagot, Olivier Chesneau, Delphine Bibbal, Jérôme Labanowski, Michèle Vialette, Damien Bouchard, Fabrice Martin-Laurent, Louisiane Calsat, Sylvie Nazaret, Fabienne Petit, Anne-Marie Pourcher, Anne Togola, Morgane Bachelot, Edward Topp, Didier Hocquet. Environmental contamination in a high-income country (France) by antibiotics, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and antibiotic resistance genes: Status and possible causes. Environment International, Volume 159, 2021, 107047, ISSN 0160-4120.
  • Elena Buelow, Marie-Cecile Ploy, Christophe Dagot. Role of pollution on the selection of antibiotic resistance and bacterial pathogens in the environment, Current Opinion in Microbiology, Volume 64, 2021, Pages 117-124, ISSN 1369-5274.
  • C. Bataille, A.-G. Venier, F. Caire, H. Salle, A. Le Guyader, F. Pesteil, R. Chauvet, P.-S. Marcheix, D. Valleix, L. Fourcade, K. Aubry, J. Brie, P.-Y. Robert, M. Pefau, M.-C. Ploy, N. D’Hollander-Pestourie, E. Couve-Deacon. Benefits of a 14-year surgical site infections active surveillance programme in a French teaching hospital. Journal of Hospital Infection, Volume 117, 2021, Pages 65-73, ISSN 0195-6701.
  • F. Touré, C. Danthu, S. Hantz, M. Duval, Z. El Ouafi, V. Allot, F. Bocquentin, J.P. Rerolle, S. Alain. Cinétique de la réponse humorale après administration d’un vaccin SARS-COV-2 mRNA dans une cohorte de patients transplantés et greffés rénaux. Néphrologie & Thérapeutique, Volume 17, Issue 5, 2021, Page 297, ISSN 1769-7255.
  • Bruno François, Hasan S Jafri, Jean Chastre, Miguel Sánchez-García, Philippe Eggimann, Pierre-François Dequin, Vincent Huberlant, Lucia Viña Soria, Thierry Boulain, Cédric Bretonnière, Jérôme Pugin, Josep Trenado, Ana Catalina Hernandez Padilla, Omar Ali, Kathryn Shoemaker, Pin Ren, Frank E Coenjaerts, Alexey Ruzin, Olivier Barraud, et al. Efficacy and safety of suvratoxumab for prevention of Staphylococcus aureus ventilator-associated pneumonia (SAATELLITE): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, phase 2 pilot trial. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Volume 21, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 1313-1323, ISSN 1473-3099.
  • Bardet C., Barraud O.; Clavel M., Fortin T.; Charrier JP.; Rodrigue M.; François B.; Yugueros Marcos J.; Lemoine J.; Ploy MC.; and for the VALIBI group. Early and specific targeted mass spectrometry-based identification of bacteria in endotracheal aspirates of patients suspected with Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia. Eur J Clinical Microbiol Infec Dis 2021, 23;1-11.
  • Mikael Roussel, Juliette Ferrant, Florian Reizine, Simon Le Gallou, Joelle Dulong, Sarah Carl, Matheiu Lesouhaitier, Murielle Gregoire, Nadège Bescher, Clotilde Verdy, Maelle Latour, Isabelle Bézier, Marie Cornic, Angélique Vinit, Céline Monvoisin, Birgit Sawitzki, Simon Leonard, Stéphane Paul, Jean Feuillard, Robin Jeannet, Thomas Daix, Vijay K. Tiwari, Jean Marc Tadié, Michel Cogné, Karin Tarte. Comparative immune profiling of acute respiratory distress syndrome patients with or without SARS-CoV-2 infection. Cell Reports Medicine, Volume 2, Issue 6, 2021, 100291, ISSN 2666-3791.
  • Sébastien Hantz. Un problème de santé publique majeur aux conséquences physiques et psychologiques. Revue Francophone des Laboratoires, Volume 2021, Issue 530, 2021, Page 21, ISSN 1773-035X.
  • Muna F Anjum, Heike Schmitt, Stefan Börjesson, Thomas U Berendonk, Erica Donner, Eliana Guedes Stehling, Patrick Boerlin, Edward Topp, Claire Jardine, Xuewen Li, Bing Li, Monika Dolejska, Jean-Yves Madec, Christophe Dagot, et al. The potential of using E. coli as an indicator for the surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the environment. Current Opinion in Microbiology, Volume 64, 2021, Pages 152-158, ISSN 1369-5274.
  • C. Muller, S. Alain, T. F. Baumert, G. Ligat, et S. Hantz. Structures and Divergent Mechanisms in Capsid Maturation and Stabilization Following Genome Packaging of Human Cytomegalovirus and Herpesviruses. Life 2021, vol. 11, no 2, p. 150, févr.
  • Ryota Gomi, Tomonari Matsuda, Masaki Yamamoto, Michio Tanaka, Thomas Jové, Pei-Hsin Chou, Yasufumi Matsumura. Occurrence of class 1 integrons carrying two copies of the bla GES-5 gene in carbapenem-non-susceptible Citrobacter freundii and Raoultella ornithinolytica isolated from wastewater. J Glob Antimicrob Resist. 2021.
  • Mattia Arrigo, Susanna Price, David A Baran, Janine Pöss, Nadia Aissaoui, Antoni Bayes-Genis, Laurent Bonello, Bruno François, Etienne Gayat, Martine Gilard, Navin K Kapur, Mahir Karakas, Maciej Kostrubiec, Pascal Leprince, Bruno Levy, Yves Rosenberg, Holger Thiele, Uwe Zeymer, Michael O Harhay, Alexandre Mebazaa. Optimising clinical trials in acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock: a statement from the 2020 Critical Care Clinical Trialists Workshop. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 1192-1202, ISSN 2213-2600.
