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[B]: Books,   [P]: Preprints,   [J]: Journal articles,   [BC]: Book Chapters,  
[CP]: Conference Proceedings.


[B1] S. Adly. A Variational Approach to Nonsmooth Dynamics: Applications in Unilateral Mechanics and Electronics, SpringerBriefs in Mathematics (2019). About this book. Abstract

Submitted Papers

[P3] S. Adly, L. Bourdin. The derivative of a positively homogeneous variational inequality is a complementarity problem, Submitted in June 2024 . Abstract

[P2] S. Adly, Jun Huang and Ba Khiet Le. Sliding Mode Observers for Set-valued Lur'e Systems with Uncertainties Beyond Observational Range, Submitted in February 2024 . Abstract

[P1] S. Adly, H. Attouch and J. M. Fadili. Comparative Analysis of Accelerated Gradient Algorithms for Convex Optimization: High and Super Resolution ODE Approach, Submitted in May 2023 . Abstract

Refereed Publications


[J118] S. Adly and H. Attouch. Accelerated Optimization through Time-scale Analysis of Inertial Dynamics with Asymptotic Vanishing and Hessian-driven Dampings, Accepted for publication in Optimization Journal (Taylor and Francis publisher) . Abstract

[J117] S. Adly, M. G. Cojocaru and B. K. Le . State-Dependent Sweeping Processes: Asymptotic Behavior and Algorithmic Approaches. Accepted for publication in JOTA, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications . Abstract

[J116] S. Adly, Nguyen Nang Thieu and Nguyen Dong Yen. Noncoercive Convex Sweeping Processes with Velocity Constraints, Accepted for publication in Optimization Journal (Taylor and Francis publisher) . Abstract
[J115] S. Adly and H. Attouch. Complexity analysis based on tuning the viscosity parameter of the Su-Boyd-Candès inertial gradient dynamics, Accepted for publication in Set-valued and Variational Analysis . Abstract
[J114] S. Adly, H. Attouch and Manh Hung Le. A doubly nonlinear evolution system with threshold effects associated with dry friction, Accepted for publication in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (JOTA) . Abstract


[J113] S. Adly and Ba Khiet Le. Sliding Mode Observer for Set-valued Lur'e Systems and Chattering Removing, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 50 (2023), 101406. Abstract

[J112] S. Adly, H. Attouch and Manh Hung Le. First-order inertial optimization algorithms with threshold effects associated with dry friction, Computational Optimization and Applications (COAP), Vol. 86, pp 801-843 (2023). Abstract

[J111] S. Adly, L. Bourdin, F. Caubet and A. Jacob de Cordemoy. Shape Optimization for Variational Inequalities: The Scalar Tresca Friction Problem, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 33, Iss. 4 (2023) . Abstract

[J110] S. Adly and H. Attouch. Accelerated dynamics with dry friction via time scaling and averaging of doubly nonlinear evolution equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 50 (2023), 101402. Abstract

[J109] S. Adly, Nguyen Nang Thieu and Nguyen Dong Yen. Convex and Nonconvex Sweeping Processes with Velocity Constraints: well-posedness and insights, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, Vol. 66, Number 45, (2023). Abstract

[J108] S. Adly, H. Attouch and Van Nam Vo. Convergence of inertial dynamics driven by sums of potential and nonpotential operators and with implicit Newton-like damping, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, VoL. 198, pp 290-331 (2023). Abstract
[J107] S. Adly and Manh Hung Le. Solving Inverse Pareto Eigenvalue Problems, Optimization Letters, Vol. 17, pp 829-849 (2023). Abstract
[J106] S. Adly, H. Attouch and R.T. Rockafellar. Preservation or not of the maximally monotone property by graph-convergence, Journal of Convex Analysis, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp 413-440 (2023). Abstract


[J105] S. Adly, M. Haddou and Manh Hung Le. Interior point methods for solving cone-constrained eigenvalue problems, Optimization Methods and Software, 38, no. 3, 543-569, (2023). Abstract

