

Baillargeat Dominique – Director (0033) 587 50 67 00 dir@xlim.fr Website Adress : XLIM – 123 avenue Albert Thomas 87060 Limoges Cedex Administrative Supervision : Université de Limoges – CNRS Parent Institute : XLIM Doctoral School : ED 521 – Sciences et Ingénierie pour l’Information, Mathématiques (S2IM) Associated Research Masters : ACSYON : Algorithmique, Calcul Symbolique et Optimisation Numérique ARTICC : Architecture des Réseaux et Technologies Induites des Circuits de Communications CRYPTIS : Sécurité de l’Information et Cryptologie ISICG : Informatique, Synthèse d’Images et Conception Graphique IXEO : Electronique, Optique, Télécommunications

Professors : 102
CNRS Researchers : 22
Other researchers : 33
Accreditated to direct research (HDR) : 53
Doctoral Students : 144
Engineers, Technicians : 26
Administratif staff : 6
Peer reviewed journal : 524
Books : 8
Book chapters : 49
Thesis defended : 142
Conference presentations : 1202

Website publication

Number of patents filed : 34
Start-up created as a result of research activities since 2005 : 11
Competitiveness clusters with which the laboratory is associated : Elopsys
Joint laboratories : MITTIC (3-5 Lab) ; AXIS (Thales Alenia Space) ; NXL (NXP) ; LEV3E (CEA Gramat)


XLIM is a Joint Research Unit of the University of Limoges / CNRS located on several geographical sites in Limoges, Brive and Poitiers. XLIM is a multidisciplinary research institute which brings a group of more than 450 people among professors, CNRS researchers, engineers, technicians, post-doctoral researchers, PhD students and administrative staff. Since march 2011, in partnership with the SPCTS laboratory, XLIM is the project leader for the Sigma-LIM laboratory of excellence focused on « Ceramics materials and components specifically related to integrated, secured, smart communicating systems ». XLIM is also involved in an industrial chair ANR DEFIS-RF : Thales & Thales Alenia Space (December 2013) and a key partner of major industrial groups and state agencies such as CNES, DGA and CEA.

Research themes

Electronics and microwaves ; Photonics ; CAD ; Mathematics ; Computer sciences and image processing for the application in secured environments ; Biotechnology and health ; Energy control and saving.


Electronics ; Microwaves ; Fiber photonics ; Coherent sources ; Mathematics ; Computer Image

Equipment / Technical resources

180 m2 of clean room 3 drawing towers 3 antenna test range A wide range of lasers Instrumentation for linear and nonlinear power electronics


Industrial applications Fields of application Equipment / Technical resources Active National University Partnerships Current International University Partnerships National Industrial Partnerships International Industrial Partnerships Partnerships with National Organizations and Institutions

Fields of application

Telecom networks and space ; Communicating objects ; Secured environments ; Bioengineering and health ; Materials and energy ; Imagery

European project : PILIM

Interdisciplinary platform from ceramic materials and devices toward integrated, secure and smart communicating systems. The project PILIM is funded by the European Union – European Regional Development Fund and is intended to support LabEx ∑ _Lim led by XLIM and SPCTS laboratories and awarded in march 2010 for ten years. The total amount of the project is 7 265 400 €, 3 322 600 € funded by the ERDF (PILIM 1 operating budget 372 600 € / PILIM 1 investment budget 2 950 000 €).