  • Naïm Ouldali, Emmanuelle Varon, Corinne Levy, François Angoulvant, Scarlett Georges, Marie-Cécile Ploy, Marie Kempf, Julie Cremniter, Robert Cohen, Daniel Levy Bruhl, Kostas Danis. Invasive pneumococcal disease incidence in children and adults in France during the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine era: an interrupted time-series analysis of data from a 17-year national prospective surveillance study, The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Volume 21, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 137-147, ISSN 1473-3099.
  • Linda Tlili ; sous la direction de Sandra Da Re. Stress endogènes et acquisition de résistance aux antibiotiques par les intégrons en biofilm. Thèse, 2021.
  • Wadad Hobeika ; sous la direction de Christophe Dagot et Dolla Karam Sarkis. Dissémination sous pression anthropique et de la saisonnalité de bactéries résistantes dans les fleuves du Liban. Thèse, 2021.
  • Ploy, M.-C. ; Andremont, A. ; Valtier, B. ; Le Jeunne, C; participants of Giens XXXV Round Table ‘Translational research’. Antibiotic resistance: Tools for effective translational research. Therapies 2020, 75(1):1-6.
  • Jacquet, C.; Marschall, M.; Andouard, D.; El Hamel, C.; Chianea, T.; Tsogoeva, S. B.; Hantz, S.; Alain, S. A Highly Potent Trimeric Derivative of Artesunate Shows Promising Treatment Profiles in Experimental Models for Congenital HCMV Infection in Vitro and Ex Vivo. Antiviral Res 2020, 175, 104700.
  • Bonnin, R. A.; Jousset, A. B.; Gauthier, L.; Emeraud, C.; Girlich, D.; Sauvadet, A.; Cotellon, G.; Jové, T.; Dortet, L.; Naas, T. First Occurrence of the OXA-198 Carbapenemase in Enterobacterales. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2020, 64 (4), e01471-19, /aac/64/4/AAC.01471-19.atom.
  • Alain, S.; Garnier-Geoffroy, F.; Labrunie, A.; Montané, A.; Marin, B.; Gatet, M.; Grosjean, J.; Dufour, V.; Saugeras, M.; Postil, D.; Hantz, S. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Shedding in French Day-Care Centers: A Nationwide Study of Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Centers’ Practices, and Parents’ Awareness of CMV. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc 2020
  • Baron, S.; Le Devendec, L.; Lucas, P.; Larvor, E.; Jové, T.; Kempf, I. Characterisation of Plasmids Harbouring Extended-Spectrum Cephalosporin Resistance Genes in Escherichia Coli from French Rivers. Veterinary Microbiology 2020, 243, 108619.
  • Ligat, G.; Muller, C.; Alain, S.; Hantz, S. The terminase complex, a relevant target for the treatment of HCMV infection. Med Sci (Paris) 2020, 36 (4), 367–375.
  • Buelow, E.; Rico, A.; Gaschet, M.; Lourenço, J.; Kennedy, S. P.; Wiest, L.; Ploy, M.-C.; Dagot, C. Hospital Discharges in Urban Sanitation Systems: Long-Term Monitoring of Wastewater Resistome and Microbiota in Relationship to Their Eco-Exposome. Water Research X 2020, 7, 100045.
  • Robin, C.; Thiebaut, A.; Alain, S.; Sicre de Fontbrune, F.; Berceanu, A.; D’Aveni, M.; Ceballos, P.; Redjoul, R.; Nguyen-Quoc, S.; Bénard, N.; Pahlavan-Grumel, G.; Cordonnier, C. Letermovir for Secondary Prophylaxis of Cytomegalovirus Infection and Disease after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: Results from the French Compassionate Program. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2020, 26 (5), 978–984.
  • Cho, S.; Gupta, S. K.; McMillan, E. A.; Sharma, P.; Ramadan, H.; Jové, T.; Jackson, C. R.; Frye, J. G. Genomic Analysis of Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia Coli from Surface Water in Northeast Georgia, United States: Presence of an ST131 Epidemic Strain Containing Bla CTX-M-15 on a Phage-Like Plasmid. Microbial Drug Resistance 2020, 26 (5), 447–455.
  • Laquaz, M.; Dagot, C.; Wiest, L.; Bazin, C.; Gaschet, M.; Perrodin, Y. Ecotoxicity and Antibiotic Resistance of Wastewater during Transport in an Urban Sewage Network. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2020, 27 (16), 19991–19999.
  • Alain S.; Feghoul L.; Girault S.; Lepiller Q.; Frobert E.; Michonneau D.; Berceanu A.; Ducastelle-Lepretre S.; Tilloy V.; Guerin E.; Le Goff J.; Peytavin G.; Hantz S. Letermovir breakthroughs during the French Named Patient Programme: interest of monitoring blood concentration in clinical practice [published online ahead of print, 2020 May 15]. J Antimicrob Chemother 2020;dkaa135.
  • Barraud, O.; Robert, A.; Laval, L.; Ruimy, R.; Morquin, D.; Boyer, L.; Lamy, B. It Takes Two to Tango: Two Aeromonas Isolates Combine Virulence and Multidrug Resistance in Flap Infection Following Leech Therapy. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2020, 26 (6), 793–794.
  • Bonnin, R.-A.; Girlich, D.; Jousset, A.-B.; Gauthier, L.; Cuzon, G.; Bogaerts, P.; Haenni, M.; Madec, J.-Y.; Couvé-Deacon, E.; Barraud, O.; Fortineau, N.; Glaser, P.; Glupczynski, L. Dortet, T. Naas. A single Proteus mirabilis lineage from human and animal sources: a hidden reservoir of OXA-23 or OXA-58 carbapenemases in Enterobacterales. Sci Rep. 2020 Jun 8;10(1):9160.