[J104] S. Adly, L. Bourdin and F. Caubet. The derivative of a parameterized mechanical contact problem with a Tresca's friction law involves Signorini unilateral conditions, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (ESAIM: COCV), 28, Paper No. 29, 29 pp (2022). Abstract

[J103] S. Adly, H. Attouch and Van Nam Vo. Newton-type inertial algorithms for solving monotone equations governed by sums of potential and nonpotential operators, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 85 , no. 3, Paper No. 31, 33 pp (2022). Abstract

[J102] S. Adly, L. Bourdin and G. Dhar. The application of a universal separating vector lemma to optimal sampled-data control problems with nonsmooth Mayer cost function, Mathematical Control and Related Fields, no. 4, 1318-1343 (2023). Abstract

[J101] S. Adly and Nguyen Nang Thieu. Existence of solutions for a Lipschitzian vibro-impact problem with time-dependent constraints, Journal of Fixed Point Theory Algorithms Sci. Eng. (formerly Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications), Paper No. 3, 32 pp (2022). Abstract

[J100] S. Adly, Huynh Van Ngai and Van Vu Nguyen. Dennis-Moré condition for set-valued vector fields and the superlinear convergence of Broyden updates in Riemannian manifolds, Journal of Convex Analysis 29, No. 3, (2022). Abstract

[J99] S. Adly and H. Attouch. First-order inertial algorithms involving dry friction damping, Mathematical Programming Series A, 193 (2022), no. 1, Ser. A, 405–445. Online here. Abstract


[J98] S. Adly and R.T. Rockafellar. Sensitivity analysis of maximal monotone inclusions via the proto-differentiability of the resolvent operator, Mathematical Programming no. 1-2, Ser. B, 37–54 (2021). Abstract

[J97] S. Adly, H. Attouch, and Van Nam Vo. Asymptotic behavior of Newton-like inertial dynamics involving the sum of potential and nonpotential terms, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Paper No. 17, 30 pp (2021). Abstract

[J96] S. Adly, F. Nacry, and L. Thibault. New metric properties for prox-regular sets, Mathematical Programming 189 (2021), no. 1-2, Ser. B, 7–36. Abstract

[J95] S. Adly and Ba Khiet Le. Douglas-Rachford splitting algorithm for solving state-dependent maximal monotone inclusions, Optimization Letters, 15, no. 8, 2861-2878 (2021). Abstract

[BC] S. Adly, D. Goeleven, and R. Oujja. Friction models in the framework of set-valued and convex analysis, Book Chapter, pp 1-22 (2021): Nonlinear Analysis and Global Optimization Abstract

[J94] S. Adly and H. Attouch. Finite time stabilization of continuous inertial dynamics combining dry friction with Hessian-driven damping, Journal of Convex Analysis, Vol. 28, no. 2, 281-310, (2021). Abstract
[BC] S. Adly, D. Goeleven and R. Oujja. Well-posedness of nonsmooth Lurie dynamical systems involving maximal monotone operators, In: Parasidis, I.N., Providas, E., Rassias, T.M. (eds) Mathematical Analysis in Interdisciplinary Research. Springer Optimization and Its Applications, vol 179. Springer, Cham (2021). Abstract


[J93] S. Adly, F. Nacry, and L. Thibault. Prox-regular sets and Legendre-Fenchel transform related to separation properties, Accepted for publication in Optimization. Abstract
[J92] S. Adly and H. Attouch Finite convergence of proximal-gradient inertial algorithms combining dry friction with Hessian-driven damping, SIAM Journal on Optimization (SIOPT), Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 2134-2162 (2020). Abstract
[J91] S. Adly and T. Haddad, Well-Posedness of nonconvex degenerate sweeping process via unconstrained evolution problems, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 36 (2020). Abstract
[J90] S. Adly and D. Goeleven, A nonsmooth approach for the modelling of a mechanical rotary drilling system with friction, Evolution Equations and Control Theory, no. 4, 915–934. (2020). Abstract
[J89] S. Adly and T. Haddad, On Evolution quasi-Variational Inequalities and Implicit state-dependent Sweeping Processes, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-S, 13, no. 6, 1791-1801, (2020). Abstract


