Introduction to 3D printing
Toolpath generation
GPU programming applied to 3D printing
GCode generation
Practical work (using FDM/FFF printers)
(also a remote course for University of West Attica, Athens)
Ray tracing
Acceleration structures (octrees, BVH)
Understanding lighting and shading
Shading models, BRDF
Microfacet model
Introduction to path tracing
(also a remote course for University of West Attica, Athens)
Convolutional neural networks
Adversarial networks
Practical work - image classification, image segmentation
Discrete morphology
Convolution-based filters
Image thresholding
Segmentation basics - region-growing, watershed, split-merge, naïve Bayes
Probabilistic graphical models
Line and polygon rasterization
Basics of lighting and shading
Bezier curves and surfaces
Common metrics
Regionalization, internationalization - character sets, character set encodings
Interoperability between programming languages (practical work: SQL/Java/Python/C++ interop)
Object Request Brokers
Advanced, type-safe database programming (JPA, Stream API, LINQ)
Application design patterns (Document-View, MVC and the likes)
Structured Query Language
Types, variables, operators
Control flow
Ecole des Mines de Nancy
2nd year - Software design and engineering
Lecture/Tutorial (TD)
Game design and programming
End-to-end design and implementation of a video game
Design team from ENSA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Nancy)
IUT Saint-Dié-les-Vosges
DUT 2nd year
Lecture/Tutorial (TD)
Raytracing basics
Beer’s law
Mesh decimation basics
Improving mesh decimation
Ecole des Mines de Nancy
4th year - Software design and engineering
Lecture/Tutorial (TD)
Solid modeling for 3D printing
End-to-end design and implementation of a tool to ease script-based modeling for the IceSL software
Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III
Master 1st Year SMI - Image Synthesis
Lecture/Tutorial (Cours/TD)
Introduction to geometric modeling
Simple geometric primitives
CSG trees
Differential geometry basics
Cubic Hermite curves
Bézier and BSpline curves
Point interpolation using BSpline curves
Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III
Licence 2nd Year INFO - Computer Science
Practical work (TP)
Introduction to Blender
Creation of a basic 3D viewer with GLUT, introduction to OpenGL
Shading and lighting, basic animation
Moving and orientating the camera
Loading up a mesh from a file, into the scene, and rendering it
Master 1st Year OIM - Tools For Multimedia Applications
Practical work (TP)
GStreamer shell and C programming
Implementing a basic 3D raytracer
Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III
Licence 1st Year SFA - Applied Fundamental Science
Practical Work (TP)
History of computer science
Turing Machine, introduction and programming
ENIGMA Machine
Analysis of the design of computers
Unmounting a PC, identifying and understanding the different motherboard components
Operating Systems
Shell commands
Bash scripts
Introduction to networking
Introduction to telnet, ssh, mail, traceroute, http, ping
Writing a small web page in HTML