  • Vignon, P. ; Laterre, P.F. ; Daix, T. ; François B. New agents in development for sepsis: any reason for hope? Drugs 2020, ;80(17):1751-1761.
  • Lacotte, Y.; Ardal C, Ploy M.-C; European Union Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI). Infection prevention and control research priorities: what do we need to combat healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance? Results of a narrative literature review and survey analysis. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control. 2020 24;9(1):142.
  • Kulifaj, D.; Tilloy, V.; Scaon, E.; Guerin, E.; Essig, M.; Pichon, N.; Hantz, S.; De Bernardi, A.; Joannes, M.; Barranger, C.; Alain, S. Viral metagenomics analysis of kidney donors and recipients: Torque teno virus genotyping and prevalence. J Med Virol. 2020 Jul 13.
  • Drouot, L.; Hantz, S.; Jouen, F.; Velay, A.; Lamia, B.; Veber, B.; Sibilia, J.; Lotellier, M.; Candon, S.; Alain, S.; Fafi-Kremer, S.; Boyer O. Evaluation of Humoral Immunity to SARS-CoV-2: Diagnostic Value of a New Multiplex Addressable Laser Bead Immunoassay. Front Microbiol. 2020, 26, 11:603931.
  • Mairi, A.; Barraud, O.; Muggeo, A.; de Champs, C.; Touati, A. Genomic analysis of a multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae ST11 strain recovered from Barbary deer (Cervus elaphus barbarus) in Akfadou Forest, Algeria. J Glob Antimicrob Resist. 2020, 22: 515-518.
  • Ardal, C.; Lacotte, Y.; Ploy M.-C. Financing Pull Mechanisms for Antibiotic-Related Innovation: Opportunities for Europe. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Nov 5;71(8):1994-1999.
  • Piret, J.; Schibler, M.; Pham, V. D.; Hantz, S.; Giannotti, F.; Masouridi-Levrat, S.; Kaiser, L.; Goyette, N.; Alain, S.; Shi, R.; Boivin, G. Compartmentalization of a Multidrug-Resistant Cytomegalovirus UL54 Mutant in a Stem Cell Transplant Recipient with Encephalitis. J Infect Dis 2019, 220 (8), 1302–1306.
  • Ligat, G.; Couvreux, A.; Cazal, R.; Alain, S.; Hantz, S. Highlighting of a LAGLIDADG and a Zing Finger Motifs Located in the PUL56 Sequence Crucial for HCMV Replication. Viruses 2019, 11 (12).
  • Hantz, S.; Alain, S. [Cytomegalovirus infections]. Rev Prat 2019, 69 (3), 301–306.
  • Liapis, E.; Bour, M.; Triponney, P.; Jové, T.; Zahar, J.-R.; Valot, B.; Jeannot, K.; Plésiat, P. Identification of Diverse Integron and Plasmid Structures Carrying a Novel Carbapenemase Among Pseudomonas Species. Microbiol. 2019, 10, 404.
  • Couvé-Deacon, E.; Jové, T.; Afouda, P.; Barraud, O.; Tilloy, V.; Scaon, E.; Hervé, B.; Burucoa, C.; Kempf, M.; Marcos, J. Y.; Ploy, M.-C.; Garnier, F. Class 1 Integrons in Acinetobacter Baumannii: A Weak Expression of Gene Cassettes to Counterbalance the Lack of LexA-Driven Integrase Repression. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2019, 53 (4), 491–499.
  • McMillan, E. A.; Gupta, S. K.; Williams, L. E.; Jové, T.; Hiott, L. M.; Woodley, T. A.; Barrett, J. B.; Jackson, C. R.; Wasilenko, J. L.; Simmons, M.; Tillman, G. E.; McClelland, M.; Frye, J. G. Antimicrobial Resistance Genes, Cassettes, and Plasmids Present in Salmonella Enterica Associated With United States Food Animals. Microbiol. 2019, 10, 832.
  • Barraud, O.; Laurent, F.; Dyon-Tafani, V.; Dupieux-Chabert, C.; Bes, M.; Ploy, M.-C.; Garnier, F.; Martins Simoes, P. Novel Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome Composite Island (SCC-CI) with a New Subtype of SCCmecVI Cassette Found in ST5 Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in France. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2019, 53 (5), 694–697.
  • Mendes Moreira, A.; Couvé-Deacon, E.; Bousquet, P.; Chainier, D.; Jové, T.; Ploy, -C.; Barraud, O. Proteae: A Reservoir of Class 2 Integrons? Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2019, 74 (6), 1560–1562.
  • Bour, M.; Fournier, D.; Jové, T.; Pouzol, A.; Miltgen, G.; Janvier, F.; Jeannot, K.; Plésiat, P. Acquisition of Class C β-Lactamase PAC-1 by Sequence Type 644 Strains of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2019, 63 (12), e01375-19, /aac/63/12/AAC.01375-19.atom.
  • Barraud, O.; Ravry, C.; François, B.; Daix, T.; Ploy, M.-C.; Vignon, P. Shotgun Metagenomics for Microbiome and Resistome Detection in Septic Patients with Urinary Tract Infection. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2019, 54 (6), 803–808.
  • Lafon, T.; Hernandez Padilla, A. C.; Baisse, A.; Lavaud, L.; Goudelin, M.; Barraud, O.; Daix, T.; François, B.; Vignon, P. Community-Acquired Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteriuria: A Warning Microbiological Marker for Infective Endocarditis? BMC Infect Dis 2019, 19 (1), 504.