[J88] S. Adly, A coderivative approach to the robust stability of composite parametric variational systems. Applications in nonsmooth mechanics, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 180, no. 1, pp. 62-90, (2019). Abstract

[J87] S. Adly, A. Hantoute and B. Tran Nguyen. Lyapunov stability of differential inclusions with Lipschitz Cusco perturbations of maximal monotone operators, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 28, no. 2, 345-368, (2020). Abstract

[J86] A. Aboussoror, S. Adly and S. Salim. An extended conjugate duality for generalized semi-infinite programming problems via a convex decomposition, Optimization, 69, no. 7-8, 1635-1654, (2020). Abstract

[J85] S. Adly and L. Bourdin. On a decomposition formula for the resolvent operator of the sum of two set-valued maps with monotonicity assumptions, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 80, no. 3, 715–732, (2019). Abstract

[J84] A. Aboussoror, S. Adly and F.E. Saissi . Optimality Conditions for Strong Semivectorial Bilevel Programming Problems via a Conjugate Duality, Journal of Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, 4, no. 2, 151–176, (2019). Abstract

[J83] S. Adly and F. Nacry. Well-posedness of discontinuous second-order nonconvex state-dependent sweeping processes, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 79 (2019), no. 2, 515-546. Abstract

[J82] S. Adly and M. Sofonea. Time-dependent Inclusions and Sweeping Processes in Contact Mechanics, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik ZAMP: 70 (2019), no. 2, Art. 39, 19 pp. Abstract

[J81] S. Adly and T. Zakaryan. Sensitivity properties of parametric nonconvex evolution inclusions with application to optimal control problems, Set-valued and Variational Analysis, 27 (2019), no. 2, pp 549-568. Abstract

[J80] S. Adly, L. Bourdin, and F. Caubet. On a decomposition formula for the proximal operator of the sum of two convex functions, Journal of Convex Analysis 26 (2019), No. 3 Abstract

[J79] S. Adly, T. Haddad, and B.K. Le. State-dependent implicit sweeping process in the framework of quasistatic evolution quasi-variational inequalities, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 182, no. 2, 473-493, (2019). Abstract

[J78] S. Adly, A. Hantoute, and Bao Tran Nguyen. Lyapunov Stability of Differential Inclusions Involving Prox-Regular Sets via Maximal Monotone Operators, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 182, no. 3, 906-934, (2019). Abstract

[J77] S. Adly, A. Hantoute, and Bao Tran Nguyen. Weak Lyapunov functions and differential inclusions involving prox-regular sets, Journal of Convex and Nonlinear Analysis, Volume 20, Number 1, (2019). Abstract


[J76] S. Adly and L. Bourdin. Sensitivity analysis of variational inequalities via twice epi-differentiability and proto-differentiability of the proximity operator, SIAM Journal on Optimization (SIOPT), 28 (2018), no. 2, 1699-1725. Abstract
[J75] S. Adly and T. Haddad. An implicit sweeping process approach to quasistatic evolution variational inequalities, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 50 (2018), no. 1, 761–778. Abstract
[J74] S. Adly and B.K. Le. On semicoercive sweeping process with velocity constraint, Optimization letters, 12 (2018), no. 4, 831-843. DOI: 10.1007/s11590-017-1149-2. Abstract
[J73] S. Adly and A. Aboussoror. New Necessary and Sufficient Optimality Conditions for Strong Bilevel Programming Problems, Journal of Global Optimization, 70 (2018), no. 2, 309–327. Abstract
[J72] S. Adly, F. Nacry, and L. Thibault. Prox-regularity approach to generalized equations and image projection, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 24, pp 677-708 (2018). DOI: cocv170112. Abstract
[J71] S. Adly and B.K. Le. Second-order State Dependent Sweeping Process with Unbounded and Nonconvex Constraints, Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, no. 2, 271-285 (2018). Abstract
[J70] S. Adly, H. V. Ngai, and N. Van Vu. Newton-type method for solving generalized equation on Riemannian manifolds, Journal of Convex Analysis, Volume 25, No. 2, pp 341-370 (2018). Abstract
[J69] S. Adly, A. Hantoute, and Bao Tran Nguyen. Invariant sets and Lyapunov pairs for differential inclusions with maximal monotone operators, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 457, Issue 2, 15 January 2018, pages 1017-1037. Abstract
[J68] A. Aboussoror, S. Adly, and F.E. Saissi. Duality and Optimality Conditions for a Class of Semivectorial Bilevel Programming Problems, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 46 (2018), no. 1, 197–214. Abstract
[J67] S. Adly and H.V. Ngai. Quasi-Newton methods for solving nonsmooth equations: Generalized Dennis-Moré theorem and Broyden's update, Journal of Convex Analysis, 25 (2018), No. 4, pp 1075-1104. Abstract
[J66] S. Adly and B.K. Le. Unbounded State-Dependent Sweeping Processes with Perturbations in Uniformly Convex and $q$-Uniformly Smooth Banach Spaces, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization (NACO AIMS), Volume 8, Number 1, pp. 81-95 (2018). DOI: 10.3934/naco.2018005. Abstract


