The University of Limoges is launching four international challenges.
“Internationalise Training” and “Internationalise Research”:
Very open to the world, judging by the number of international students that it welcomes, the University of Limoges wishes to increase its work by making itself more visible and attractive internationally. This will entail internationalisation of the training on offer, which will not only make it more attractive at local and national level, but also attract international talent. This internationalisation will take a variety of forms: compilation of an offer for training in English, promotion of outgoing mobility and creation of joint masters qualifications within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.
As well as welcoming many international students each year, the University of Limoges is determined to invest more in the international academic scene. This aim will give it capacity to position itself in European and international tender invitations to which the University teams have not yet looked (ERC) or have only looked at in part (Marie Curie, COST) and to carry on the effort already invested in programmes such as Erasmus+. To do this, a threshold must be crossed: in fact, the number of files submitted recently has increased but this has not led to an increase in the number of successful submissions. There is therefore a need to increase the steering and the means of the Project Support Cell (PSC) and increase the number of high-visibility projects.
“Consolidating and Structuring our Francophone Networks”:
Through the speaking of French, the University of Limoges at once has an original asset and a singular identity. The university has always invested in the French-speaking world, using among other things the creation of research or training partnerships formed with universities in North and West Africa, South-East Asia and Quebec. The University of Limoges is now clearly identified in international French-speaking networks, especially by the Francophone Universities Agency (FUA) with which it has enjoyed close relations over the last three years.
In a highly competitive national and international academic environment, the need is therefore to initiate or consolidate strategic partnerships with French-speaking establishments with added value to make the University visible internationally and to implement significant Francophone projects.
“Developing our English-Speaking Partnerships (North America & Oceania)”:
North America (USA and Canada) and Oceania (Australia and New Zealand) are currently strategic geographical areas, both for students from Limoges, more and more of whom wish to train or study there, and for lecturers and researchers who are multiplying or wishing to develop research projects with English-speaking partners. This mission forms part of a development of partnerships between the University of Limoges and the establishments in these areas of the world. The need is therefore increase the offer of mobility with regard to English-speaking partners outside Europe as well as strategic partnerships with establishments of added value for making the University of Limoges visible internationally.