  • Zaidi, F. Z.; Dali-Yahia, R.; Zenati, K.; Yazi, L.; Lounes, M.; Aberkane, S.; Jean Pierre, H.; Barraud, O.; Godreuil, S.; Touati, A. Characterization of VIM-4 Producing Clinical Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Isolates from Western Algeria: Sequence Type and Class 1 Integron Description. Microbial Drug Resistance 2019, mdr.2019.0225.
  • Chloé Jacquet ; sous la direction de Sophie Alain et Sébastien Hantz. Evaluation du potentiel antiviral de nouvelles molécules dans des modèles cellulaires et tissulaires d’infection à cytomégalovirus humain. Thèse, 2019.
  • Ligat, G.; Da Re, S.; Alain, S.; Hantz, S. Identification of Amino Acids Essential for Viral Replication in the HCMV Helicase-Primase Complex. Front Microbiol 2018, 9, 2483.
  • Scherlinger, M.; Alain, S.; Richez, C. Monitoring of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)/Cytomegalovirus (CMV)/Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) Load in Patients Receiving Tocilizumab for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Joint Bone Spine 2018, 85 (2), 259–260.
  • Kulifaj, D.; Durgueil-Lariviere, B.; Meynier, F.; Munteanu, E.; Pichon, N.; Dubé, M.; Joannes, M.; Essig, M.; Hantz, S.; Barranger, C.; Alain, S. Development of a Standardized Real Time PCR for Torque Teno Viruses (TTV) Viral Load Detection and Quantification: A New Tool for Immune Monitoring. J Clin Virol 2018, 105, 118–127.
  • Alsuliman, T.; Kitel, C.; Dulery, R.; Guillaume, T.; Larosa, F.; Cornillon, J.; Labussière-Wallet, H.; Médiavilla, C.; Belaiche, S.; Delage, J.; Alain, S.; Yakoub-Agha, I. Cytotect®CP as Salvage Therapy in Patients with CMV Infection Following Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: A Multicenter Retrospective Study. Bone Marrow Transplant 2018, 53 (10), 1328–1335.
  • Noble, J.; Gatault, P.; Sautenet, B.; Gaudy-Graffin, C.; Beby-Defaux, A.; Thierry, A.; Essig, M.; Halimi, J.-M.; Munteanu, E.; Alain, S.; Buchler, M. Predictive Factors of Spontaneous CMV DNAemia Clearance in Kidney Transplantation. J Clin Virol 2018, 99–100, 38–43.
  • Chonova, T.; Lecomte, V.; Bertrand-Krajewski, J.-L.; Bouchez, A.; Labanowski, J.; Dagot, C.; Lévi, Y.; Perrodin, Y.; Wiest, L.; Gonzalez-Ospina, A.; Cournoyer, B.; Sebastian, C. The SIPIBEL Project: Treatment of Hospital and Urban Wastewater in a Conventional Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2018, 25 (10), 9197–9206.
  • Barraud, O.; Peyre, M.; Couvé-Deacon, E.; Chainier, D.; Bahans, C.; Guigonis, V.; Ploy, M.-C.; Bedu, A.; Garnier, F. Antibiotic Resistance Acquisition in the First Week of Life. Microbiol. 2018, 9, 1467.
  • Lucas, P.; Jouy, E.; Le Devendec, L.; de Boisséson, C.; Perrin-Guyomard, A.; Jové, T.; Blanchard, Y.; Touzain, F.; Kempf, I. Characterization of Plasmids Harboring BlaCTX-M Genes in Escherichia Coli from French Pigs. Veterinary Microbiology 2018, 224, 100–106.
  • Rouard, C.; Garnier, F.; Leraut, J.; Lepainteur, M.; Rahajamananav, L.; Languepin, J.; Ploy, M.-C.; Bourgeois-Nicolaos, N.; Doucet-Populaire, F. Emergence and Within-Host Genetic Evolution of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Resistant to Linezolid in a Cystic Fibrosis Patient. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2018, 62 (12), e00720-18, /aac/62/12/e00720-18.atom.
  • Lallement, C.; Pasternak, C.; Ploy, M.-C.; Jové, T. The Role of ISCR1-Borne POUT Promoters in the Expression of Antibiotic Resistance Genes. Microbiol. 2018, 9, 2579.
  • For the VALIBI study group; Yugueros-Marcos, J.; Barraud, O.; Iannello, A.; Ploy, M. C.; Ginocchio, C.; Rogatcheva, M.; Alberti-Segui, C.; Pachot, A.; Moucadel, V.; François, B. New Molecular Semi-Quantification Tool Provides Reliable Microbiological Evidence for Pulmonary Infection. Intensive Care Med 2018, 44 (12), 2302–2304.
  • Goulas, A.; Livoreil, B.; Grall, N.; Benoit, P.; Couderc-Obert, C.; Dagot, C.; Patureau, D.; Petit, F.; Laouénan, C.; Andremont, A. What Are the Effective Solutions to Control the Dissemination of Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment? A Systematic Review Protocol. Environ Evid 2018, 7 (1), 3.
  • Kotton CN, Kumar D, Caliendo AM, Huprikar S, Chou S, Danziger-Isakov L, Humar A; The Transplantation Society International CMV Consensus Group. The Third International Consensus Guidelines on the Management of Cytomegalovirus in Solid-organ Transplantation. Transplantation. 2018, 102(6): 900-931. Review. PubMed PMID: 29596116.
  • Dorian Kulifaj ; sous la direction de Sophie Alain et Côme Barrange. Développement d’une nouvelle trousse de PCR en temps réel pour la détection et la quantification du Torque Teno Virus (TTV) et évaluation de sa place dans le suivi de l’état immunitaire de patients transplantés de rein. Thèse, 2018.