[J65] S. Adly, A. Aboussoror, and F.E. Saissi. An Extended Fenchel-Lagrange Duality Approach and Optimality Conditions for Strong Bilevel Programming Problems, SIAM Journal On Optimization (SIOPT), no. 2, 1230–1255 (2017). Abstract
[J64] S. Adly, H.V. Ngai, and N. Van Vu. Stability of metric regularity with set-valued perturbations and application to Newton's method for solving generalized equations, Journal Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, September 2017, Volume 25, Issue 3, pp 543–567. Abstract
[J63] S. Adly and B.K. Le. Nonconvex Sweeping Processes Involving Maximal Monotone Operators, Optimization 66, no. 9, 1465–1486 (2017). Abstract
[J62] S. Adly, A. Hantoute, and B.K. Le. Maximal Monotonicity and Cyclic-Monotonicity Arising in Nonsmooth Lur'e Dynamical Systems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 448 (2017), no. 1, 691–706 Abstract
[J61] A. Aboussoror, S. Adly and F.E. Saissi. Strong-Weak Nonlinear Bilevel Problems: Existence of Solutions in a Sequential Setting, Journal Set-valued and Variational Analysis, 25 (2017), no. 1, 113–132. DOI 10.1007/s11228-016-0369-4 Abstract
[J60] A. Aboussoror and S. Adly. A duality approach and optimality conditions for simple convex bilevel programming problems, Pacific Journal of Optimization, Volume 13, Number 1, pp 123-135 (2017). Abstract
[J59] S. Adly, F. Nacry, and L. Thibault. Discontinuous Sweeping Process with Prox-Regular Sets, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, Vol. 23, No 4 pp 1293-1329 (2017): Abstract


[J58] S. Adly, F. Nacry, and L. Thibault. Preservation of prox-regularity of sets and application to constrained optimization, SIAM Journal on Optimization SIOPT, Vol. 26, No 1, pp 448-473 (2016) Abstract
[J57] S. Adly, B. Brogliato, and B.K. Le. Implicit Euler Time-Discretization of a Class of Lagrangian Systems with Set-Valued Robust Controller, Journal of Convex Analysis 23 (2016), No. 1, pp 23-52. Abstract
[J56] S. Adly and Ba Khiet Le. Unbounded Second Order State Dependent Moreau's Sweeping Processes in Hilbert Spaces, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, (2016) 169 pp 407–423. Abstract
[J55] S. Adly, H. V. Ngai, and N. Van Vu. Newton's method for solving generalized equations: Kantorovich's and Smale's approaches, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 439 (2016), no. 1, 396–418 Abstract
[J54] S. Adly, A. Hantoute, and M. Théra. Nonsmooth Lyapunov pairs for differential inclusions governed by operators with nonempty interior domain, Mathematical Programming Ser. B. 157, No 2, pp 349–374 (2016) Abstract
[J53] S. Adly, Ta T.H. Trang, and Vu N. Phat. Finite-time stabilization and $H_\infty$ Control of nonlinear time-varying delay systems via output feedback, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol. 12, Issue 1, 2016, pp 303-315. Abstract
[J52] S. Adly, T.T. Trang, and V.N. Phat. Optimal Guaranteed Cost Control of Nonlinear Time-Varying Delay Systems via Static Output Feedback, Pacific Journal of Optimization (2016), Vol. 12, N° 3, pp. 649-667 Abstract
[J51] S. Adly, A. Hantoute, and B.K. Le. Nonsmooth Lur'e Dynamical Systems in Hilbert Spaces, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis,Vol. 24, Issue 1, pp 13-35. Abstract


