Liste de quelques publications
- Hamid Amiri Ara, M. R. Zahabi, Vahid Meghdadi, “Joint power-location optimization in AF cooperative relay systems with Nakagami-m channel,” Physical Communication, vol. 40: 101067, June 2020. Online:
- Manel Kortas, Oussama Habachiy, Ammar Bouallegue, Vahid Meghdadiy, Tahar Ezzedine and Jean-Pierre Cances, “The Energy-Aware Matrix Completion based Data Gathering Scheme for the Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Access, 5/02/2020
- M. Zayene, O. Habachi, V. Meghdadi, T. Ezzedine and J. P. Cances, "A Coalitional Game-Theoretic Framework for Cooperative Data Exchange Using Instantly Decodable Network Coding," in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 26752-26765, 2019. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2900982
- A. Li, V. Meghdadi, J. Cances and C. Aupetit-Berthelemot, "High-throughput 2 bit low-density parity-check forward error correction for C-RAN optical fronthaul based on a hard-decision algorithm," in IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 111-116, 3 2019. doi: 10.1049/iet-cds.2018.5102
- Yazbek Abdul Karim, Ndéye Bineta Sarr, Imad El-Qachchach, Jean-Pierre Cances, Vahid Meghdadi, Herve Boeglen and Rodolphe Vauzelle, "Performance of rank metric codes for interference constrained wireless sensor networks," in IET Wireless Sensor Systems, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 215-222, 10 2018.
- Salma Oudji, Stanis Courreges, JeanNoel Paillard, Vahid Meghdadi, Pierre Michel, “Radio interference challenges in a multi-protocol compact RF hardware platform for home and building automation applications”, International Journal of Communication Systems, February 2018,
- Yazbek AK, El Qachchach I, Cances J‐P, Meghdadi V. Low Rank Parity Check Codes and their application in Power Line Communications smart grid networks. Int Journal on Commun Syst. 2017;30:e3256.
- Sana Ezzine, Fatma Abdelkefi, Jean Pierre Cances, Vahid Meghdadi, and Ammar Bouallégue, “Evaluation of PLC Channel Capacity and ABER Performances for OFDM-Based Two-Hop Relaying Transmission,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2017, Article ID 4827274, 12 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/4827274
- Ahmed D. Kora, Brice A. Elono Ongbwa, Jean-Pierre Cances, Vahid Meghdadi, “Accurate Radio Coverage Assessment Methods Investigation for 3G/4G Networks”, The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, Available online 13 April 2016, ISSN 1389-1286
- S. Oudji, S. Courrèges, J.N. Paillard, P. Magneron, V. Meghdadi, C. Brauers and R. Kays, "Radiofrequency Interconnection between Smart Grid and Smart Meters Using KNX-RF and 2.4 GHz Standard Protocols for Efficient Home Automation Applications", Journal of Communications, Vol. 10, No. 10, October 2015
- N. Alaoui, V. Meghdadi, and J.P. Cances "Cooperative Beamforming for Multi-User Multi-Relay Cognitive Radio Networks Based on Second-Order Statistics of Channel State Information" International Journal of Communications, 2013, vol. 2, no 4.
- N. Alaoui, V. Meghdadi, and J.P. Cances, “Joint network-channel code optimization for wireless sensor networks” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, December 2013.
- N. Alaoui, V. Meghdadi, and J.P. Cances "Wireless sensor networks with joint network–channel code optimization" International Journal of Communication Systems, 2013.
- Amir Minayi, V. Meghdadi, J.P. Cances, "Diversity Analysis of Relay Assignment in Cooperative Networks Based on Sum-rate Criterion", Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on , vol.62, no.7, pp.3469,3474, Sept. 2013
- H. Meghdadi, V. Meghdadi, J.P. Cances, “Semi-analytic Performance of a Multiaccess MIMO Scheme Using Precoding Vectors”, Journal of Wireless Personal Communications, September 2012
- H. Meghdadi, J.P. Cances and V. Meghdadi, “Simple Precoding Algorithms using Gram-Schmidt Orthonormalization process for Multi-User Relay Communications with Optimized Power Allocation”, annals of telecommunications, July 2012, Pages 1-20
- A. Zahoor, J.P. Cances and V. Meghdadi “Delay Tolerant (delto) Distributed TAST Codes for Cooperative Wireless Networks”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Janvier 2012.
- N. Khodor, J.P. Cances ,V. Meghdadi and R. Querre, "Performances of Chaos Coded Modulation concatenated with Alamouti’s Space-Time Block Code”, Annals of Telecomunications, Avril 2011, Page(s):1 - 29.
- A. Zahoor, J.P. Cances and V. Meghdadi , "Block Layering Approach in TAST Codes”, International Journal of Communications Network and System Sciences, 2010, Volume 3, Numéro 10, Page(s):788 - 792.
- A. Zahoor, J.P. Cances and V. Meghdadi , "Efficiency Improvement of Space Time Block Codes”, International Journal of Communications Network and System Sciences, 2010, Volume 3, Numéro 6, Page(s):507 - 510.
- N. Khodor, J.P. Cances ,V. Meghdadi and R. Querre, "Performances of Chaos Coded Modulation Schemes Based on Mod-MAP Mapping and High Dimensional LDPC Based Mod-MAP Mapping with Belief Propagation,” International Journal of Communications Network and System Sciences, 2010, Volume 3,N° 6 (June), Page(s):495 - 507.