  • Claire Lallement ; sous la direction de Marie-Cécile Ploy et Thomas Jové. Caractérisation des séquences d’insertions ISCR bactériennes impliquées dans la résistance aux antibiotiques. Thèse, 2018.
  • Vial, R.; Zandotti, C.; Alain, S.; Decourt, A.; Jourde-Chiche, N.; Purgus, R.; Bornet, C.; Daniel, L.; Moal, V.; Legris, T. Brincidofovir Use after Foscarnet Crystal Nephropathy in a Kidney Transplant Recipient with Multiresistant Cytomegalovirus Infection. Case Rep Transplant 2017, 2017, 3624146.
  • Rawlinson, W. D.; Boppana, S. B.; Fowler, K. B.; Kimberlin, D. W.; Lazzarotto, T.; Alain, S.; Daly, K.; Doutré, S.; […]. Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection in Pregnancy and the Neonate: Consensus Recommendations for Prevention, Diagnosis, and Therapy. Lancet Infect Dis 2017, 17 (6), e177–e188.
  • Ligat, G.; Jacquet, C.; Chou, S.; Couvreux, A.; Alain, S.; Hantz, S. Identification of a Short Sequence in the HCMV Terminase PUL56 Essential for Interaction with PUL89 Subunit. Sci Rep 2017, 7 (1), 8796.
  • Lecomte, M.; Begot, E.; Barraud, O.; Matt, M.; François, B. Routine Tooth Brushing in the Intensive Care Unit: A Potential Risk Factor for Oral Flora Bacteremia in Immunocompromised Patients. Medicina Intensiva 2017, 41 (1), 53–55.
  • Zahar, J.-R.; Lesprit, P.; Ruckly, S.; Eden, A.; Hikombo, H.; Bernard, L.; Harbarth, S.; Timsit, J.-F.; Brun-Buisson, C.; Aissa, N.; Losniewski, A.; Henard, S.; Rabaud, C.; Janssen, C.; Pagani, L.; Bland, S.; Gaillat, J.; Bru, J. P.; Bonnin, P.; Clavère, G.; Vitrat, V.; Maulin, L.; Quarsaet, L.; Roger, H.; Euzen, J.-B.; Denes, E.; Couve-Deacon, E.; […]. Predominance of Healthcare-Associated Cases among Episodes of Community-Onset Bacteraemia Due to Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2017, 49 (1), 67–73.
  • Aubertheau, E.; Stalder, T.; Mondamert, L.; Ploy, M.-C.; Dagot, C.; Labanowski, J. Impact of Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge on the Contamination of River Biofilms by Pharmaceuticals and Antibiotic Resistance. Science of The Total Environment 2017, 579, 1387–1398.
  • Janvier, F.; Otto, M.-P.; Jové, T.; Mille, A.; Contargyris, C.; Meaudre, E.; Brisou, P.; Plésiat, P.; Jeannot, K. A Case of Multiple Contamination with Methylase ArmA-Producing Pathogens. Antimicrob. Chemother. 2017, 72 (2), 618–620.
  • Schultz, E.; Barraud, O.; Madec, J.-Y.; Haenni, M.; Cloeckaert, A.; Ploy, M.-C.; Doublet, B. Multidrug Resistance Salmonella Genomic Island 1 in a Morganella Morganii Subsp. Morganii Human Clinical Isolate from France. mSphere 2017, 2 (2), mSphere.00118-17, e00118-17.
  • Raherison, S.; Jove, T.; Gaschet, M.; Pinault, E.; Tabesse, A.; Torres, C.; Ploy, M.-C. Expression of the Aac(6′)-Ib-Cr Gene in Class 1 Integrons. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017, 61 (5), e02704-16, e02704-16.
  • François, B.; Luyt, C.-E.; Stover, C.; Brubaker, J.; Chastre, J.; Jafri, H. New Strategies Targeting Virulence Factors of Staphylococcus Aureus and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2017, 38 (03), 346–358.
  • Kollef, M. H.; Ricard, J.-D.; Roux, D.; François, B.; Ischaki, E.; Rozgonyi, Z.; Boulain, T.; Ivanyi, Z.; János, G.; Garot, D.; Koura, F.; Zakynthinos, E.; Dimopoulos, G.; Torres, A.; Danker, W.; Montgomery, A. B. A Randomized Trial of the Amikacin Fosfomycin Inhalation System for the Adjunctive Therapy of Gram-Negative Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia. Chest 2017, 151 (6), 1239–1246.
  • Lacotte, Y.; Ploy, M.-C.; Raherison, S. Class 1 Integrons Are Low-Cost Structures in Escherichia Coli. ISME J 2017, 11 (7), 1535–1544.
  • Jové, T.; Da Re, S.; Tabesse, A.; Gassama-Sow, A.; Ploy, M.-C. Gene Expression in Class 2 Integrons Is SOS-Independent and Involves Two Pc Promoters. Microbiol. 2017, 8, 1499.
  • Kollef, M. H.; Bassetti, M.; François, B.; Burnham, J.; Dimopoulos, G.; Garnacho-Montero, J.; Lipman, J.; Luyt, C.-E.; Nicolau, D. P.; Postma, M. J.; Torres, A.; Welte, T.; Wunderink, R. G. The Intensive Care Medicine Research Agenda on Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria, Antibiotics, and Stewardship. Intensive Care Med 2017, 43 (9), 1187–1197.