[J50] S. Adly, R. Cibulka, and H.V. Ngai. Newton's method for solving inclusions using set-valued approximations, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 25 (2015), no. 1, 159–184 Abstract
[J49] S. Adly and H. Rammal. A new method for solving Second-Order Cone Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 165 (2015), no. 2, 563–585 Abstract


[J48] S. Adly, A.L. Dontchev, and M. Théra. On one-sided Lipschitz stability of set-valued contractions, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 35 (2014), no. 7-9, 837–850 Abstract
[J47] S. Adly and R. Cibulka. Quantitative stability of a generalized equation. Application to non-regular electrical circuits, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications JOTA, 160 (2014), no. 1, 90–110 Abstract
[J46] S. Adly, T. Haddad, and L. Thibault. Convex Sweeping Process in the framework of Measure Differential Inclusions and Evolution Variational Inequalities, Mathematical Programming, 148 (2014), no. 1-2, Ser. B, pages: 5–47 Abstract
[J45] S. Adly and B. K. Le. Stability and invariance results for a class of non-monotone set-valued Lur’e dynamical systems, Applicable Analysis, 93 (2014), no. 5, 1087–1105. Abstract
[J44] A. Aboussoror and S. Adly Generalized Semi-Infinite Programming: Optimality Conditions Involving Reverse Convex Problems, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 35 (2014), no. 7-9, 816–836 Abstract


[J43] S. Adly, B. Brogliato, and B. K. Le. Well-posedness, Robustness and Stability Analysis of a Set-Valued Controller for Lagrangian Systems, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 51 (2013), no. 2, 1592–1614 Abstract
[J42] S. Adly and H. Rammal. A New Method for Solving Pareto Eigenvalue Complementarity Problems, Computational Optimization and Applications 55, No 3, pp 703-731 (2013). Abstract
[J41] S. Adly, R. Cibulka, and H. Massias. Variational Analysis and Generalized Equations in Electronics. Stability and Simulation Issues, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 21 (2013), no. 2, 333–358. Abstract
[J40] S. Adly and O. Chau. On some dynamic thermal non-clamped contact problems, Mathematical Programming serie B, No 1-2, pp 5-26 (2013) Abstract
[J39] S. Adly and J.V. Outrata. Qualitative Stability of a Class of Non-Monotone Variational Inclusions. Application in Electronics, Journal of Convex Analysis 20, 1 (2013) Abstract


[J38] S. Adly, D. Goeleven, and B. K. Le. Stability Analysis and Attractivity Results of a DC-DC Buck Converter, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis (2012) 20:331-353 Abstract
[J37] S. Adly, A. Hantoute, and M. Thera. Nonsmooth Lyapunov pairs for infinite-dimensional first-order differential inclusions, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 75, 3 (2012) 985-1008 Abstract
[J36] S. Adly, O. Chau, and M. Rochdi. Solvability of a class of thermal dynamical contact problems with subdifferential conditions, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization 2, 1, pp 91-104 (2012). Abstract