- J.P. Cances, V. Meghdadi, "Optimized low density parity check codes designs for half duplex relay channels”, IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2009 Page(s):3390 - 3395
- M.R. Zahabi, V. Meghdadi, J.P. Cances, A. Saemi, "Mixed-signal matched filter for high-rate communication systems," Signal Processing, IET , vol.2, no.4, pp.354-360, Dec. 2008
- A. Kora, A. Saemi, J.P. Cances and V. Meghdadi, "New List Sphere Decoding (LSD) and Iterative Synchronization Algorithms for MIMO-OFDM Detection With LDPC FEC," Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on , vol.57, no.6, pp.3510-3524, Nov. 2008
- A. Saemi, V. Meghdadi, J.P. Cances, M.R. Zahabi, "Iterative (turbo) expectation maximization based time and frequency synchronisation for multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing systems," Communications, IET , vol.2, no.7, pp.982-993, August 2008
- A. Saemi, V. Meghdadi, J.P. Cances, M.R. Zahabi, "Joint ML time-frequency synchronization and channel estimation algorithm for MIMO-OFDM systems," Circuits, Devices & Systems, IET , vol.2, no.1, pp.103-111, February 2008
- S. Salari, M. Ahmadian, M. Ardebilipour, V. Meghdadi and J.P. Cances, "EM-based turbo receiver design for low-density parity-check-coded MIMO-OFDM systems with carrier-frequency offset," Communications, IET , vol.2, no.1, pp.107-112, January 2008
- A. Saemi, J.P. Cances, and V. Meghdadi, "Synchronization algorithms for MIMO OFDMA systems," Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on , vol.6, no.12, pp.4441-4451, December 2007
- G. Ferré, J.P. Cances, and V. Meghdadi, "STBC Based STTC codes Optimized Designs for Three Transmit Antenna Systems", Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume 3, No 3, July 2007
- G. Ferré, J.P. Cances, V. Meghdadi and J. M. Dumas, "STBC based (Turbo) STTC Codes built by Set Partitioning for Three Transmit Antennas: Construction and Performances", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 6. Issue 3, March 2007, pp 827-832
- A. Kora, J.P. Cances, and V. Meghdadi, "Blind MIMO OFDM channel estimation based on receiver diversity", Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume 3, No. 1, January 2007
- S. Jamallulil, J. P. Cances and V. Meghdadi, "Space-Time-Block-Coded Transmissions for Downlink MC-CDMA Transmissions Over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels", in the Journal of Wireless Personal Communications, Springer Science, Volume 39, Number 1 / October 2006, pp63-79
- R. Zahabi, V. Meghdadi and J.P. Cances, "Analog Decoding of Tail-Biting Convolutional Codes Based on Tanner Graph”, Electronic Letters, Volume 42, Issue 20, September 2006 pp. 1167 - 1168
- G.R. Mohammad-khani, G. Ferre, J.P. Cances, V. Meghdadi and J.M. Dumas, “Derivation of accurate upperbounds for STBC maximum likehood decoding”, IEE Proc. Circuits, Devices & Systems, Vol. 153, Issue 4, August 2006, pp.307-314
- J. P. Cances, G. R. Mohammadkhani and V. Meghdadi, "Turbo Interference Mitigation in Layered Space-Time MIMO DS-CDMA Uplink with TTCM(Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation)", in the International Journal of Wireless Personal Communications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Volume 37, Numbers 1-2, April 2006
- J.P. Cances, V. Meghdadi "Variable LDPC coding rate performances for multicarrier systems using HD decoding ", IEE Proceedings Communications, vol. 153, Issue 1, pp. 69-73, February 2006.
- G. Ferre, J.P. Cances, V. Meghdadi and J.M. Dumas, “Building space-time trellis codes by set-partitioning: (Turbo) super orthogonal space time treillis codes”, The Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol.1, No1, October 2005, pp. 35-42.
- J.P. Cances and V. Meghdadi, "Turbo Soft Interference Cancellation for Coded CDMA", Turbo Codes: Error-correcting codes of widening application, Hermès Penton Sciences, édité par M. Jézéquel et R. Pyndiah., ISBN : 1903996260, 2005.
- M. J. Syed, J.P. Cances, V. Meghdadi and J.M.Dumas, "LDPC-Based Space-Time Coded OFDM Systems with Channel Estimation", IEE Proceedings - Communications -- December 2004 -- Volume 151, Issue 6, p. 567-573.
- G.R.M Khani, G. Ferre, J.P. Cances and V. Meghdadi, "Maximum likelihood decoding rules for STBC: Generalized framework for detection and derivation of accurate upperbounds", Annals of telecommunications, Vol. 59, n°9-10, sept.-oct. 2004
- J.P. Cances and V. Meghdadi, "Blind adaptive receiver for coded multicarrier DS-CDMA systems in multipath fading channels", IEE proceedings. Communications, 2002, vol. 149 , no 3 , pp. 171 - 178
- J.P. Cances, E. Jadas-Hecart and V. Meghdadi, "Turbo Equalization applied to Multiuser Detection in a Convolutionally Coded Asynchronous DS-CDMA System", European Transactions on Télécommunications, pages 479-486, Novembre-Décembre 2001.
- J.P. Cances, G. R. Mohammad-Khani and V. Meghdadi, "Turbo Soft Interference Cancellation for Coded CDMA", Annals of Télécommunications, tome 56, n° 7-8, pages 422-433, Juillet-Août 2001.
- J.P. Cances and V. Meghdadi, "Joint Channel Estimation and Data Demodulation Algorithms for Fast Time Varying Band Limited Frequency Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels : a Comparison Study", Annals of Télécommunications, tome 55, n° 5-6, pages 226-237, Mai-Juin 2000.
- V. Meghdadi, J.P. Cances, F. Chevallier, B. Rojat, J.M. Dumas, "Modeling of Solid State Power Amplifiers (SSPA) and Validation by Means of a System Simulator", Annales de Télécommunications, 53, No. 1-2, 1998, pp. 4-14