  • Bogaerts, P.; Naas, T.; Saegeman, V.; Bonnin, R. A.; Schuermans, A.; Evrard, S.; Bouchahrouf, W.; Jove, T.; Tande, D.; de Bolle, X.; Huang, T.-D.; Dortet, L.; Glupczynski, Y. OXA-427, a New Plasmid-Borne Carbapenem-Hydrolysing Class D β-Lactamase in Enterobacteriaceae. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2017, 72 (9), 2469–2477.
  • Chainier, D.; Barraud, O.; Masson, G.; Couve-Deacon, E.; François, B.; Couquet, C.-Y.; Ploy, M.-C. Integron Digestive Carriage in Human and Cattle: A “One Health” Cultivation-Independent Approach. Microbiol. 2017, 8, 1891.
  • Ramos, A. C.; Cayô, R.; Carvalhaes, C. G.; Jové, T.; da Silva, G. P.; Sancho, F. M. P.; Chagas-Neto, T.; Medeiros, E. A. S.; Gales, A. C. Dissemination of Multidrug-Resistant Proteus Mirabilis Clones Carrying a Novel Integron-Borne BlaIMP-1 in a Tertiary Hospital. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017, 62 (2), e01321-17.
  • Jové, T.; Da Re, S.; Tabesse, A.; Gassama-Sow, A.; Ploy, M.-C. Corrigendum: Gene Expression in Class 2 Integrons Is SOS-Independent and Involves Two Pc Promoters. Microbiol. 2017, 8, 2378.
  • Brissot, E.; Alsuliman, T.; Gruson, B.; Hermet, E.; Tirefort, Y.; Yakoub-Agha, I.; Alain, S. [How to manage EBV reactivation and EBV-PTLD, CMV and human herpesvirus 6 reactivation and infection after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: A report of the SFGM-TC (update)]. Bull Cancer 2017, 104 (12S), S181–S187.
  • Couvé-Deacon, E.; Postil, D.; Barraud, O.; Duchiron, C.; Chainier, D.; Labrunie, A.; Pestourie, N.; Preux, P. M.; François, B.; Ploy, M. C. Staphylococcus Aureus Carriage in French Athletes at Risk of CA-MRSA Infection: A Prospective, Cross-Sectional Study. Sports Med – Open 2017, 3 (1), 28.
  • Gaëtan Ligat ; sous la direction de Sophie Alain et Sébastien Hantz. Cytomégalovirus humain, mutations de résistance et nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. Thèse, 2017.
  • Elodie Couvé-Deacon ; sous la direction de Marie-Cécile Ploy et Fabien Garnier. Epidémiologie et régulation des intégrons de classe 1 chez Acinetobacter Baumannii. Thèse, 2017.
  • Couvé-Deacon, E.; Tristan, A.; Pestourie, N.; Faure, C.; Doffoel-Hantz, V.; Garnier, F.; Laurent, F.; Lina, G.; Ploy, M.-C. Outbreak of Panton-Valentine Leukocidin–Associated Methicillin-Susceptible Staphylococcus Aureus Infection in a Rugby Team, France, 2010–2011. Infect. Dis 2016, 22 (1), 96–99.
  • Pelegrino, K. de O.; Campos, J. C.; Sampaio, S. C. F.; Lezirovitz, K.; Seco, B. M.; Pereira, M. de O.; Rocha, D. A. da C.; Jové, T.; Nicodemo, A. C.; Sampaio, J. L. M. FosI Is a New Integron-Associated Gene Cassette Encoding Reduced Susceptibility to Fosfomycin. Agents Chemother 2016, 60 (1), 686–688.
  • Um, M. M.; Barraud, O.; Kérourédan, M.; Gaschet, M.; Stalder, T.; Oswald, E.; Dagot, C.; Ploy, M.-C.; Brugère, H.; Bibbal, D. Comparison of the Incidence of Pathogenic and Antibiotic-Resistant Escherichia Coli Strains in Adult Cattle and Veal Calf Slaughterhouse Effluents Highlighted Different Risks for Public Health. Water Research 2016, 88, 30–38.
  • Billat, P.-A.; Woillard, J.-B.; Essig, M.; Sauvage, F.-L.; Picard, N.; Alain, S.; Neely, M.; Marquet, P.; Saint-Marcoux, F. Plasma and Intracellular Exposure to Ganciclovir in Adult Renal Transplant Recipients: Is There an Association with Haematological Toxicity? Antimicrob. Chemother 2016, 71 (2), 484–489.
  • Diebolt, V.; Lang, M.; Thoby, F.; Barthélémy, P.; Bertoye, P.-H.; Comet, D.; Deplanque, D.; Dubray, C.; Favrel-Feuillade, F.; François, B.; Malbezin, M.; Martinez, J.; Pouletty-Lefebvre, B.; Roux, J.; Sibenaler, C.; Simon, T.; Schuhmacher, C. What Specifications for a Centre or Network of Excellence in Clinical Research? Therapies 2016, 71 (1), 51–57.
  • Kostyanev, T.; Bonten, M. J. M.; […] François, B.; Tacconelli, E.; Winterhalter, M.; Stavenger, R. A.; Karlén, A.; Harbarth, S.; Hackett, J.; Jafri, H. S.; Vuong, C.; MacGowan, A.; Witschi, A.; Angyalosi, G.; Elborn, J. S.; deWinter, R.; Goossens, H. The Innovative Medicines Initiative’s New Drugs for Bad Bugs Programme: European Public–Private Partnerships for the Development of New Strategies to Tackle Antibiotic Resistance. Antimicrob. Chemother 2016, 71 (2), 290–295.