[J35] A. Aboussoror and S. Adly. A Fenchel-Lagrange Duality Approach for a Bilevel Programming Problem with Extremal-Value Function, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 149, 2 (2011) 254-268 Abstract
[J34] K. Addi, S. Adly, and H. Saoud. Finite-time Lyapunov stability analysis of evolution variational inequalities, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A 31, 4 (2011) 1023-1038 Abstract
[J33] S. Adly and A. Seeger. A nonsmooth algorithm for cone-constrained eigenvalue problems, Computational Optimization and Applications 49, 2 (2011) 299-318 Abstract
[J32] A. Aboussoror, S. Adly, and V. Jalby. Weak Nonlinear Bilevel Problems: Existence of Solutions via Reverse Convex and Convex Maximization Problems, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 7, 3 (2011) 559-571 Abstract


[J31] S. Adly, M. Ait-Mansour, and M. Bergounioux. Optimal control of a quasi-variational obstacle problem, Journal of Global Optimization Vol. 47, Number 3, pp 421-435 (2010) Abstract


[J30] S. Adly, D. Goeleven, and M. Théra. Periodic solutions of Evolution Variational Inequalities: a method of guiding functions, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, no. 3, pp 261-272 (2009)


[J29] K. Addi, S. Adly, D. Goeleven, and H. Saoud. A sensitivity analysis of a class of semi-coercive variational inequalities using recession tools, Journal of Global Optimization, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 7-27 (2008)


[J28] S. Adly, K. Addi, B. Brogliato, and D. Goeleven. A method using the approach of Moreau and Panagiotopoulos for the mathematical formulation of non-regular circuits in electronics, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems and Applications, N° 1, pp. 315-324 (2007).
[J27] S. Adly, D. Goeleven, and M. Théra. A continuation method for a class of periodic evolution variational inequalities, Some Topics in Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Series in Contemporary Applied Mathematics CAM 8, pp. 1-28 (2007).
[CP] A. Ahmad, S. Adly, D. Ghazanfarpour, and O. Terraz. Stability analysis of filtered mass-spring systems, Proceedings of theory and practice of computer graphics, 2007, pp. 45-52 (Bangor, England).
[J26] S. Adly, D. Goeleven, and M. Théra. Existence Results for a Class of Periodic Evolution Variational Inequalities, Chinese Annals of Mathematics - Series B, Volume 28, Number 6, pp. 629-650 (2007)


[BC] S. Adly, H. Attouch, and A. Cabot. Finite time stabilization of nonlinear oscillators subject to dry friction, Progresses in Nonsmooth Mechanics and Analysis (edited by P. Alart, O. Maisonneuve and R.T. Rockafellar), Advances in Mathematics and Mechanics, Kluwer, pp. 289-304, (2006).
[J25] S. Adly. Attractivity Theory for Second Order Nonsmooth Dynamical Systems with application to dry friction, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 322, pp. 1055-1070 (2006).
[J24] S. Adly, M. Ait-Mansour, and L. Scrimali. Sensitivity analysis of solutions to a class of quasi-variational inequalities, Bulletino Della Unione Mathematica Italiana (BUMI), pp. 767-772 (2006).
[CP] S. Adly, E. Ernst, and M. Théra. Stability in frictional unilateral elasticity revisited: an application of the theory of semi-coercive variational inequalities, Proceeding of American Institute of Physics, Vol. 835, pp. 1-11 (2006).
[CP] K. Addi, S. Adly, B. Brogliato, and D. Goeleven. The approach of Moreau and Panagiotopoulos: use it in electronics, accepté dans Proceeding of the International Conference on Nonsmooth/Nonconvex Mechanics with Applications in Engineering, pp. 471-478 (2006).
[J23] S. Adly. Stability of linear semi-coercive variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces: application to the Signorini-Fichera Problem, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, N° 3, pp. 325-334 (2006).
[J22] S. Adly, K. Addi, D. Goeleven, and M. Théra. A nonsymmetric linear complementarity problem to solve a quasistatic rolling frictional contact problem, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, N°3, pp. 315-324 (2006).
[CP] A. Ahmad, S. Adly, D. Ghazanfarpour, and O. Terraz. Stabilisation par filtrage de méthodes d'intégration explicite, Journées AFIG (Association Française d'Informatique Graphique), pp. 73-80 (2006).


