X-ray diffraction equipement
Our laboratory is equipped with several x-ray diffractometers which cover most of the needs encountered both in routine and advanced materials science studies. A brief description is given below.
Bruker D8 Discover (2014)
Cu Kα1 radiation, Göbel mirror and 4 reflections Ge(220) monochromator
6-axis diffractometer (θ, 2θ, χ, φ + double-tilt stage)
+ 2 axes for in-plane diffraction
High-temperature heating stage (Anton Paar DHS 1100)
One-dimensionnal LynxEye detector
Customized and refurbished Siemens P4
Mo Kα1 radiation with graphite monochromator
Capillary sample holder
Scintillation counter
Custom data acquisition software
Nonius Kappa CCD (2001)
Mo Kα1 radiation with graphite monochromator
4-circle Eulerian craddle
CCD camera
Bruker D8 Advance Da Vinci (2015)
Cu Kα radiation with Ni filter
θ/θ goniometer
One-dimensionnal LynxEye XE-T detector with energy discrimination
High-temperature furnace (Anton Paar HTK 1200N)
Bruker D8 Advance (2009)
Cu Kα1 radiation with with focusing Ge monochromator
θ/2θ goniometer
One-dimensionnal LynxEye detector
Bruker D5000
Cu Kα radiation with with Ni filter
θ/2θ goniometer
Point detector with energy discrimination (Sol-X)