  • Andouard, D.; Mazeron, M.-C.; Ligat, G.; Couvreux, A.; Pouteil-Noble, C.; Cahen, R.; Yasdanpanah, Y.; Deering, M.; Viget, N.; Alain, S.; Hantz, S. Contrasting Effect of New HCMV PUL54 Mutations on Antiviral Drug Susceptibility: Benefits and Limits of 3D Analysis. Antiviral Research 2016, 129, 115–119.
  • Cury, J.; Jové, T.; Touchon, M.; Néron, B.; Rocha, E. P. Identification and Analysis of Integrons and Cassette Arrays in Bacterial Genomes. Nucleic Acids Res 2016, 44 (10), 4539–4550.
  • Blot, S.; Torres, A.; François, B. Evidence in the Eye of the Beholder: About Probiotics and VAP Prevention. Intensive Care Med 2016, 42 (7), 1182–1184.
  • Fryer, J. F.; Heath, A. B.; Minor, P. D.; Kessler, H.; Rawlinson, W.; Boivin, G.; Preiksaitis, J.; Pang, X.-L.; Barranger, C.; Alain, S.; […]. A Collaborative Study to Establish the 1st WHO International Standard for Human Cytomegalovirus for Nucleic Acid Amplification Technology. Biologicals 2016, 44 (4), 242–251.
  • Garrigue, I.; Moulinas, R.; Recordon-Pinson, P.; Delacour, M.-L.; Essig, M.; Kaminski, H.; Rerolle, J.-P.; Merville, P.; Fleury, H.; Alain, S. Contribution of next Generation Sequencing to Early Detection of Cytomegalovirus UL97 Emerging Mutants and Viral Subpopulations Analysis in Kidney Transplant Recipients. Journal of Clinical Virology 2016, 80, 74–81.
  • Semenova, T.; Lupo, J.; Alain, S.; Perrin-Confort, G.; Grossi, L.; Dimier, J.; Epaulard, O.; Morand, P.; Germi, R. Multicenter Evaluation of Whole-Blood Epstein-Barr Viral Load Standardization Using the WHO International Standard. Clin. Microbiol. 2016, 54 (7), 1746–1750.
  • François, B.; Chastre, J.; Eggiman, P.; Laterre, P.-F.; Torres, A.; Sanchez, M.; Esser, M. T.; Bishop, B.; Bonten, M.; Goosens, H.; Jafri, H. S. The SAATELLITE and EVADE Clinical Studies Within the COMBACTE Consortium: A Public–Private Collaborative Effort in Designing and Performing Clinical Trials for Novel Antibacterial Drugs to Prevent Nosocomial Pneumonia: Table 1. Clin Infect Dis. 2016, 63 (suppl 2), S46–S51.
  • Barraud, O.; Isnard, C.; Lienhard, R.; Guérin, F.; Couvé-Deacon, E.; Martin, C.; Cattoir, V.; Ploy, M. C. Sulphonamide Resistance Associated with Integron Derivative Tn 6326 in Actinotignum Schaalii. Antimicrob. Chemother 2016, 71 (9), 2670–2671.
  • Clavel, M.; Barraud, O.; Moucadel, V.; Meynier, F.; Karam, E.; Ploy, M.-C.; François, B.; Pichon, N.; Vignon, P.; Droual, R.; Duchiron, C.; Vignaud, J.; Chainier, D.; […]. Molecular Quantification of Bacteria from Respiratory Samples in Patients with Suspected Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2016, 22 (9), 812.e1-812.e7.
  • Strugeon, E.; Tilloy, V.; Ploy, M.-C.; Da Re, S. The Stringent Response Promotes Antibiotic Resistance Dissemination by Regulating Integron Integrase Expression in Biofilms. mBio 2016, 7 (4), e00868-16, /mbio/7/4/e00868-16.atom.
  • Simo Tchuinte, P. L.; Stalder, T.; Venditti, S.; Ngandjio, A.; Dagot, C.; Ploy, M.-C.; Barraud, O. Characterisation of Class 3 Integrons with Oxacillinase Gene Cassettes in Hospital Sewage and Sludge Samples from France and Luxembourg. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2016, 48 (4), 431–434.
  • Faure, E.; Galperine, T.; Cannesson, O.; Alain, S.; Gnemmi, V.; Goeminne, C.; Dewilde, A.; Béné, J.; Lasri, M.; Lessore de Sainte Foy, C.; Lionet, A. Case Report: Brincidofovir-Induced Reversible Severe Acute Kidney Injury in 2 Solid-Organ Transplant for Treatment of Cytomegalovirus Infection. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016, 95 (44), e5226.
  • Guo, Q.; Ding, B.; Jové, T.; Stoesser, N.; Cooper, V. S.; Wang, M.; Doi, Y. Characterization of a Novel IncHI2 Plasmid Carrying Tandem Copies of Bla CTX-M-2 in a FosA6 -Harboring Escherichia Coli Sequence Type 410 Strain. Agents Chemother 2016, 60 (11), 6742–6747.
  • François, B.; Clavel, M.; Vignon, P.; Laterre, P.-F. Perspective on Optimizing Clinical Trials in Critical Care: How to Puzzle out Recurrent Failures. j intensive care 2016, 4 (1), 67.
  • François, B.; Jafri, H. S.; Bonten, M. Alternatives to Antibiotics. Intensive Care Med 2016, 42 (12), 2034–2036.
  • Vincent, J.-L.; Bassetti, M.; François, B.; Karam, G.; Chastre, J.; Torres, A.; Roberts, J. A.; Taccone, F. S.; Rello, J.; Calandra, T.; De Backer, D.; Welte, T.; Antonelli, M. Advances in Antibiotic Therapy in the Critically Ill. Crit Care 2016, 20 (1), 133.