[J21] S. Adly, E. Ernst, and M. Théra. Norm Closure of the Barrier cone in normed linear spaces, Proceeding of the American Mathematical Society, 132, no. 10, pp. 2911-2915 (2004)
[J20] S. Adly, E. Ernst, and M. Théra. Well-positioned closed convex sets and well-positioned closed convex functions, Journal of Global Optimization, 29 (4), pp. 337-351 (2004).
[J19] S. Adly and D. Goeleven. A stability Theory for second-order nonsmooth dynamical systems with application to friction problems, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, Vol. 83, pp. 17-51 (2004).


[J18] S. Adly, E. Ernst, and M. Théra. On the closedness of the algebraic difference of closed convex sets, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, Vol. 82, 9, pp. 1219-1249 (2003).


[J17] S. Adly, E. Ernst, and M. Théra. Stability of Noncoercive Variational Inequalities, Communication in Contemporary Mathematics, 4 No 1, pp. 145-160 (2002).
[J16] S. Adly, E. Ernst, and M. Théra. On the converse of the Dieudonné theorem in reflexive Banach spaces,
[J15] S. Adly, E. Ernst, and M. Théra. A Characterization of Convex and Semicoercive Functionals, Journal of Convex Analysis, Volume 8, No 1, pp. 127-148 (2001).
[J14] S. Adly, E. Ernst, and M. Théra. Stabilité de l'ensemble des solutions d'une inéquation variationnelle non coercive, Compte Rendu de l'Académie des Sciences (CRAS), T. 333 Série I, pp. 409-414 (2001).


[J13] S. Adly and D. Goeleven. A Discretization Theory for a Class Semi-coercive Unilateral Problems, Numerishe Mathematik, 87, pp 1-34 (2000). Abstract

[J12] S. Adly and D. Motreanu. Periodic solutions for second order differential equations involving non-convex superpotentials, Journal of Global Optimization, 17, pp 9-17 (2000). Abstract

[J11] S. Adly and D. Motreanu. Location of eigensolutions to variational-hemivariational inequalities, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex analysis, Vol. 1, No 3, pp 255-270, (2000). Abstract


[J10] S. Adly and W. Oettli. Solvability of generalized nonlinear symmetric variational inequalities, Bullettin of the Austrelian Mathematical Society, Ser. B (40), pp 289-300 (1999). Abstract


[J9] S. Adly, G. Buttazzo and M. Théra. Critical points for nonsmooth energy functions and applications, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory Methods and Applications, Vol. 32, No 6, pp. 711-718 (1998). Abstract

[J8] S. Adly, D. Goeleven and D. Motreanu. Unilateral Hamiltonian Systems: a survey on the inequality approach, Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities, 1 , no. 1, pp 11--26 (1998). Abstract


[J7] S. Adly, D. Goeleven and D. Motreanu. Periodic and homoclinic solutions for a class of unilateral problems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 3, Number 4, October (1997). Abstract


[J6] S. Adly, D. Goeleven and M. Théra. Recession mappings and noncoercive variational inequalities, Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, Theory Methods and Applications, Vol. 26, No. 9, pp 1573-1603 (1996). Abstract

[J5] S. Adly. A perturbed iterative method for a general class of variational inequalities, Serdica Mathematical Journal , Vol. 22, pp 69-82 (1996). Abstract

[J4] S. Adly. Iterative algorithms and sensivity analysis for a general class of variational inclusions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , 201, pp 609-630 (1996). Abstract


[J3] S. Adly and D. Goeleven. Periodic solutions for a class of hemivariational inequalities, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis , 2, No. 2, pp 47-58 (1995). Abstract

[J2] S. Adly and D. Goeleven. Homoclinic orbits for a class of hemivariational inequalities, Journal of Applicable Analysis , Vol. 58, pp 229-240 (1995). Abstract

[J1] S. Adly, D. Goeleven and M. Théra. Recession methods in monotone variational hemivariational inequalities, Journal of Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis , Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 397-409, (1995). Abstract