  • Simo Tchuinte Pierrette Landrie ; sous la direction de Marie-Cécile Ploy, Antoinette Brigitte Chikaha Tchouya-Ngandjio et Olivier Barraud. Intégrons de classe 3 : aspects mécanistiques et épidémiologiques. Thèse, 2016.
  • Yohann Lacotte ; sous la direction de Sophie Raherison et Marie-Cécile Ploy. Intégrons de multirésistance : coût biologique et dynamique d’évolution du promoteur des cassettes. Thèse, 2016.
  • Dhainaut, J.-F.; Bassompierre, F.; Misse, C.; Diebolt, V.; Pouletty-Lefèbvre, B.; Baker, A.; Borel, T.; Braunstein, D.; Demotes, J.; François, B.; Huet, S.; Micallef, J.; Molon, A.; Rascol, O.; Ravoire, S.; Schwartz, B.; Donne, N.; Fusaï, G.; Pouletty, P.; Vicaut, E. What Strategy Should France Implement for H2020? Therapies 2015, 70 (1), 103–109.
  • Morère, L.; Andouard, D.; Labrousse, F.; Saade, F.; Calliste, C.-A.; Cotin, S.; Aubard, Y.; Rawlinson, W. D.; Esclaire, F.; Hantz, S.; Ploy, M.-C.; Alain, S. Ex Vivo Model of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection and New Combination Therapies. Placenta 2015, 36 (1), 41–47.
  • Kayama, S.; Shigemoto, N.; Kuwahara, R.; Oshima, K.; Hirakawa, H.; Hisatsune, J.; Jové, T.; […]. Complete Nucleotide Sequence of the IncN Plasmid Encoding IMP-6 and CTX-M-2 from Emerging Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae in Japan. Agents Chemother 2015, 59 (2), 1356–1359.
  • Billat, P.-A.; Sauvage, F.-L.; Picard, N.; Tafzi, N.; Alain, S.; Essig, M.; Marquet, P.; Saint-Marcoux, F. Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Quantitation of Intracellular Concentrations of Ganciclovir and Its Phosphorylated Forms. Anal Bioanal Chem 2015, 407 (12), 3449–3456.
  • Cayô, R.; Rodrigues-Costa, F.; Matos, A. P.; Carvalhaes, C. G.; Jové, T.; Gales, A. C. Identification of a New Integron Harboring Bla IMP-10 in Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii Clinical Isolates. Agents Chemother 2015, 59 (6), 3687–3689.
  • Barraud, O.; Ploy, M.-C. Diversity of Class 1 Integron Gene Cassette Rearrangements Selected under Antibiotic Pressure. Bacteriol 2015, 197 (13), 2171–2178.
  • Knitsch, W.; Vincent, J.-L.; Utzolino, S.; François, B.; Dinya, T.; Dimopoulos, G.; Özgüneş, İ.; Valía, J. C.; Eggimann, P.; León, C.; Montravers, P.; Phillips, S.; Tweddle, L.; Karas, A.; Brown, M.; Cornely, O. A. A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Preemptive Antifungal Therapy for the Prevention of Invasive Candidiasis Following Gastrointestinal Surgery for Intra-Abdominal Infections. Clin Infect Dis 2015, civ707.
  • Aberkane, S.; Compain, F.; Barraud, O.; Ouédraogo, A.-S.; Bouzinbi, N.; Vittecoq, M.; Jean-Pierre, H.; Decré, D.; Godreuil, S. Non-O1/Non-O139 Vibrio Cholerae Avian Isolate from France Cocarrying the Bla VIM-1 and Bla VIM-4 Antimicrob. Agents Chemother 2015, 59 (10), 6594–6596.
  • Grall, N.; Barraud, O.; Wieder, I.; Hua, A.; Perrier, M.; Babosan, A.; Gaschet, M.; Clermont, O.; Denamur, E.; Catzeflis, F.; Decré, D.; Ploy, M.-C.; Andremont, A. Lack of Dissemination of Acquired Resistance to β-Lactams in Small Wild Mammals around an Isolated Village in the Amazonian Forest: Lack of Dissemination of Antibiotic Resistance in the Wild. Environmental Microbiology Reports 2015, 7 (5), 698–708.
  • Lacroix, M.; Barraud, O.; Clavel, M.; Filiputti, D.; Prudent, S.; François, B.; Ploy, M. C.; Jestin, M.-A.; Rodrigue, M.; Pachot, A.; Yugueros-Marcos, J.; Moucadel, V. Rapid Quantification of Staphylococcus Aureus from Endotracheal Aspirates of Ventilated Patients: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 2015, 83 (2), 117–120.
  • Laterre, P.-F.; François, B. Strengths and Limitations of Industry vs. Academic Randomized Controlled Trials. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2015, 21 (10), 906–909.
  • Lachassagne, D.; Soubrand, M.; Casellas, M.; Gonzalez-Ospina, A.; Dagot, C. Impact of Sludge Stabilization Processes and Sludge Origin (Urban or Hospital) on the Mobility of Pharmaceutical Compounds Following Sludge Landspreading in Laboratory Soil-Column Experiments. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2015, 22 (21), 17135–17150.
  • Plainvert, C.; Martin, C.; Loubinoux, J.; Touak, G.; Dmytruk, N.; Collobert, G.; Fouet, A.; Ploy, M.-C.; Poyart, C. Highly Virulent M1 Streptococcus Pyogenes Isolates Resistant to Clindamycin. Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses 2015, 45 (11–12), 470–474.
  • Deborah Andouard ; sous la direction de Sophie Alain et de Sébastien Hantz. Impact de molécules antivirales contre l’infection à CytoMégaloVirus humain dans des modèles cellulaires et placentaires. Thèse, 2015.

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